The closing date for receipt of submissions is23 February 2018.

Please send your responses to:

By email:

By post:FAO Lisa Flanagan-Donnelly, Care Homes Project, CCPC, Bloom House, Railway Street, D01 C576, Ireland.

  1. Confidentiality of Submissions: Respondents are requested to note that the CCPC intends to publish summaries of the submissions received on its website. We may also include such information in our Guidelines. Publication of individual personal experiences and specific complaints will be on an anonymised summary basis. However, if you prefer, you can indicate if you would like to have your submission published in full.
    We intend to publish responses from businesses or other organisations. If you are responding on behalf of a business or other organisation (including those representing consumer or business interests), in providing submissions (a) please supply a brief summary of the interests or organisations you represent, where appropriate and (b) Please consider whether you are providing any material that you consider to be confidential, and explain why this is the case. Please provide both a confidential version and a non-confidential version (for publication) of your submission

2.Relevant provisions of Freedom of Information Act 2014: Respondents’ attention is drawn to the fact that information provided to the CCPC may be disclosed in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Therefore, please identify any information you consider commercially sensitive or personal, and specify the reason for its sensitivity. The CCPC will consult with any potentially affected respondent regarding information identified as sensitive before making a decision on any Freedom of Information request.

You can download this public consultation from our website:

For any queries please contact Lisa Flanagan-Donnelly:

By phone: +353 1 402 5555

By email:


Consultation document.docx

Invitation to participate

3.1 The purpose of this consultation is to provide an opportunity to those who have current or past experience with contracts of care for long-term residential care services to share their experiences and views with us.

3.2We would particularly like to hear from those consumers or their representatives who are already availing, or have availed, of long-term residential care services under a contract of care. We would also like to receive the views of other stakeholders such as traders providing the service and their representatives. The views of those persons or organisations involved in arranging or assisting a consumer(s) in accessing the service would also be welcome as the consultation is not limited to particular groupings and any interested party wishing to make a submission is encouraged to do so.

3.3 The information you provide will assist in informing the drafting of our final guidelines. Any personal data you provide to us will be handled in accordance with our obligations under Data Protection legislation. Your attention is also drawn to our Freedom of Information obligations, details of which are provided at the beginning of this document.

3.4In the next section, and in order to assist respondents, we have highlighted some particular areas of interest which we would appreciate you offering your views or experiences on.

For Consumers/their representatives/interested parties


Were you aware that you, or the person you were representing, was entering into a contract when taking up residency in a long-term residential care home?
How important were the terms and conditions in the contract of care in choosing a long-term residential care home?


Prior to choosing a long-term residential care home, could you easily find information about terms and conditions, for example, online or by phone? Please provide detail.
Having chosen a long-term residential care home, was information about the terms and conditions readily available? Please provide detail.


Were the terms and conditions within the contract of care easy to read?
If you read the terms and conditions in the contract of care, did you understand the individual terms and their implications?

The contract

Did the contract of care reference other documents, and if so, were these provided along with the contract?
Were changes made to the contract of care that you or the consumer you were representing signed up to?


Taking all of the terms and conditions contained in the contract of care into consideration, did you feel that the contract overall was a balanced one?
Are there any other matters relating to contracts of care that you wish to express a view on?