Teacher: Kendi Hcks Date: Oct. 10-14, 2016-2017 Subject: Science/Social Studies Block:

Alabama COS: standards
Social Studies- Standard #2. Relate reasons for Europeans exploration and settlement in Alabama to impact of European explorers on trade, health, and land expansion in Alabama.
Science- Energy
Standard 2- Plan and carry out investigations that explain transference of energy from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents.


KWL / Word Splash / Anticipation Guide / Lecture / Graphic Organizer/VLT / Poem, Rhymes, etc.
Survey / Possible Sentence / Think-Pair-Share / Reading / Pictograph / Acronyms/Word
First Word / Concept Map / Vocabulary Overview / Model / Diagram / Writing
Other: ______
Word Map / Frayer Model / Daily Language Practice (DLP)______/ Hands-on / Mind Map/Visual Guide
Engagement Strategies:
- Collaborative Group Work - Writing to Learn - Literacy Groups TWIRL
- Questioning Techniques - Scaffolding Text -Classroom Talk Other:______
Technology Integration: Smart board Document Camera IPADS Mac Books Computers Kindles Interactive Tablets Digital/ Video Camera Clickers ACCESS Computer Program:______Other Overhead Projector
This Week’s Vocabulary:
Social Studies- immunity, ancestor, journal, conquistador, governor, interpreter, entrada, slave, permanent
Science- thermal energy, energy, speed, light, sunlight, sound energy, sun’s energy, light energy, transform


Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Essential Question /


How do you recognize that heat is the transfer of thermal energy? /


How do you recognize that heat is the transfer of thermal energy? /

Social Studies

Why did the Europeans come to Alabama? / Social Studies
Why did the Europeans come to Alabama?
Objective(s) / I can recognize that heat is the transfer of thermal energy? / I can recognize that heat is the transfer of thermal energy? / I can explain why Europeans came to Alabama. / I can explain why Europeans came to Alabama.
(Before) / Think- Share- Pair-Essential Question
Review Vocabulary
Engage-Tap Prior Knowledge
Watch a video clip on thermal energy.
Graphic Organizer on The thermal energy.
Preview the Lesson
p. 20-21 Students will re-read the lesson to find out what thermal energy is.
Review Questions: p. 21T.E. / Engage –Tap Prior Knowledge/
Review notes form thermal energy.
Review Vocabulary / Think- Share- Pair-Essential Question
Introduce Vocabulary
Clips or video of Europeans coming to Alabama. / Think- Share- Pair-Essential Question
Review Vocabulary
Review clip or video of Europeans coming to Alabama.
Include small group plans / Explore/Explain- Guide students through the investigation “Transfer of Energy to Butter”. Read pages 22-23 together.
Students make table for recording their predictions and observations in science journals. / Explore-
Students will discuss the outcomes of their investigation about how heat can be transfer through butter. / Build Background- Look at images on p. 76-81 about
Spanish Explore Alabama.
Read discuss and p. 76-81 / Build Background- Look at images about culture p. 82-87
Read discuss and p. 82-87 Quiz assessment
(After) / Discuss in journal predictions of the investigation. / Elaborate/Evaluate- Journal Writing- Wrap It Up! Questions p. 23 / Evaluate-Review Essential Question
Complete Study guide Section 1 / Evaluate-Review Essential Question
Complete Study guide Section 1
Homework / Study Notes / Study Notes / Study Notes / Study Guide
Assessment (formal or informal): class work notebook homework quizzes tests computer activities collaborative work project based Other:___

Summarizing: 3-2-1 Ticket out the Door The Important Thing Cue Cards Teacher Questions Student Summary Other:______