TASK 1: Centenial Olympic Park
Task 1 Student Directions:
Your first job is to construct the original layout of the structures in Centennial Olympic Park on the following graph using the following vertices listed in the table below. You want to make sure that you label each structure in the park as well as the coordinates. The fountain of water that is located in the middle of the park is represented by the point (0, 0). Transform three of the four original structures in the park to a new quadrant. Transform the first structure (stage) using a translation. Transform the second structure (Concession Stand) using a reflection. Transform the third structure (Restroom) using a rotation. Identify the structure that was moved and the type of transformations that took place. Identify corresponding line segments, corresponding angles and parallel lines.
You will need graph paper and a ruler to ensure precision and accuracy of your structures.
Complete the table below with your findings
Use graph paper
Stage (Graph)
Concession Stand (Graph)
Restroom (Graph)
Visitor Center(Graph)
Look at your first image that you transformed on your graph.
Find the line segment AB. Draw a tick mark on it.
Find the line segment on the image that corresponds with line segment AB. Draw a tick mark on it too.
Pick another line segment of the same pre-image. Place two tick marks on it.
Find the line segment on the image that corresponds to it. Draw two tick marks on it also.
1. Why do you think that it is important to label your figures with the same letters?
2. What observations can you make from your graph after transforming the structures? What changed and what remained the same?
3. How can you determine if the structures that you transformed are congruent to the original structures in Centennial Olympic Park?
Advancement Opportunity: Write a general rule for each of the three figures transformed.
1. Why do you think that it is important to label your figures with the same letters?
2. What observations can you make from your graph after transforming the structures? What changed and what remained the same?
3. How can you determine if the structures that you transformed are congruent to the original structures in Centennial Olympic Park?
Students will use the provided coordinate grid paper to plot pre-image and image. A ruler is needed to ensure precision and accuracy of your structures.
Advancement Opportunity: Write a general rule for each of the three figures transformed.
Debrief and revise incorrect transformations as they will be used again in Task 3.
Advancement Opportunity: Write a general rule for each of the three figures transformed.
TASK2: Aaron Designs
Task 2 Student Directions:
Understand congruence and similarities using physical models, transparencies of geometry software MGSE8.G.2 - UNDERSTAND that a two-dimensional figure is congruent to another if the second can be obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, and translations; given two congruent figures, DESCRIBE a sequence that exhibits the congruence between them.
The Mayor of Atlanta was not convinced that the new objects you designed were congruent to the original objects in the park. To convince him, you use a simpler design from your portfolio in which you were asked to design earlier in your career called Aaron’s Design. Use Aaron’s instructions to complete the portfolio image to present to the mayor and build his confidence in your knowledge and skills of congruence.
Advancement Opportunity: How did understanding congruency under transformations make Aaron's job easier when creating his design?
Task 2 Teacher Notes:
The mayor of Atlanta was not convinced that the new objects you designed were congruent to the original objects in the park. To convince him you use a simpler design from your portfolio in which you were asked to design earlier in your career called Aaron’s Design. Use the Aaron’s, your client, instructions to complete the portfolio image to present to the mayor and build his confidence in your knowledge and skills of congruence.
Students will need the formative assessment, Aaron’s Design Task, which can be found at the following link
Answer Key:
1) Reflect the shape over the vertical line. Then translate the 2 shapes down 4 squares
2) Translate the shape down 4 squares. Then reflect the 2 shapes over the vertical line
3) Reflect the shape over the vertical line. Then translate the shape down 4 squares. Then reflect over the vertical line.
4) Translate the shape 4 squares down. Then reflect the shape over the vertical line.
Then translate the shape 4 units up.