TEACHER Grischow . Woodland Hills School District DATE SUBMITTED ______RECEIVED______
180 DAY PLAN DAY NUMBER/DATE / DAY / DATE / DAY / DATE / DAY / DATE / DAY / DATE / DAY / DATE11/26 / 61 / 11/27 Lab Day B / 62 / 11/28 Day A / 63 / 11/29 Lab Day B / 64 / 11/30 Day A
TOPIC / No School – Thanksgiving Break / DNA Replication / DNA Replication / Chapter 9 Test/ From Genes to Proteins / From Genes to Proteins
At the end of the lesson each
student should be able to: / Summarize the process of DNA replication; describe how errors are corrected in replication; compare the number of replication forks in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. / Summarize the process of DNA replication; describe how errors are corrected in replication; compare the number of replication forks in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; review major concepts about DNA. / Demonstrate understanding of the scientists’ contributions to the discovery of DNA, the structure of DNA and how DNA replicates. / Compare the structure
of RNA with that of DNA;
summarize the process of
transcription; outline the major steps of translation; discuss the evolutionary significance of the genetic code.
To reach the objectives / 1.Give affix quiz
2. Use DNA colorforms to illustrate the process of replication.
3. Read over pages 198-200 and complete the Directed Reading 9-3/ Section Review questions on page 200.
4. Study guide / 1. Use DNA colorforms to review the process of replication.
2. Review Study guide / 1.Chapter 9 Test - DNA
2. Chapter 10 Vocabulary
3. PPt Presentation: From Genes to Proteins / 1. Powerpoint presentation if needed
2. RNA codon chart
3. Colorforms
4. Skill WS
(Describe relevance to objectives) / Textbook, notebook, and pencil. / Textbook, notebook, study guide, and pencil. / Textbook, notebook, test, answer sheet and pencil. / Textbook, notebook, PPt note packet, colorforms, skill ws and pencil.
During this class students
will be expected to: / 1. Complete the affix quiz to the best of your ability.
2. Participate in discussion of the process of replication.
3. Read over pages 198-200 and complete the Directed Reading.
4. Complete the Section Review questions on page 200, #1-5.
5. Complete the study guide. / 1. Participate in review of the study guide. / 1. Complete the Chapter 9 Test to the best of your ability.
2. Read Chapter 10–1 From Genes to Proteins,
p. 208-214.
3. Define the vocabulary terms in all of Chapter 10.
4. Participate in discussion and fill in PPt note packet. / 1. Learn how to read an RNA codon chart.
2. Participate in discussion of transcription & translation using colorforms.
3. Participate in discussion of the use of the RNA codon chart.
4. Complete the skill WS.
(Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.) / Study guide
(Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.) / Test
(Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.) / Worksheets
(Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.)
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT / Finish DR 9-3/Section Review questions. Study for test Thursday. / Study for test tomorrow. / Complete Ch 10 Vocabulary for tomorrow. / Review notes and practice using RNA codon chart. Complete the Skill WS for Monday.
ADDITIONAL NOTES / Standard 3.3.10 A 2, B 2-4 / Standard 3.3.10 A 2, B 1-3, C 5. / Standard 3.3.10 A 2, B 2-4 / Standard 3.3.10 A 2, B 1-3, C 5.
CLASS/SUBJECT Biology Pd 4 Lab 3B . SECONDARY (7-12) FOR WEEK OF 11/26/12.
TEACHER Grischow/ Matcuk . Woodland Hills School District DATE SUBMITTED ______RECEIVED______
180 DAY PLAN DAY NUMBER/DATE / DAY / DATE / DAY / DATE / DAY / DATE / DAY / DATE / DAY / DATE11/26 / 61 / 11/27 Day B / 62 / 11/28 Lab Day A / 63 / 11/29 Day B / 64 / 11/30 Lab Day A
TOPIC / No School – Thanksgiving Break / DNA Replication / From Genes to Proteins / DNA Replication / Chapter 9 Test
At the end of the lesson each
student should be able to: / Summarize the process of DNA replication; describe how errors are corrected in replication; compare the number of replication forks in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; review major concepts about DNA. / Compare the structure
of RNA with that of DNA;
summarize the process of
transcription; outline the major steps of translation; discuss the evolutionary significance of the genetic code. / Summarize the process of DNA replication; describe how errors are corrected in replication; compare the number of replication forks in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; review major concepts about DNA. / Demonstrate understanding of the scientists’ contributions to the discovery of DNA, the structure of DNA and how DNA replicates.
To reach the objectives / 1.Affix quiz.
2.Use DNA colorforms to review the process of replication.
3. Study guide / 1. Powerpoint presentation if needed
2. RNA codon chart
3. Colorforms
4. Skill WS / 1. Use DNA colorforms to review the process of replication.
2. Go over study guide. / 1. Chapter 9 Test - DNA
2. Chapter 10 Vocabulary
(Describe relevance to objectives) / Textbook, notebook, study guide, and pencil. / Textbook, notebook, PPt note packet, colorforms, skill ws and pencil. / Textbook, notebook, study guide, and pencil. / Textbook, notebook, test, answer sheet and pencil.
During this class students
will be expected to: / 1. Complete the affix quiz to the best of your ability.
2. Complete the study guide. / 1. Learn how to read an RNA codon chart.
2. Participate in discussion of transcription & translation using colorforms.
3. Participate in discussion of the use of the RNA codon chart.
4. Complete the skill WS. / 1. Complete the study guide.
2. Make additions and corrections as needed to study guide. / 1. Complete the Chapter 9 Test to the best of your ability.
2. Read Chapter 10–1 From Genes to Proteins,
p. 208-214.
3. Define the vocabulary terms in all of Chapter 10.
(Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.) / Worksheets
(Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.) / Study guide
(Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.) / Test
(Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.)
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT / Complete worksheets if not finished in class. Complete the study guide for Thursday. Test Friday. / Review notes and practice using RNA codon chart. Complete the Skill WS for tomorrow. Study for test… / Complete worksheets if not finished in class. Study for test tormorrow / Complete Ch 10 Vocabulary for Monday.
ADDITIONAL NOTES / Standard 3.3.10 A 2, B 1-3, C 5. / Standard 3.3.10 A 2, B 1-3, C 5. / Standard 3.3.10 A 2, B 1-3, C 5. / Standard 3.3.10 A 2, B 2-4
CLASS/SUBJECT Biology Pd 2 Lab 3A; Pd8 Lab 7A SECONDARY (7-12) FOR WEEK OF 11/26/12