

(495) 629-01-20 (home), (495) 772-95-90*26130 (office), 8-925-822-72-23 (mobile)


Private information
Date of birth: / May 15, 1956
Address: / 126, Tverskaya str, 15, Moscow, 125009, Russia
Marital Status: / Married; two children
  • Vice-head of the Department of Macroeconomic Analysis, State University – Higher School of Economics, Associate Professor
  • Associate Professor of International College of Economic and Finance
  • Has an experience and skills in teaching the following courses: Macroeconomics - introductory and intermediate levels

06/1986 / Academic Status of Associate Professor
06/1983 / Academic Degree of Candidate of Science (Ph.D.equivalent) in Economics,
Speciality 08.00.02
11/1982 / Moscow State University
Department of History of Economic Thought
Ph.D.Dissertation: American Reformist Economic Theories
11/1978 – 11/1981 / Moscow State University
Economic Faculty, Department of History of Economic Thought
Ph.D. Program
09/1973-06/1978 / Moscow State University
Economic Faculty,
Department of Political Economy
Master Program (Diploma with Distinction)
Speciality: Lecturer in Economics, Economist
09/1977-06/1978 / Course of Guides (English)
Diploma with Distinction
09/1963-06/1973 / Secondary School № 31 (with teaching several disciplines in English)
Golden Medal
Supplementary Education
07/2001-08/2001 / Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain
Macroeconomics Summer School
Course: “The Macroeconomics of Financial Globalization”
London School of Economics
London, Great Britain
Summer School
Discipline: Intermediate Macroeconomics
10/1999 – 11/1999 / University Paris I, Pantheon Sorbonne
Paris, France
Research Probation
06/1997-07/1997 / New Economic School
Summer School
Disciplines: Advanced Microeconomics, and Advanced Macroeconomics
02/1997- 03/1997 / Academy of Civil Servants
Bonn, Germany
Probation for elaboration of a special course for the Russian Ministry of Economics
Civil Servants College
Sunningdale, Great Britain
Probation for elaboration of a special course for the Russian Ministry of Economics
10/1995-11/1995 / University Paris I, Pantheon Sorbonne
Paris, France
Research Probation
Professional Experience
09/2003 – present / State University – Higher School of Economics
Economic Faculty, World Economic Faculty
Department of Macroeconomic Analysis
Associate Professor, Vice-Head of the Department
Discipline: Macroeconomics (introductory and intermediate levels)
09/2001 – present / International College of Economic and Finance
Associate Professor
Disciplines: Introduction to Economics (Macroeconomics) for the 1st year students (in English), and Introduction to Macroeconomics for the 2nd year students (in English)
09/1997 – 07/2003 / State University – Higher School of Economics
Economic Faculty
Department of Economics
Associate Professor, Vice-Head of the Department
11/1994 – 07/2003 / State University – Higher School of Economics
Faculties of Economics, International Economics, Sociology, and Law
Associate Professor
Disciplines: Macroeconomics (introductory and intermediate levels), and Microeconomics (introductory level) – lecturer, Macroeconomics (advanced level) – class teacher
1998-2002 / State University – Higher School of Economics
Faculty of Retraining and Institute of Raising of Skills
Associate Professor
Discipline: Macroeconomics (intermediate level)
1996-1998 / State University – Higher School of Economics
Retraining Higher School Teachers Program (Crash Program)
Associate Professor
Discipline: Macroeconomics (introductory and intermediate levels)
09/1992-11/1994 / Economic Academy of the Ministry of Economics of Russian Federation
Department of Economics, Sociology and Political Science
Associate Professor
Disciplines: Economics, Political Economy, History of Economic Thought (master course)
11/1981-11/1992 / Institute of Construction Engineering
Department of Political Economy
Assistant, Associate Professor
Disciplines: Political Economy, History of Economic Thought
I. National Fund of Education (10/2002 – 12/2004)
Innovation Project of Education Development
  1. Elaboration of the course «Macroeconomics – intermediate level» and of the bank of problems and exercises for the 2nd and 3d year students of the International College of Economics and Finance (in Russian and in English) in order to rise the level of teaching of economic disciplines in Russian higher school institutions and perfection of methodological base (Material are recommended to be widespread in the educational system of Russia).
  2. Working out of the Study guide «Principles of Economics (Macroeconomics): Problems, Exercises and Questions» (in English) for the ICEF students.
  3. Working out of the Lecture slides for the course «Principles of Economics (Macroeconomics)» (in English) for the ICEF students.

II. Fund of the Economic Department of the State University–Higher School of Economics (09/2006 – 04/2007)
  1. Working out of the Study guide, Lecture notes and Lecture slides for the course «Principles of Macroeconomics» (in Russian) for bachelor students of economic faculties.

III. Fund of the Economic Department of the State University–Higher School of Economics (09/2008 – 04/2009)
Working out of the Handbook for the course «Macroeconomics» (in Russian) for bachelor students of economic faculties.
  1. Matveeva T. Introduction to Macroeconomics. M.: HSE, 2002 (Seventh Edition – 2010) – 25 p.s.
  2. Matveeva T., Nikoulina I. Foundations of Economics. M.: Drofa, 2003 (Second Edition – 2005) – Personal contribution – 15 p.s.
  3. Matveeva T. Study guide for the course «Introduction to Economics (Macroeconomics). M.: ICEF, 2004 – 4,5 p.s.
  4. Matveeva T. Lecture slides for the course «Introduction to Economics (Macroeconomics). M.: ICEF, 2006 – 444 slides – Second Edition – corrected and widened – 567 slides – 2011).
  5. Matveeva T. Macroeconomics. Lecture Slides for the Economic faculty students (HSE). M.: HSE, 2010. – 870 slides.
  6. Matveeva T. Unconventional Monetary Policy: Key Measures, Effectiveness and Exit Strategies. National Economy. Problems of Innovative Development. No.4, 2011, pp.221-232.
  7. Matveeva T. Contemporary Approaches to the Modeling of the Effects of Financial Market Imperfections on the Business Cycle. Journal of Institutional Studies. No.4, 2011, pp. 34-47.
  8. Matveeva T. Macroeconomics. M.: HSE – 37 p.s. – to be published in February-March 2015.

Russian – native
Fluent English
French – understand and read
1. Chairman of the Discipline Commission on Preliminary Examination in Economics for the HSE Entrants in 2008.
2. Chairman of the Commission on the Preparation and Conducting of the Multidiscipline Olympiad in HSE in 2010.
1. The Title of Honour and the Medal of Honour of the Ministry of Higher Education of Russian Federation “Honorable Worker of the Higher Professional Education”, 2011
2. The Certificate of Honour of HSE “For High Professionalism and Devotion in Implementation of Work Obligations”, 2007.
3. The Certificate of Honour of HSE “For High Professionalism and Devotion in Implementation of Work Obligations”, 2011.
4. The Gratitude of HSE, 2013.
5. The Best Lecturer of the Economic Faculty of HSE and of the ICEF – 2011.
6. The Best Lecturer of the Economic Faculty of HSE and of the ICEF – 2012.
7. The Best Lecturer of the Economic Faculty of HSE and of the ICEF – 2013.
8. The Best Lecturer of the World Economy Faculty of HSE – 2014.
9. Students Award “Respectum”, Economic Faculty of HSE, 2008. The nominant.
10. Students Award “Respectum”, ICEF, 2009. The nominant.
11. Students Award “Respectum”, Economic Faculty of HSE, 2009. The winner.
Organizational and communicational abilities
Соmputer: Word, Excel, Power Point
Theatre, reading fiction, traveling