
Monica / Ross / Phoebe / Chandler / Rachel / Joey

Task 1 Study the words and phrases below:

Word of phrase / Initial form / Definition / Translation
broke off / to break off (phrasal verb) / if something breaks off, or if you break it off, it comes loose and is no longer attached to something else: / відламатися
pre-emptive strike / a preemptive strike (n.) / a pre-emptive action is done to prevent something from happening, especially something that will harm you / упереджуючий удар
pretend / to pretend (v.) / to behave as if something is true when in fact you know it is not, in order to deceive people or for fun / прикидатися, вдавати
picked up / to pick up (phrasal verb) / to collect or learn something (in this case – to collect 9 more annoying things) / збирати
alimony / alimony (n.) / money that a court orders someone to pay regularly to their former wife or husband after their marriage has ended / аліменти
transferring / to transfer (v.) / to move something (or somebody) from one place to another / переводити, відправляти
fuel / fuel (n.) / a substance such as coal, gas, or oil that can be burned to produce heat or energy / паливо, пальне
annoying / annoying (adj.) / irritating, making you feel slightly angry / докучливий
choice / choice (n.) / if you have a choice, you can choose between several things / вибір
involved / involved (adj.) / having a romantic relationship with someone, especially a sexual one / маючий стосунки
divorced / divorced (adj.) / no longer married to your wife or husband / розлучений
precious / precious (adj.) / valuable and important and should not be wasted or used without care / дорогоцінний
soak up / soak up (phrasal verb) / to enjoy something by watching it or becoming involved in it / вбирати в себе, насолоджуватись
can’t stand / can’t stand (phrase) / =hate / не переносити, ненавидіти
overseas / overseas (adv.) / to or in a foreign country that is across the sea; abroad / за кордон, «за моря»

Task 2 Watch the episode and complete the lines with the words from the table above:

Rachel:Chandler, there’s a guy right over there.
Chandler:That’s a mailman! That’sourmailman! Hi. How are ya?
Rachel:Chandler, don’t worry! This doesn’t make you any less of a guy!Thatdoes! What am I sitting on? Ihateto think what this woman was scratching when this 1) ______.
Monica:How have you been?
Janice:Oh well, I’m 2) ______.
Phoebe:Ohhh, wow.
Janice:Yeah, I’m riding the 3) ______pony.
Joey:And there it is.
Chandler:Bye. I 4)______the woman!
Phoebe:What?! I thought you were crazy about her!
Chandler:Yeah, I know, but all of those little 5) ______things she did before we fell in love? Like her voice, her laugh, her personality—Well, they’re all back! Y’know? And she’s 6) ______like nine new ones!
Chandler:Don’t worry about it. I’m taking care of it tonight.
Rachel:You are not. You haveneverbeen able to break up with her.
Chandler: Well, I don’t have to break up with her this time. We’re not 7) ______! I’m going to do a 8) ______! I’m going to end it with her before it starts. My ass is like frozen!
Joey:Yeah, try sticking it in the freezer for 20 minutes. I’m tellin’ ya!
Janice:Oh, look at us! Who would’ve thought that Cupid had a station at 14th Street Nails.
Chandler: Okay, we have to talk. I’m just getting out of a very serious relationship…
Janice:I know! And I’m just getting out of a marriage, I mean talk about meant to be!
Chandler:Right! I just think that this is happening too soon.
Janice:Oh, too soon, too schmoon. Face it honey, I am not letting you get away this time.
Chandler:I hear ya. But! Unfortunately, my company is 9) ______me 10) ______!
Chandler:I don’t know exactly.
Janice:Ugh, well I will just have to 11) ______every once of Chandler Bing until that moment comes.
Chandler:But I do know that it’s some time tomorrow.
Chandler:Y’know uh, you didn’t really have to help me pack.
Janice:Ohh, well when you said all you were going to be doing between now and the time you leave is packing, you didn’t really leave me much 12) ______. Did you?
Chandler:Well, I-I thought I did but, I-I guess I didnot!
Joey:Hey-hey, what’s going on?
Chandler:Oh, I’m packing. Y’know I’m-I’m packing ‘cause I’m moving to Yemen tomorrow.
Joey:Thanks for telling me!
Chandler:I’m only going to 13) ______I’m moving to Yemen, it’s the only way I can get rid off her.
Chandler:Y’know you, really didn’t have to take me to the airport.
Janice:Oh please. Every moment is 14) ______. Y’know? Besides, somebody had to ride in that other taxi with the rest of your luggage, and your friends don’t really seem to care too much that you’re leaving.
Chandler:Well, we’re really not that close. Okay, so I guess this is uh, good-bye then.
Janice:On no! No! It’s not good-bye, I’m not leaving until you get on that plane.
Ticket Counter Attendant:This is the final boarding call for Flight 664 to Yemen.
Chandler:Well, I-I guess I gotta go.
Janice:Oh, my Bing-a-ling. I’ll wait for you. Do you even know how long you’re going to be gone?
Chandler:Well, just until we find an energy source to replace 15) ______.
Janice:Oh. Well, I’ll write you every day. 15 Yemen Road, Yemen.
Chandler:Okay, good-bye. Good-bye.

Prepared by Julia Borovetska