Title II-A Subpart 3


The purpose of monitoring is to ensure adherence to the requirements of the grant, provide technical assistance as necessary, and support the project’s focus on improving teaching and learning in Wyoming schools.

Use this tool to report twice each year on project progress. Evidence regarding progress must be provided. This monitoring tool is due on the 15th of March and the 15th of September (unless you are submitting an APR in October).

Project Title:

End date of Project:

Report Date:

Evaluation Progress (APR Section VII)

What is the planned evaluation design for your project? Are there any adjustments that need to be made to ensure that the project is able to collect data and complete the study using the planned evaluation design?

List the districts that are participating in your cohort.

District / Number of Teachers / High Needs?

If your cohort has lost participants, what plans are in place to address the attrition to ensure valid sample sizes?

Activities to date – use one page for each activity

Type of Activity and dates: (Summer Institute, Follow-up Instruction, Classroom Instruction, etc.):

Total Number of Participants:

Number of Principals:

Highly Qualified Paraprofessionals:


Activity Objectives:

Activity Outcomes:

Which partners are participating in the activity?

List the project goals that are being met by this activity.

Provide an update of the progress of collection of Teacher Content Knowledge (TCK) data. Was a pretest given? If so, please attach. Was a posttest given? If so, please attach. Include a data summary. If pre/post assessments were not given, what is being used to measure an increase in TCK?

Provide an update on the progress of collection of student achievement data. What tools are being used and give the timeframes for data collection. What adjustments are being made to the professional development program based upon this data?

Are measures in place to ensure protection of human subjects and to make sure that FERPA laws are followed?

What steps have you taken to engage private schools in your attendance area in meaningful consultation, ensuring that teachers of all students (public or private) are able to benefit from the provision of federal funding?

List additional activities that are being planned for the next 6 months.

Activity / Dates / Location

Are detailed agendas being submitted to the TLQ coordinator at least 2 weeks prior to the professional development sessions? If not, what adjustments are being made to ensure accurate and timely communication with the TLQ coordinator?

Reflect on the project’s implementation. What adjustments might need to be made to strengthen the project?

Does your project have a leadership component? If so, what are the indicators of the project’s progress toward developing and supporting leadership and the impact of this component on the project?

Financial Progress

Original allocation:

Amount of funds expended:

Amount of funds still left to be expended:

At this point, is the project on track in terms of spending?

Has the project spent the amount of money that was projected to be spent by this time? If not, what are the plans to adjust the program an/or budget in terms of programmatic changes and amendments?

At this point, is there an amount projected to be returned to WDE at the end of the budget cycle? If so, how much is projected to be returned and what are the reasons for this under expenditure?

What steps are being implemented to build sustainability of the project if funding is not available next year?

List those involved in filling out this update:

Name / Email / Phone

Wyoming Department of Education

Teacher/Leader Quality Projects

Monitoring Protocol