Teacher Learning Plan 6
Teacher Learning Plan 6
Internet Navigation Skills Part 2
Lesson Objectives
- Students use necessary English vocabulary to describe browser and Internet operations.
- Students review typing URL addresses correctly to access specific web pages.
- Students review basic navigational features of the browser program to explore web sites.
- Students open and use two or three browser windows at the same time.
- Students copy and paste text from the Internet to Microsoft Word
Linked CASAS Ability
- Effectively utilize common workplace technology and systems 4.5
- Understand concepts and materials related to job performance and training 4.4
Required Material
Computer lab, student portfolios, floppy disks, white board, overhead projector, transparencies for record keeping.
Student class participation and a printed reading exercise.
Class work, learning objectives and quiz result is recorded in each student’s portfolio.
Lesson Objectives:
Task checklist
/Notes to instructor
Review___ Review main points from previous lesson.
- Opening Internet Explorer
- Moving forward and backward in the browser program
- Using Hyperlinks
(10 min) / Before class begins:
Organize your white board into 3 sections.
Sec. 1 Show the key points of the previous lesson
Sec. 2 Give the vocabulary for today’s lesson
Sec. 3 Write a few examples of web page addresses like:
___ Review basic vocabulary used to describe Internet navigation and browser features for this lesson.
Suggestion: keep vocabulary on the board for student’s reference throughout the class.
(10 min) / Vocabulary words: connect, access, browser, Explorer, Netscape, toolbar, menus, scroll, address window, URL, colon, forward slash, dot, back button, forward button, reload, web page, home page, hyperlink, on-line, maximize, minimize.
Review Internet and URL syntax
___ Briefly review what a URL is and show examples of Internet addresses.
(5 min)
Task checklist
/Notes to instructor
Review Browser Navigation___ Review the navigation tool bar on Internet Explorer. Introduce the home, stop and reload buttons.
(10 min) / * go online to to demonstrate these features
Opening multiple browser windows
___ Demonstrate how to open more than one browser window and how to size, minimize and maximize them.
___ Students open Internet Explorer and follow the teacher practicing the items below:
- Type in and minimize it
- Open another Internet Explorer program and type in and minimize it.
- Open Microsoft Word and minimize it.
- Maximize the page and reload it.
- Click on the link in the menu that says, “About UNICEF”
- Click on the Home button on the toolbar.
- Close this browser window.
Next page
Task checklist
/Notes to instructor
Copy and paste text to Microsoft Word___ Demonstrate how to copy a reading passage and quiz and paste it to Word by following the procedure in the Notes on the right.
___ Students follow the teacher’s example and copy the reading text and quiz questions to Microsoft word.
___ Students put their name at the top of the Word document and save it to their floppy disk as “reading 1”.
___ Students print the document and then close it.
(25min) / Follow this demonstration procedure:
- Maximize the browser window with and click on the fable in the menu that says’ “The Donkey and the Grasshopper ”
- Click on the link that says “Multiple Choice Comprehension Exercises”
- Highlight and copy the reading text and questions and paste them into Word.
- Put your name at the top and save the file as “reading 1”.
- Print the document and then close it.
Reading Quiz
___ Students read and answer the questions on the reading quiz they printed.)
___ Correct the quiz in class together.
Next Page
Task checklist
/Notes to instructor
Closing Programs____ Students close all programs, shut down windows and turn off computers.
Record keeping
____ Students complete Student Learning Plan 6 and fill out the Learning Objectives Record.
____ Students record the reading quiz result and date in the Class Assignment and Tests Record Sheet.
____ Students finish filling out the bottom part of Student Learning Plan 6
(15min) / This is the time for them to give you feedback on the lesson.
Review with them how to fill out the Learning Objectives Record and the Class Assignment and Tests Record Sheet.
The following skills were taught or reviewed in this lesson:
Internet Navigation – browser vocabulary, starting and closing a browser program, basic navigation skills, types a URL address correctly, printing a web page, work with multiple web pages, uses hyperlinks, copy and paste from web page to Word.
Computer Operations – printer usage, floppy disk use.
Reading Skills – Understanding facts and main ideas.
On the Achievement Record, always put an x in the “beginner” column the first time a student learns a skill even if he or she does it very well. Improvement will be recorded according to performance on subsequent tests or lessons.
-- End of Learning Plan 6 --