Monday, April 25, 2016

MENU: Philly Chicken Sandwich, Grilled Ham/Cheese Sandwich, French Fries, Celery Sticks w/dip, Fruit Juice, Fresh Banana

Teacher Grams…..Get your Teacher Grams!!!

This is your chance to give a tired teacher, administrator, or other faculty member a real boost by writing a teacher gram to say thanks or to compliment them for something they did that was helpful to you over the school year. You all can’t imagine how much your teachers love and appreciate these notes. They are precious gifts.

Most of your teachers have the blank teacher grams in their classrooms or you can pick them up in E 116 (Mrs. Ottis’ room). There are envelopes hanging in the halls throughout the school to put the finished ones in, or you can deliver them to Mrs. Ottis’ room. Best of all, they’re free!

Clinton Arrow Boys and Girls Cross Country

We will be hosting tryouts for the Arrow boys will be May 9 and Lady Arrow cross-country team will be May 10. The tryouts will be at Clinton High School by the baseball field at 4:30 pm. You must come to the tryout or contact your respective coach in advance. Also a packet of forms will need to be signed and returned the day of tryouts. High school students can pick up forms from Coach Marett or Coach Solis

The boys’ tryouts will be a two-mile run in which upcoming 9th -12th graders must run 20:00 minutes or faster. All upcoming 7th and 8th graders must run 22:00 or faster.

The girls’ tryouts will be 1.5 miles. No time is required to make the team, but in order to compete in a meet the girls will need to be able to complete the distances at a time to be determined later.

You must have a completed, up-to-date physical to participate. Free physicals will be offered May 7 at the fairgrounds in Jackson. The bus will leave from the visitors’ parking lot that morning. Time to be determined later.


1.Tryouts for the 2016-2017 CHS Lady Arrow Soccer team will be Tuesday April 26th and Wednesday April 27th at 5:30pm at CJHS. The tryouts are open to current 7th - 12th grade students. Students must bring a completed and signed parental consent form as well as proof of a current physical (within the past 12 months). Students trying out should wear shin guards / cleats and bring water. Please contact Coach Bobo at with questions.

2.Are you interested in broadcasting and live streaming the CHS football games? Mr. Chapman is looking to put together a crew to live stream the game. This crew will man the cameras as well as produce Feature Videos for CHS sports. If you are interested, see Mr. Chapman in W-107 for a registration form. Forms are due back to him by May 11.

3.Signup on the Lecture Hall door/ Mrs. Sparkman's classroom for those who plan to audition for the Fall Musical, "Once Upon a Mattress."

4.Makeup up auditions for Clinton High School's 2016-2017 Theatre Competition Class, ArrowPlayers, will be held Tuesday, April 26th from 4:30-6:30. Please see Ms. Hankins in W114 for more details.

5.The CHS Art Club is sponsoring a Student Art Show and entries are now being accepted. All students are invited to participate. Bring us your best drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography or mixed media pieces! You have until May 6th to submit work for the show on May 16th. There will be prizes for the winners of each category. If you are interested, pick up an entry form outside room E102. See either Mrs. Collins or Mr. DiFatta if you have any questions.

6.Clinton High Volleyball Tryouts will be held April 25 & 26 at CHS Gym from 4:30-7:00. All upcoming 9-12 grade girls interested in being a player need to pick up a tryout and consent form from the front office. You must have an up to date physical to be able to try out. If you are interested in being a manager for the team please pick up the manger and consent forms in the front office. If you have any questions please contact Coach Melissa Denson at


Are you interested in being a Holmes Ambassador for Holmes Community College? Holmes Ambassadors are student recruiters who serve as representatives of HCC in the recruitment of future students and the in the promotion of other services and activities of the college. Come pick up a application if you are interested. These are paid positions as well as earning a service credit.

Hinds Community College Art Department is offering partial and full tuition scholarships to freshman art majors. Please see Mrs. Collins or Mr. DiFatta to pick up an application or get more information.

Are you interested in improving your reading speed, comprehension, and study skills? Come pick up a flyer for a summer program. This can help with ACT, SAT, and college.

If you are interested in attending Tougaloo's summer SLAM program stop by the counseling office for more information.