TC 2.01 Physiology & Human Environment – Dallas Agenda
Meeting Schedule
TC 2.01 Physiology & Human EnvironmentTuesday1:003:30P Trinity 1 (H3)
TC 2.01 ResearchSunday1:00-3:00PCity View 7 (H4)
TC 2.01 ProgramsSunday 3:00-4:00P City View 7 (H4)
TC 2.01 HandbookSunday 4:00-5:00P City View 7 (H4)
TC 2.01 1504-TRPTuesday 8:00-9:00AMajestic 7 (H37)
TC 2.01 1515-TRPTuesday 9:00-10:00AMajestic 7 (H37)
SEMINAR 70: Save Energy and Improve
Occupant Comfort with Advanced VAV Wed11:00-12:30Dallas B
Zone Controls.
Main Committee Agenda
1.Call to Order–Paul Lebbin The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM by Paul Lebbin.
2.Read Scope: Chairman Lebbin read the scope of the committee. TC 2.01 is concerned with the relationship of man’s living environment, as altered by air conditioning, heating, and ventilation systems to his comfort, health and productivity.
- Introduction of Members, Guests, and Liaisons: Guests are strongly encouraged to submit contact information to chair or vice-chair to be added as provincial CM. Introductions were made. 20 members and guests were introduced.
- Ryan MacGillivary, director for ASHRAE Research Promotion committee gave the committee a presentation on ASHRAE Research promotion activity, the research goal, and instructions on how to contribute to RP.
- Chicago Minutes Approval: Motion to approve minutes. Chandra seconded. San Antonio meeting minutes approved. 6-0-0 CV.
MEMBERS / Term Ends / Rolling Off after Denver Meeting / Quorum check
Paul Lebbin / 6/30/2013 / XXXXXX / X
Mark Jackson / 6/30/2016
John Stoops / 6/30/2013 / XXXXXX
Chandra Sekhar / 6/30/2014 / X
Peter Simmonds / 6/30/2015 / X
Ed Arens / 6/30/2013 / XXXXXX / X
Jaap Hogeling / 6/30/2013 / XXXXXX
Joon-Ho Choi / 6/30/2016 / X
Raymond Horstman / 6/30/2016 / X
Dennis Loveday / 6/30/2016 / X
Arsen Melikov
(VM non-quorum) / 6/30/2016
Shin-ichi Tanabe
(VM non-quorum) / 6/30/2015
5.6.Liaison Reports –
- TAC Chairmain –Mr William F McQuade
- TAC Section Head – Mr J Thomas Sobieski attended and introducted himself to the committee.
- Chapter Technology Transfer Liaison – Mr. Jean-Gabriel Joannette
- Program Liaison – NOT LISTED
- RAC Research Liaison – Mr David A John
- ALI / PDC Liaison – Mr Donald L Brandt
- Special Pubs Liaison – Mr Francis A Mills
- Handbook Liaison – Ms Jill A Connell
- Standards Liaison – Ms Cecily M Grzywacz
- Staff Liaison – Mr. Michael Vaughn
- Std 55 Liaison – Gwelen Paliaga
- 9.6 (Healthcare)TC 9.7(Educational Facilities)Liaison– Ron Westbrook
- TC 2.6 (Sound & Vibration)Liaison– Kenneth Roy
6.7.Chair’s Report –Paul Lebbin
- Hightower Award Recipient – Lucas Hyman, TC 1.10
- Membership roster updated due by midnight tonight (Tuesday, Jan 29th)
- Employment discipline added to your ASHRAE Bio Online Input Form
- Electronic and Present (E&P) Meetings – Intended for small TCs who cannot achieve quorum. TC2.01 is too large for this without ASHRAE significant investment
- Transition to Low Emission HVAC&R Issues and Solutions – public review closes February 8th. Contact for details.
- TC Master Calendar – available through Google, contact Lebbin for information
- Cold Climate Design Guide Development – new multidisciplinary task group (MTH) established (Bjarne Olesen, vice-chair). Meets Wednesday, 08h00 to 09h30, Executive Board Room (H2)
- Conference Calls and Web Meetings – send requests to Mike Vaughn () if your subcommittee or project needs this service.
- Upcoming Workshops & Conferences
- CLIMA2013, 16-19 June 2013, Prague,
- CLIMAMED, 3-4 Oct 2013, Istanbul,
- IAQ 2013: Environmental Health in Low Energy Buildings, 15-18 Oct 2013, Vancouver,
- Speaker rating (round 2): 24 received a letter (strike #1), with two receiving their second (strike #2). Should session chair
- make audience aware of ASHRAE policy?
- Encourage everyone to complete and turn in surveys?
- Review attached code of ethics. Suggested changes? Hal Levin: For benefit of international members, should include a definition of a conflict of interest and possibly a set of questions to assist members in understanding when a conflict exists.
- ASHRAE Research Promotion – requesting donations (
7.8.Subcommittee Reports
7.1 Programs – Zuraimi Sultan
- Denver Meeting (22-26 June 2013) –
- Program Ideas. Seminar proposed for “clothing” (Dennis Loveday) at the Denver meeting will be postponed to New York (winter 2014).
- Seminar on kitchen study (John Stoops) proposed.
- Seminar on preventing overcooling (Hui Zhang) proposed for Seattle
- Seminar on Thermal comfort control proposed.
- Deadlines:
- Seminar and Forum Session Proposals (11 Feb 2013)
- Technical Paper Final Review (15 Feb 2013)
- Presentation Files Due (3 June 2013)
- New York Meeting (18-22 January 2014) –
- Program Ideas
- Deadlines:
- Conference Paper Abstracts (15 March 2013)
- Technical Papers Due (19 April 2013)
- Final Conference Papers (3 July 2013)
- Technical Papers Final Review (12 Aug 2013)
- Seminar and Forum Session Proposals (12 Aug 2013)
- Presentation Files Due (3 Jan 2013)
7.2Research – Hui Zhang
- 1504-RP, “Extension of the Clothing Insulation Database” for presentation in New York
- 1515-RP, “Thermal and Air Quality Acceptability in Buidlings” Work concluded. Taylor Engineering (Gwelen Paliaga). Presentation scheduled for Dallas meeting
- 1624-WS, “Effective energy-efficient school classroom ventilation”
- 1630-WS, “Update Scientific Evidence for Low Relative Humidity Limit” A conference call will be conducted following the meeting with TC’s 5.11, 2.1 and 9.6 to define the scope and objectives. Extensive literature searches have already been conducted by 2.1 (Hal Levin) and 9.6 (Farhad Memaradzeh) and both believe that based on the nature of literature discovered (mostly anecdotal) more scientific study is needed. TC21 believes there are concerns beyond the scope of the current work statement that need to be resolved and that a MTG may be needed to resolve those concerns. Peter Simmonds made a motion to support the WS, Seconded Ray Holtzman, approved 5-2-0 CV.
- Levin-RTAR, “Air Quality and Thermal Conditions on Air Movement Preferences”Considerable discussion followed. The study May include work from Bjorn Olesen-Arsen on under-desk distribution systems. Discussion took place on cultural impacts of air movement (Asians prefer greater air movement compared to Europeans) and how should this be addressed in the study. Dr. Levin is looking for assistance from the committee to write the objectives statement relative to the anticipated outcomes of applying Standard 55. What are the negative impacts (actual vs perceived) of natural ventilation on thermal comfort and air quality in the conditioned environment and are they independent or not? Paul will set up a conference call following the meeting with all interested TC members to refine the RTAR and complete the objective statement.
- New Research Ideas
- Summarized research meeting discussion topics for consideration of future research including behavioral aspects. The committee will review current suggestions against ASHRAE’s topical goals and objectives to develop a road map for the TC’s future research activities.
- 2.6 presented RTAR “Effects of HVAC noise in Hospitals” looking for support from 2.1 and TC 9.6 Also proposed RTAR “Annoyance thresholds of tones and noise in HVAC systems” objective is to determine what the effective noise threshold is before 80% of occupants are impacted.
7.3 Honors and Awards –Paul Lebbin
- Ralph Nevins Award – Stefano Schiavon
7.47.4 Handbook – Eric Adams The handbook is ready for distribution. Handbook chapter reviews are lagging Eric needs timely responses.
7.5Membership – Lily Wang
Four current voting members are rolling off. New members being added are Eric Adams, Hui Zheng, Zuraimi Sultan, and Lily Wang. Four new corresponding members were added. Vice Chair Mark Jackson has withdrawn due for personal reasons. Paul recommended and nominated Dennis Loveday as new TC. Dennis was appointed by executive fiat. Floor nominations for Vice Chair were sought. Chandra nominated Lily Wang, who respectively declined. Paul nominated Joon-Ho Choi for Vice chair, recommended by Lily Wang. Joon Ho was appointed by executive fiat.
- Chair
- Vice-Chair
- Secretary
- Four (4) voting members
7.6Webmaster – Ron Westbrook
8.Old Business Discuss was held on the use of electronic communications for TC meetings. Paul has discussed with Mike Vaughn and there is some interest from ASHRAE particularly to assist those TC’s and SPC’s who traditionally have difficulties in reaching quorum. Paul will follow up with MORTS.
9. New Business Ray inquired about the comfort application. Hui will correspond with Publications for feedback on popularity and applicability.
Motion to adjourn made by Ray Holtzman, seconded by Ed. Meeting adjourned at 3:15.
ASHRAE Code Of Ethics
ASHRAE Code Of Ethics
(Approved by ASHRAE Board of Directors January 31, 2007)
As members of ASHRAE, we pledge to act with honesty, fairness, courtesy, competence, integrity and respect for others in our conduct.
Efforts of the Society, its members, and its bodies shall be directed at all times to enhancing the public health, safety and welfare.
Members and organized bodies of the Society shall be good stewards of the world’s resources including energy, natural, human and financial resources.
Our products and services shall be offered only in areas where our competence and expertise can satisfy the public need.
We shall act with care and competence in all activities, using and developing up-to-date knowledge and skills.
We shall avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest whenever possible, and disclose them to affected parties when they do exist.
The confidentiality of business affairs, proprietary information, intellectual property, procedures, and restricted Society discussions and materials shall be respected.
Each member is expected and encouraged to be committed to the code of ethics of his or her own professional or trade association in their nation and area of work.
Activities crossing national and cultural boundaries shall respect the ethical codes of the seat of the principal activity.
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