Teacher: Abbott Subject: Language Arts pgs 1&2; Science pgs 3&4 Unit: 2

Dates: November 6-10, 2017 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Learning Objective: (what I am teaching today) Statements shared with students verbally/written / Obj WritingUnderstand and identify the features of an expository composition to create a brief composition that establishesa central idea within topic sentence and includes supporting details, facts, and explanations;
Spelling Lesson "Words with ear, ir, our, ur patterns" / Obj. Language skill/Conventions - use and understand the function/difference between plural nouns and possessive noun adjectives in context of reading, writing, and speaking / Obj. Writing understand and identify key features of a news article to report real current events as a form of expository writing that establishes a central idea within a topic sentence and includes supporting details, facts, and explanations / Obj. Language skill/Conventions - use and understand the function/difference between plural nouns and possessive noun adjectives in context of reading, writing, and speaking; Spelling Test #11"Words with ear, ir, our, ur patterns" / Obj. Writing a news article to report real current events as a form of expository writing that establishes a central idea within a topic sentence and includes supporting details, facts, and explanations
TEKS standard(s): / TEKS 4.15-4.18A.1.i; 4.20-4.21.A.1; 4.22.D.2 / TEKS 4.15 A,B; 4.20.A.2.ii-iv; 4.22.D.2 / TEKS 4.15-4.18; 4.20-4.22 / TEKS 4.15 A,B; 4.20.A.2.ii-iv; 4.22.D.2 / TEKS 4.15-4.18A.1.i; 4.20-4.22
Instructional Strategies: How will I teach it
Include grouping:
Smgp, pairs, individual, whole group / *introduce an expository composition using model text Writer's NB pgs 52/121 (see Wed.); *students will complete WNB pg 52 to review how to develop a topic sentence and supporting detail; Sp. *students will complete Writer's NB pg 157 #1,5,10,15,20; others as indeppractic / *students will review rules/usage of plural possessive noun adjectives completing chart "Group 7" practice Exerc 2 Part B as whole group odd #’s; indep practice even #’s / *students will complete WNB pg 121 after reading and discussing how a writer uses key features to write a news article (whole group) / *students will practice WNB pgs 169/173 to note differences between plural nouns and possessive noun adjectives; will revisit this concept when practicing editing in Motiv. Writing WB / *students will review main idea and supporting details as a whole group completing WNB pg 153 to summarize the main idea and supporting details in text to form paragraphs
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Wr.* students will then complete handout pg 15 "6+1 Daily traits of writing” to organize ideas for writing news article to report a school event after completing "Thinking Map"; Sp. *students will complete Writer's NB pg 157 others as indep practice / *students will then complete Part C/D to check understanding of using possessive noun adjective rules and identifying plural nouns/possessive nouns / *students will begin prewriting activity using graphic organizer to organize school event as a news reporter writing a news article / Spelling Test # 11 "Words with ear, ir, our, ur patterns" / *students will then begin drafting news article using questions like who, what, when, where, why, and how to write paragraphs that explain the event
Higher order thinking/questioning: / What are the important questions the news reporter must answer when writing a news article? / What is the usage difference between a plural noun and a plural possessive noun adjective? / What is the writer’s purpose when writing a news article? / Why do writers need to establish main idea and support with details, facts, and examples?
Academic Vocabulary: / Expository writing, news article features, brainstorming / Plural nouns, plural possessive noun adjectives, revision / Expository writing, news article features; prewriting / Plural nouns, plural possessive noun adjectives, revision / Expository writing, news article features; drafting, main idea
Resources: / Daily Traits of Writing; Writer’s NB pg 157/162;171 Reading Street / Writer’s NB; Shurley Jingles; Reading Street (TE pg 241c) / Writer’s NB; Shurley Jingles; Reading Street / Writer’s NB pgs 169/173; Shurley Jingles; Reading Street / Writer’s NB; Shurley Jingles; Reading Street
Technology Integration: / Spelling City / ISTATION WRITING / Graphic organizer
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Enrichment extra editing practice while proofreading spelling WNB pg 162; 171 / Intervention*complete Motiv NB pgs 38-41(revis); ISTATION WR“ Expository Wr / Teacher created spelling tests / Teacher conferencing
Dates: November 6-10, 2017 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Learning Objective: (what I am teaching today) Statements shared with students verbally/written / Analyze data and interpret patterns to construct reasonable explanations from data that can be observed like force, motion and energy. The student knows that energy exists in many forms and can be observed in cycles, patterns and systems; Differentiate among forms of energy, mechanical, sound, electrical, light and heat/thermal / Analyze data and interpret patterns to construct reasonable explanations from data that can be observed like force, motion and energy. The student knows that energy exists in many forms and can be observed in cycles, patterns and systems; Differentiate among forms of energy, mechanical, sound, electrical, light and heat/thermal / Analyze data and interpret patterns to construct reasonable explanations from data that can be observed like force, motion and energy. The student knows that energy exists in many forms and can be observed in cycles, patterns and systems; electrical energy / Analyze data and interpret patterns to construct reasonable explanations from data that can be observed like force, motion and energy. The student knows that energy exists in many forms and can be observed in cycles, patterns and systems; electrical energy / Analyze data and interpret patterns to construct reasonable explanations from data that can be observed like force, motion and energy. The student knows that energy exists in many forms and can be observed in cycles, patterns and systems; electrical energy
TEKS standard(s): / TEKS, 4.5C;4.6 A / TEKS, 4.5C;4.6 A / TEKS, 4.5C;4.6 A / TEKS, 4.5C;4.6 A / TEKS, 4.5C;4.6 A
Instructional Strategies: How will I teach it
Include grouping:
Smgp, pairs, individual, whole group / *as whole group use electrical and sound energy to view video; scope review game on computer / *students will review whole group using STEMSCOPE review of vocab/concepts / *students will complete Motivation Science NB pgs 22-25 (odd #’s as guided practice) / *students will use vocabulary pictures in Science notebook to review key concepts / *students will review circuits-closed and open on pgs 29-30 STEMScopedia book * finish notes using Edusmart note taking guide
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / *students will complete quiz review handouts for indep practice/review for test / *students will complete post assessment/concept attainment quiz handouts (count as a unit test grade) a written composition explaining differences between conductors/insulators / *students will complete Motivation Science NB pgs 20-21 (even #’s as indep practice) / *students will complete "Cloze-ing in on Science" handouts to review key concepts / *students will write a paragraph explaining how a closed circuit works after class activity in which students demonstrate a closed circuit and an open circuit
Higher order thinking/questioning: / How does each of the five forces work/change? / How does understanding forms of energy help us improve use of energy? / Why do scientists continue to find alternative forms of energy? / What is an example of a closed circuit being used in the classroom or at home?
Academic Vocabulary: / Force, motion, energy; differentiate / Force, motion, energy; differentiate / Force, motion, energy; differentiate / Force, motion, energy; differentiate / Open/closed circuits
Resources: / STEMSCOPE; Edusmart; Motivation Sc. WB / STEMSCOPE; Edusmart; Motivation Sc. WB / STEMSCOPE; Edusmart; Motivation Sc. WB / STEMSCOPE; Edusmart; Motivation Sc. WB / STEMSCOPE; Edusmart; Motivation Sc. WB
Technology Integration: / STEMSCOPE review game / STEMSCOPE vocab video/power point
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Test taking strategies; vocab review with pictures / draw/label pictures