Task: Your Task Is to Demonstrate an Understanding of the Work of One of the Anthropologists'

Task: Your Task Is to Demonstrate an Understanding of the Work of One of the Anthropologists'

Date: / TASK:
ASSESSMENT / Anthropologist Role Play/Facebook Page Culminating Activity / BLM CA-C1

Refer to page 53, #11

Task: Your task is to demonstrate an understanding of the work of one of the anthropologists' in a role play or by creating a Facebook profile (or other social media with teacher approval). Select one of the following:

Success Criteria / What Success Looks Like
(Student Checklist)
  • Understands chosen anthropologist's research, field of anthropology, and key findings/theories
/ I have demonstrated an understanding of my chosen anthropologist's research, field, and key findings/theories.
  • Communicates clearly, works collaboratively, makes presentation memorable
/ I have presented my work clearly. I worked collaboratively on my role play and made the presentation memorable.
I have presented my work clearly using key messages and appropriate images on my Facebook page.
  • Makes connections to you and/or society today with recent example(s)
/ I have made connections to me and/or society today with recent examples.
Steps: Role Play / Steps: Facebook Page
1.Identify who you are working with.
2.Select an anthropologist (check with teacher for repeats).
3.Review what you already know about this anthropologist (check notes/text).
4.Identify what you want to include, and what connections can be made to society today.
5.Determine roles.
6.Identify how you will make the role play memorable (what can you add to demonstrate these ideas clearly to your peers).
7.Write a script (or at least key ideas of each person) and practise your role.
8.Check with rubric to be sure your script allows each person to meet all of the criteria.
9.Prepare any props. / 1.Select an anthropologist (check with teacher for repeats).
2.Review what you already know about this anthropologist (check notes/text).
3.Identify what you want to include, and what connections can be made to society today.
4.Plan how to present the information in an interesting way.
5.Select images to support your social media (remember to identify where you found these images).
6.Edit to be sure there are no errors and that the images support your message.
7.Consider how to organize ideas (for example, use of subtitles, colour, font size, symbols).

Reflection: Write a brief reflection using three of the following phrases as starting points:

My most important contribution to this culminating activity was . . .

I now realize . . .

Next time I do I will because . . .

I was surprised . . .

Copyright © McGraw-Hill Ryerson 2011
Date: / TASK:
ASSESSMENT / Anthropologist Role Play/
Facebook Page Rubric / BLM CA-C1
Criteria / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Knowledge/ understanding: understanding of anthropologists' research, field of anthropology, and key findings/ theories / Demonstrates beginning understanding of anthropologist's research, key findings, and theories, including using words of others. / Demonstrates some understanding of anthropologist's research, key findings, and theories with some use of others’ words and some of your own. / Demonstrates considerable understanding of anthropologist's research, with most key findings and theories included, mostly in your own words. / Demonstrates thorough understanding of anthropologist's research, with all key findings and theories included and thoughtfully explained in your own words.
Thinking: research and planning skills (choice of evidence) through polished product and metacognition in reflection / Selection of evidence shows limited understanding of anthropologist, and your reflection has an awareness of next steps. / Selection of evidence shows satisfactory understanding of anthropologist, and your reflection has an awareness of your next steps and why. / Selection of evidence shows effective understanding of anthropologist, and your reflection has a thoughtful awareness of next steps and your role. / Selection of evidence shows impressive understanding of anthropologist, and your reflection has an insightful awareness of your next steps.
Communication (role play): clear communication in role, with props, costumes, rhyme, humour, etc. to support key messages / Communicates orally with emerging clarity and with minimal effort to support messages of anthropologist beyond words. / Communicates orally with some clarity and with some effort to support messages of anthropologist beyond words. / Communicates orally with clarity and with skilled effectiveness to support messages of anthropologist beyond words. / Communicates orally with impressive clarity and with considerable effectiveness to support messages of anthropologist beyond words.
Communication (Facebook): communication of key relevant ideas in social media with appropriate images to support ideas / Communicates words with emerging clarity while trying to explain ideas in own words, and choice of images has limited relevance. / Communicates words with satisfactory clarity while trying to explain ideas in own words, and choice of images has some relevance. / Communicates words with skilled clarity while explaining ideas in own words well, and choice of images supports key ideas in text. / Communicates words with expert clarity while explaining ideas in own thoughtful words, and choice of images are insightful and interesting.
Application: connections to you and/or society today with recent example(s) / Makes passable connections between self and ideas of anthropologist. / Makes satisfactory connections between self and/or society today with ideas of anthropologist. / Makes clear connections between self and/or society today with ideas of anthropologist. / Makes insightful connections between self and/or society today with ideas of anthropologist.
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Ryerson 2011