Tau Beta Sigma Midwest District
Awards Packet 2013
School: ______
Applications prepared by: ______
Guidelines for the 2013 Convention Awards:
- All individual nominees and chapters must be in good standing with National Headquarters.
- All required paperwork for each award and the application must be turned in on time or the application will not be considered.
- All Awards are due by 8pm of the first day of convention.
- If turned in during convention by paper, two copies of all applications are required.
- If turned in electronically, submission must be made in PDF format.
- The chapter president and chapter sponsor must sign all applications (chapter travel is excluded) or the application will not be accepted. In the event that the Chapter President is being nominated for an award, the Chapter Vice President may sign the application. Signature of the Sponsor is still required.
- Each application shall contain only one nominee. If you are nominating more than one sister for an award, please fill out a separate application for each individual.
- Letters of recommendation are required for each award, no exceptions. Please have writers of recommendation letters use the nominee’s name as little as possible. It is strongly encouraged to not use the nominee’s name at all as to reduce the amount of redax needed.
- Finally, although chapters may nominate themselves for any/all chapter awards each year, please do not nominate an individual sister for any award that he/she has received in a previous year.
Please check all applications that your chapter has included in this mailing and note the number of applications being submitted for each:
______American Beauty Red Rose Award
______Outstanding New Sister Award
______Outstanding Service to Music Education Award
______Outstanding Student Achievement Award
______Outstanding Chapter Service Award/ Chapter Achievement Award
______Chapter Travel Award
______Wendy McCann Award for Academic Excellence
Please check all items that your chapter will be displaying for competition at convention:
______District Scrapbook Page
______Mascot Scrapbook Page
______Chapter Scrapbook
______Chapter Display
If you wish you mail me a hard copy of your award applications please send them to the following address:
Nathan Tendick
4136 Frederiksen Court
Ames, IA 50010
If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitateto contact me by phone or email:
Cell #: 319.431.1482
Tau Beta Sigma Midwest District 2013
American Beauty Red Rose Awards
The American Beauty Red Rose Awards were created to provide outstanding sisters with the means and opportunity to attend the Midwest District Convention for their first or final time as an active member by paying for the recipients’ convention registration.
To nominate a sister(s) from your chapter, please fill out the following form:
Name of Nominee: ______
Chapter/School: ______
Date of Initiation: ______Year in School:______
Major(s) & Minor(s): ______
Will this be their first TBS/KKY Midwest District Convention?If not, how many district conventions have they attended and where?
Part 1: Involvement: Please discuss the following in essay form:
- Why does your chapter feel this award is important to our district?
- How has this sister contributed to Tau Beta Sigma?
- Why do the members of your chapter believe this sister is worthy of the American Beauty Red Rose Award?
Part 2: Letters of Recommendation: Please include two letters of recommendation with this application. The letters should describe how the nominated sister has contributed to serving your chapter’s band(s) and community. Letters should be from the following people:
- Any member of the Executive Team (President, Vice President(s), Treasurer, or Secretary)
- Any other active member of your chapter
Part 3: Signatures: This application is not complete without the approval of your chapter president and sponsor. Once they have read and approved this application, please have them sign and date below. Absence of one or both signatures will result in this application being voided.
Chapter PresidentDate
Chapter SponsorDate
Midwest District of Tau Beta Sigma 2013
Outstanding New Sister Award
This award recognizes an outstanding sister of the Midwest District of Tau Beta Sigma who was initiated after the previous year’s convention and prior to this year’s convention.
To nominate a sister(s) from your chapter, please fill out the following form:
Name of Nominee: ______
Chapter/School: ______
Date of Initiation: ______Year in School:______
Part 1: Involvement: Please discuss the following in essay form:
- Describe why this sister joined Tau Beta Sigma.
- Describe this sister’s chapter involvement.
- Describe a situation in which this sister has exemplified the ideals of Tau Beta Sigma.
Part 2: Letters of Recommendation: Please include two letters of recommendation with this application. The letters should describe how the nominated sister has contributed to serving your chapter’s band(s) and community. Letters should be from the following people:
- Any member of the Executive Team (President, Vice President(s), Treasurer, or Secretary)
- Any other active member of your chapter
Part 3: Signatures: This application is not complete without the approval of your chapter president and sponsor. Once they have read and approved this application, please have them sign and date below. Absence of one or both signatures will result in this application being voided.
Chapter PresidentDate
Chapter SponsorDate
Midwest District of Tau Beta Sigma 2013
Outstanding Chapter Service to Music Education Award
To nominate your chapter, please fill out the following form:
Chapter: ______
School: ______
Number of Active Members: ______
Part 1: Music Education Activities: Please describe how your chapter has promoted music education during the past year. Be specific and denote activities as separate or joint with the brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi. Activities may include, but are not limited to, working with local schools, with Girl Scout troops, or with other community organizations.
Part 2: Philosophy: In 150 words or less, please summarize your chapter’s philosophy regarding music education and how your chapter implements that philosophy.
Part 3: Letters of Recommendation: Please include letters of recommendation from the following:
- Any member of the Executive Team (President, Vice President(s), Treasurer, or Secretary)
- The Chapter Sponsor
- An individual outside of your chapter and band program who has benefited from your chapter’s service to music education (i.e. local band director or community leader).
Part 4: Signatures: This application is not complete without the approval of your chapter president and sponsor. Once they have read and approved this application, please have them sign and date below. Absence of one or both signatures will result in this application being voided.
Chapter PresidentDate
Chapter SponsorDate
Tau Beta Sigma Midwest District 2013
Outstanding Student Achievement Award
To nominate a sister(s), please fill out the following form:
Name of Nominee: ______
Chapter/School: ______
Date of Initiation: ______Year in School:______
Part 1: Resume: Please attach a resume that outlines the nominee’s leadership activities. This should include all past and present participation in Tau Beta Sigma and other organizations.
Part 2: Involvement: Please discuss the following in essay form:
- Describe this sister’s chapter involvement.
- Describe this sister’s involvement on the District/National levels of Tau Beta Sigma.
- Describe any activities this sister is involved in outside of his/her membership in Tau Beta Sigma.
- Describe how this sister has exemplified one or more of the ideals of Tau Beta Sigma.
Part 3: Letters of Recommendation: Please include the following letters of recommendation:
- Any member of the Executive Team (President, Vice President(s), Treasurer, or Secretary)
- The Chapter Sponsor
- Any other active member of your chapter
Part 4: Signatures: This application is not complete without the approval of your chapter president and sponsor. Once they have read and approved this application, please have them sign and date below. Absence of one or both signatures will result in this application being voided.
Chapter PresidentDate
Chapter SponsorDate
Tau Beta Sigma Midwest District 2013
Chapter Service & Outstanding Chapter Achievement Awards
This is an application for both the Chapter Service Award and Outstanding Chapter Achievement Award. The District Convention Programs Committee will determine whether or not each applicant has completed the requirements for this award. All applicants approved by the Programs Committee will receive a Chapter Service Award. The best applicant, as determined by the same Programs Committee, will receive the Outstanding Chapter Achievement Award.
Attached at the bottom of this application is a checklist of outstanding things your chapter may have done this year. Please fill out the checklist to the best of your knowledge.
Chapter/School: ______
Number of Active Members (Please include ALL fully initiated members): ______
Fall Initiates: ______
Spring Initiates: ______
Membership Candidates not yet initiated: ______
Part 1: Photo: Please include a recent, non-returnable photo of the chapter suitable for publication and for placement in the district scrapbook.
Part 2: Chapter Activities: Please list in detail your chapter’s activities since the last Midwest District Convention. The activities should include but are not limited to: Band service, community service, social activities, membership education, and fundraising.
Part 3: Involvement: Please discuss as many of the following activities as possible, detailing how your chapter has excelled at each:
- Currently in “Good Standing” with National Headquarters, including submission of all required paperwork by the appropriate deadlines.
- Participating in the 2012 Midwest District Convention:
- Chapter Representation
- Chapter Display/Chapter Scrapbook displayed
- Chapter Submission to the MWD Tau Beta Sigma Scrapbook
- Chapter Submission to the MWD Midwest Notes (include blog post)
- Visited at least one other Tau Beta Sigma chapter during the 2012-2013 academic year. Include which chapter(s) you visited and the dates of the visit. Please note that a chapter visit is defined as 25% of your chapter or 4 members from your chapter, whichever is greater. District officers do not count toward visits.
- Applied for at least one National Award during the 2012-13 academic year. This includes individual or chapter awards. Please specify which award(s).
- Made a donation of at least $50 or 5% of your chapter’s budget to the Midwest District’s Commissioning Fund during the 2012-2013 academic year. Please include a receipt.
- Participated in at least one of the District Service Days during the 2012-2013 academic year. Please describe your service activity.
- Participated in at least one of the District Days during the 2012-2013 academic year. Include which District Days your chapter attended and note if you hosted any of them.
Part 4: Letters of Recommendation: Please include letters of recommendation from the following:
- The Chapter Sponsor
- An individual of choice, preferably a member of the community or a person affiliated with your university. This individual cannot be an active member of any chapter of Tau Beta Sigma.
Part 4: Signatures: This application is not complete without the approval of your chapter president and sponsor. Once they have read and approved this application, please have them sign and date below. Absence of one or both signatures will result in this application being voided.
Chapter PresidentDate
Chapter SponsorDate
Tau Beta Sigma Midwest District 2013
Chapter Service & Outstanding Chapter Achievement Awards
Application Checklist
**The following criteria are required for both of these awards or they will not be considered**
_____ My chapter has included a description of all chapter activities done in the past year and a photograph.
_____ My chapter has a Letter of Recommendation from our chapter sponsor.
_____ My chapter has a Letter of Recommendation from an individual of our choice who is not an active member of Tau Beta Sigma.
** Please note that your chapter does not have to complete all of the criteria listed below to apply for the awards listed above. The criteria listed below will simply help in making a decision if two or more outstanding chapters apply for these awards. It is strongly encouraged that your chapter completes as many items on this check list as possible.**
_____My chapter has submitted a Membership Education Program to the Midwest District Counselor and the Midwest District Vice President of Membership.
_____ My chapter will be represented at the 2013 MWD Convention by:
1. Providing a Chapter Delegate,
2. Submitting a Chapter Display and Chapter Scrapbook, and
3. Making a submission to the MWD Scrapbook.
_____ My chapter has made at least one submission to the Midwest Notes during the 2012-2013 academic year.
_____My chapter has participated in at least one of the District Service Days during the 2012-2013 academic year.
_____My chapter has participated in at least one of the District Days during the 2012-2013 academic year.
_____ My chapter has visited at least one other TBS Chapter during the 2012-2013 academic year.
_____ My chapter has applied for a National Award during the 2012-2013 academic year.
_____ My chapter has made a donation of at least $50 or 5% of the chapter’s budget to the MWD Commissioning Fund during the 2012-2013 academic year.
Tau Beta Sigma Midwest District 2013
Wendy McCann Award for Academic Excellence
To nominate a sister(s), please fill out the following form:
Name of Nominee: ______
Chapter/School: ______
Date of Initiation: ______Year in School:______
This award was created in honor of Wendy McCann, counselor of the Midwest District of Tau Beta Sigma from 2004-2010. True to her spirit, applicants should excel both academically and in Tau Beta Sigma, showing selfless service, commendable dedication, and undying love for their future profession as well as Sisters and Brothers in the Bond.
Applicants for this award are required to have at least a 3.0 GPA, be an active member in good standing, and complete all parts of this application.
Part 1: Academics: Include an unofficial transcript to verify a GPA of at least 3.0.
Part 2: Involvement: Include a resume focusing on your involvement in chapter activities, extracurricular involvement, and community service.
Part 3: Recommendation: Obtain and submit a letter of recommendation from a professor in your field of study.
Part 4: Essay: Answer the following 4 questions in no more than 4 pages.
- How active are you in your chapter? Site examples
- How have you been supportive of your sisters?
Read the excerpt from Wendy’s final report given at the 2010 Convention and answer the questions following.
Each year I’ve been Counselor, I have issued a new challenge (or charge) to the district delegation that I hope you will strive toward. We have collected quite a list, as challenges from all past years still hold! Here is the final version!
- First, meet at least 10 new Sisters at this convention! This is your weekend to learn and grow in the Sisterhood.
- Learn and SING the Sorority’s songs, including our newest, the Affirmation. Sing often, sing proud, sing together…just sing!
- Strive to renew the tradition of 100% attendance at district convention; plan
now to add National Convention to your repertoire in 2011. I EXPECT you will
all attend...since it is about an hour and a half from here! - As we celebrate the 64th year for our fabulous organization take time to preserve your chapter’s history! Scrapbooks, DVD's and written records are
important! - Connect with your Sisters –those right next to you and those across the district and nation –Active, Alumni, and Life alike. Let us all work together to strengthen the Bond of Sisterhood.
- Review your Membership Education Programs and all chapter activities.
- Examine your traditions to ensure that everything you lead has a positivepurpose –a purpose based on the ideals of Tau Beta Sigma.
- Explore the opportunities available to you as a leader, both individually and as a chapter. Run for chapter or district office! Host a region day! Bid for district
convention or publications! Or even just take the lead in a project for your
chapter or as section/squad leader in your band. Take the challenge and grow
as a leader!
Here is my final challenge as Counselor: give both music and the Sisterhood aplace in your life forever. Stay involved! Join a community band. Play! Go toconcerts and musicals. Always share your love of music. Consider becoming aLife Member, but regardless, be a member for LIFE!Stay involved in Tau BetaSigma!
I love to watch you all excel, and I can see you just as well from the back of the room…graduate and come join me soon!
I want you all to learn (if you haven’t), the newest National Song of Tau Beta Sigma…the Affirmation. I’ll leave you with the last few words…with my Sisters...I am best.
3. How have you upheld her challenges?
4. What would your next challenge be for the district delegation?
Tau Beta Sigma Midwest District 2013
This year we will be accepting electronic submissions for scrapbook pages.
District Scrapbook Page Award Guidelines
- Submit an electronic scrapbook page; a .jpg picture of a scrapbook page will work. If submitting a page from a software program please make sure it is easily viewable or in .jpg form.
- Each page MUST have your chapter name, school, and the school year in the bottom right hand corner (must be on both front and back).
- Each page should also incorporate the theme of this year's Convention, “The 40’s.”
If all of these guidelines are met, your chapter will be eligible for the Tau Beta Sigma “Best District Scrapbook Page” Award.
Mascot Scrapbook Page Award Guidelines
- Submit an electronic scrapbook page; a .jpg picture of a scrapbook page will work. If submitting a page from a software program please make sure it is easily viewable or in .jpg form.
- The page should state Tau Beta Sigma and your chapter name.
- The page should have your Mascot’s full name and any nicknames.
- The page should have pictures of your mascot.
- If this is your mascot’s first appearance in the Mascot Scrapbook, the page should state how your Mascot came to be and any special meaning your chapter’s Mascot may have.
- If your mascot already has a page in the scrapbook, feel free to show it up again with any interesting stories, adventures; anything you would like.
- The page can consist of more than one mascot if your chapter has more then one, and the page can consist of Joint mascots if your chapters have one.
If all of these guidelines are met, your chapter will be eligible for the Tau Beta Sigma “Best Mascot Scrapbook Page” Award.