TarryallRiver Club. LTD

27500 County Road 77

Lake George, CO80827


July19, 2009

The annual meeting was called to order by President Tom Tauche at 1PM on July 22, 2009.

President/ Tom Tauche, 719-237- 8771,

Vice President: Don Foster: 719-632-8767,

Treasurer: Garry Contreras 719-748-2236,

Secretary: John Massie: 719-598-5903,

Board member: James McArdle: 303-791-0106.

Board member: Kevin Tesh: 719-748-1214,

Board member: Nick Simoff, 719-492-5566,

All Members present introduced themselves and their guests. There were 21 lot owners present.

The minutes of the April 19th board meeting were read by John Massie. The minutes were approved as read.

The financial report was presented by Gary Contreras. See the attached report.

The fish committee report was presented by James McArdle.

Kelvin Tesh, Kevin Tesh, James McArdle and Don Foster removed the beaver dam and beaver house from the club property. John Massie was recognized for his work on the annual picnic, Don Foster and Gary Contreras for helping Tom Tauche with various projects. Tom Tauche for his work on the new fishing permits.

Election of the board of directors for 2009/2010 was the next item of business.

Nick Simoff was nominated from the floor. The present board members also all volunteered to run again. The new board of directors for 2009/2010 is:

President/ Tom Tauche, 719-237- 8771,

Vice President: Don Foster: 719-632-8767,

Treasurer: Garry Contreras 719-748-2236,

Secretary: John Massie: 719-598-5903,

Board member: James McArdle: 303-791-0106.

Board member: Kevin Tesh: 719-748-1214,

Board member: Nick Simoff, 719-492-5566, .

The Lake George Fire District represenitives presented the new signs for dwelling address numbers. These new signs are recommended by ParkCounty. Contact Dutch at the Lake George Fire district if you would like to order one.

Old Business:

A certified letter will be sent to the Lynches, lots 34/35, requiring them to correct the drainage issues they created with their landscaping,

We have several lot owners who are late with their dues and special assessment fees. A certified letter will be sent to them telling them to pay or they will be turned over to our lawyer for collection of fees.

New Business:

Our water storage rights for our lake, Bayou Salado Dam, are two years into our six year temporary permit. Tom Tauche will take charge of obtaining permanent storage rights.

A committee will be formed to establish set fines for violations of the by-laws and Covance’s.

The new fishing passes were discussed. A motion was made and seconded to keep the new system this year.

$500.00 will be donated to the Lake George Fire District.

Applications for trailer permits must be submitted and approved by the board before trails are placed on the lots, All conditions in the by-laws and Covance’s must be met. All trailers and boats must be removed by October 31st.

The Board officers for next year: President Tom Tauche, Vice President Don Foster, Treasured Gary Contreras, Secretary John Massie.

Next years board meetings will be:

October 19, 2009 at John Massie’s, lot 90

Jan 17, 2010 at Jim McArdles, lot 55

April 18, 2010 TBD.

July 18, 2010, TBD,

Meeting was adjourned at 3:00