Taylor County High School

English II

Lauren White

2014-2015 School Year

Contact Information:


School Phone: 270-465-4431 Ext. 3130

Major Assignments and Requirements

English II End of Course Exam: EOC will count 20% of your total grade in this course.

Shared Readings: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Night by Elie Wiesel, Monster by Walter Dean Meyers,Anthem by Ayn Rand and a variety of poems, stories and non-fiction pieces

Independent Reading: Students participate in Reading Workshop/independent readingduring the week. During part of the year, students will participate in the Reading Plus program that helps improve comprehension and fluency.

Writing: argumentative writing in the form of an editorial, letter or speech; literary analysis

Oral Communication: Socratic Seminars, class discussion, oral presentations, The Passion Project

Binder Check: Students’ binders will be checked periodically for organization. The binder should be divided into the following sections: 1) Bell Work 2) Class Notes/Handouts 3) Graded Work 4) Independent Reading/AR 5) Writing

Other Assessments: traditional tests and quizzes aligned to Kentucky Common Core Standards, PLAN test (reading and language), K-PREP test (on-demand writing), MAPS test (reading and language)

Materials/Supplies: 3-ring binder with notebook paper and pencil for personal use, a package of pencils to be left in classroom. If you write in pen, it MUST be blue or black ink. Highlighters and Post-It notes are encouraged.

Academic Expectations

Students are expected to do their own work and turn their work in on time. Each day a major assignment (one that is worth 100 points or more) is late, 10 points will be deducted from the student’s score. I instantly take off 50% for late homework assignments that are worth fewer than 100 points. Plagiarism or other forms of cheating will result in a parent contact and a zero on the assignment.

If a student has an excused absence, it is their responsibility to ask the teacher for the work they have missed.

Never fail to bring paper and pencil to class as these are essential materials, and the daily work cannot be completed without them.

Grading Scale

A90-100(Well-exceeds expectations)

B89-80(Above average expectations)

C79-70(Average expectations)

D69-60(Below average expectations)

F59-0(Failing to meet expectations)

Behavior Expectations

Be on time to class. Students who are tardy should sign-in on the tardy clipboard. On the third unexcused tardy, a parent will be notified. On the fourth, I will write a referral.

Follow directions promptly.

NO skipping class, cheating, profanity, bullying, name-calling, tobacco use, or sexual or racial harassment. These behaviors will result in an immediate referral to the office and/or removal from the classroom.

Stay on task and in your seats until the bell rings. Class does not end three minutes before the bell; you are to remain working on the task at hand until the bell sounds.

Be respectful to your fellow classmates, the teacher, and the classroom furniture/materials. Make sure your desk is straight and in its row before you leave.

DO NOT be on any type of electronic device other than for the purposes of the classroom. Personal use of devices for anything other than school work will result in the device being confiscated for the remainder of the day.