Welcome to Ms. Lolo’s Freshmen English class! In order to obtain the most conducive learning environment, the below classroom and grading policies will be followed. For you to be successful in this class, itis important that you and your parents read and understand these policies. The easiest way to contact me is via email; however, do not hesitate to call if you have a question.
Course Name: English 9
Teacher Contact information: Shayla Lolo, room C117,
Textbook Used: McDougal Littell Literature
Course Objectives/Competencies:
The Common Core State Standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. Students will be intellectually challenged; they will read Romeo and Juliet, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Odyssey and, Night, as well as countless short stories, poems and non-fiction essays. We will develop skills such as literary analysis, language and grammar, synthesis and research, argumentative writing, test preparation skills (AzMerit, SAT, ACT and AP exams) and some creative writing.
Turn it in.com and Remind
We will be using turnitin.com throughout the school year. Submitting assignments to Turnitin is not optional.
Please register for this course by:
1. Go to
2. If you already have an account, log in.
a. If you are new to turnitin.com, create an account. Follow the directions on the site.
3. Click “Join a Class.”
4. Enter the class ID: ______
5. Enter the class password: ______
Ms. Lolo does utilize the Remind App which lets teachers safely and securely send text update from the app. These updates will range from a modified school schedule to homework reminders. The use of this app is at the discretion of Ms. Lolo. She will not check the app between the hours of 10pm to 6am. Normally the apps messaging feature will be turned off, but if you do need Ms. Lolo urgently email her. Here are the codes to gain entry into the classroom, please text class number (81010) and the class code for the correct class. Parents are more than welcome to join also.
2nd Hour- text @76ekah to 81010 to gain entry
5th Hour- text @f624b to 81010 to gain entry
Materials: The following items are required for this class:
- Loose Leaf College Rule Paper
- Blue/Black Pens /#2 Pencils
- Small and medium sized sticky notes/flags
- A pack of different colored highlighters
- A folder/section of a binder for this course only.
- A Google account (drive, Gmail, and docs). If you are unable to create a Google account please let Ms. Lolo know immediately as many documents will be shared and graded through this online medium.
Conduct: Behavior of becoming a mature, young adult is expected.
Be Appropriate – You are old enough to know what behavior and language is appropriate. You will be expected to keep hands and feet to yourself and refrain from all foul language, racial slurs and backtalk. In other words, my classroom is rated G.
Be Attentive – You are responsible for attaining information given. You are also expected to be present and engaged from the beginning of class. Offer ideas, participate in discussions and group activities, and complete your own work.
Be Prepared– Be ready to work when the bell rings. Come to class with all necessary materials for success. Take responsibility for your own learning.
You will be IN YOUR SEAT when the TARDY bell rings.
Be Positive – Enjoy this class, the people in the room, and the opportunity to learn. If you don’t like something, or disagree with someone, find a way to express it in a respectful manner or keep your thoughts to yourself. Put forth your best effort for every task. Give an attempt, not an excuse.
You will sleep on your own time
Behavior Plan: If your behavior is unbecoming of a mature young adult, the following will happen:
- verbal warning/conference with teacher
- notification to parent/guardian
- written referral/administrative actionconference with parent/guardian
Plagiarism – Plagiarism is a serious offense that will be treated as such. Any work turned in that is not your own, even if only parts of it are not your own, regardless of where you received the information, will receive a zero. Repeated offenses will be referred for administrative discipline. It is up to all of us to maintain the integrity of the classroom
***Severe infractions result in immediate administrative action.
Restroom Passes: Out of courtesy, please do not ask to leave while I am addressing the group as a whole. You will not be allowed to use the restroom in the first or last 10 minutes of class – use the passing periods.You will be given only two restroom passes per semester and will need to present them to me, if you do not use them they may be turned in for extra credit.
Hats: Please no hats, hoods, or sunglasses on during class time.
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices: Ms. Lolo’s device (phones, laptops, ect.) policy does follow the Perry guidelines. But she does like to use technology in the classroom from time-to-time. Device use in class is up to the decision of Ms. Lolo and cellphones shall not be out in class unless permission have been granted by the teacher. If a cellphone is used outside of the appropriate time, Ms. Lolo will give 1 verbal warning and a Device Misuse Slip to be filled out this will act as documentation for both the student and the teacher of the offense(s).
The consequences of these misuses are as follows:
1st offense: Device Misuse form is given
2nd offense: The device will be kept until the end of the class period
3rd offense: The device will be kept until the end of the school day
4th offense: Device is taken to the office (a parent email will be sent out)
This class is weighted on an 80-20 scale. Meaning that all all work besides the final exam is 80% of the grade and the final is worth 20%.
Grading ScaleGrading Criteria
100-90AClass Participation 25%
89-80BAgenda 20%
79-70 CHomework 15%
69-60DQuizzes 15%
59 & belowFProjects/Exams 25%
Extra Credit:
Extra credit is given at the end of the semester; only students who have successfully completed ALL assignments may take advantage of extra-creditopportunities, as it is offered as enrichment beyond what is already expected.
Make-up Work:
You are allotted the number of days that you missed, plus one, to make up your work. It is your responsibility to complete the work on your own time. Check the absent folders when you return for missed work. Make-up work will only be accepted for excused absences.
Late Work:
Late work is not accepted in this class. However, students are given a late pass to use each quarter to turn in missing work. It must be turned in no later than one week after the assignment is due in order to be accepted for full-credit potential. Once the late pass are used up, the student cannot turn in late work. “Reality checks”CANNOT be used on long-term projects, tests/quizzes, or other assignments specified by the teacher in class.
Ms. Lolo’s Website
For the benefit of all my students, I utilize the district provided website space throughout the year to post: acourse calendar, the classroom notes when applicable, links to useful resources, and copies of assignments and project guidelines. These are all wonderful, real-world tools. Lack of internet access will not be considered an excuse for not completing an assignment. The students have access to computers before school, during their lunch, and after-school, so there are plenty of opportunities to complete on-line assignments while on campus. All classroom and district rules and regulations apply in the virtual classroom environment.
Student-Parent Information and Syllabus Agreement Form
Student Name: ______
Mother’s Name: ______
Mother’s e-mail: ______
Mother’s Phone#: ______
Father’s Name: ______
Father’s e-mail: ______
Father’s phone#: ______
Is there anything specific that you need me to know about your child?
I will communicate about all grade issues and any minor behavior issues promptly via e-mail. If you prefer a different form of contact, please indicate above. Phone contact will be done during my lunch hour or after school, and there may be some “phone tag” lapse time in communication.
We will be watching selections (not the entire films) from the following list this year in order to supplement the student’s understanding of the assigned reading as well as utilize other forms of “text” in synthesis and analysis. Please indicate by signing below that you agree or disagree to your student’s viewing of the following: (If you disagree, an alternative assignment will be given). The PG-13 rating is mainly for violence and only appropriate clips will be selected for educational activities.
Selections fromRomeo and Juliet (1996)– Rated PG-13
Selections fromThe Odyssey (1997) – Rated PG-13
Selections fromTo Kill a Mockingbird (1962) – Not Rated
Selection from Labryinth (1968) – PG
Selections from Edward Scissorhands—Rated PG-13
Selections from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
I have read the syllabus, and I understand Ms. Lolo’s policies. I do not have any questions or concerns at this time.
Parent Signature Student Signature