Tree Campus USA
Tarrant County College Southeast
Tree Care Plan
- The purpose of the Tarrant County College Southeast (TCCSE) Tree Care Plan (TCP) is to implement the policies, procedures, and practices that we will use in establishing, maintaining, protecting and removing trees on the TCCSE campus.
- To utilize these practices to provide opportunities for our Students, Faculty, Staff and community to serve in the enhancement and preservation of our campus vie the Tree Campus USA Program.
- The desire and goal of the TCP is to ensure an attractive, safe campus with a focus on sustainable urban forestry.
The following are our specific objectives;
- Ensure specific species areselected for planting sites, proper installation following the “The Best of Texas Landscape Guide” issued by The Texas Nursery and Landscape Association.
- To install high quality nursery stock and to obtain locally grown materials when possible.
- To install and maintain a diverse variety of plant materials.
- Promote proper maintenance of existing and future trees based on techniques established by the National Arbor Day Foundation.
- Ensure that trees are replaced on an as need basis due to weather, pest, injury or construction in a reasonable amount of time.
- Be proactive in protecting, relocating trees due to construction or other campus alterations. Encourage, student, faculty, staff and community to be active in protecting, promoting our TCP.
Responsible Department
TCCSE Grounds Department within the Building Services Department under the direction of Plant Superintendent David Waldrop will be tasked with compliance to the TCCD SE Tree Care Plan on a daily basis.
Reports will be provided at committee meeting, to cover, current financials (labor, materials) and any proposed landscape, construction and renovations that could or will impact our Tree Care Plan.
Polices/ Procedures for planting, landscaping, maintenance and Tree removal.
We will follow and adhere to the guidelines and practice set forth by the Arbor Day foundation Tree Pruning Guide. All associates involved in tree maintenance will be trained on proper techniques on an annual basis. TCCD SE will also follow the following basic guidelines for daily, weekly, monthly tree care.
- Pruning Schedules– will be dictated by a trees – species, age, condition and location on campus
- Pruning Practices –are established to ensure proper techniques are followed to promote strong, healthy and safe trees-
- Preventive Maintenance Pruning- trees will be checked periodically throughout the year. The only pruningthat will be conducted will be done on an as needed basis to help promote the health of the trees and to insure a safe campus...
- Cleaning-shall be performed to remove dead, diseased, dying, and defective branches, which reduces hazards, promotes, health, and improves appearance
- Thinning -Thinning shall be performed to reduce the density of branches, which increases light penetration, improves visibility, and decreases wind load.
- Raising - shall be performed to provide vertical clearance from thoroughfares, signs, street lights, and structures and to prevent damage to trees during routine grounds maintenance
- Reduction -shall be performed to decrease the overall height of a tree or to decrease the length of an individual branch. Use reduction pruning only when absolutely necessary.
Cultural Practices Mulching and Irrigation
- Tree Rings will be established on all newly planted trees and existing trees to provide buffer for routine grounds maintenance
- Tree mulching- 1-2 x per year for new plantings and once every year for trees up to approximately 6”.
Fertilization and Pest Management –only OMRI approved organic materials will be used for fertilization and pest control utilizing Integrated Pest Managements best practices.
- Pesticides- monitor regularly for Scale, Tent Caterpillars, wilt, and root rot. Trees will only be treated with approved Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) materials.
- Fertilization- will be completed annual or as needed utilizing all organic materials (Super Thrive) to promote tree vigor on newly planted trees (>3years), transplanted trees, or those in high stress areas (islands) .
Other Practices
- Tree Removals -Live trees are generally only removed when to protect the public safety or at risk due to campus construction or renovation. Trees that are removed will be relocated (if possible) to another campus site more suitable for its continued growth.
- Planting and Tree Diversity -As the campus is used as a teaching lab, increasing the diversity of tree species is extremely important. However, species selection must be dictated by site conditions and ability to survive. New cultivars and species should be considered for all plantings to provide additional educational opportunities and will be approved by Plant Superintendent and or the grounds supervisor.
- Storm Response and Recovery- all associates (volunteers) that will be involved in any storm response or recovery activity will be trained utilizing the National ArborDay Foundations Storm Recovery Kit.
- Storm response and recovery are accomplished in-house.
- First priority is to insure the safety of students, faculty and staff by removal of any trees or debris that blocks campus thoroughfares, disrupts campus operations, or poses hazards to the campus community.
- A prioritized recovery plan will be is implemented during which unsalvageable trees are systematically removed and salvageable trees are pruned to restore their health and structure to insure a high survival rate.
- As the tree planting budget permits, lost trees are strategically replaced to restore the structure and function of the campus urban forest in a reasonable time frame.
Protection and Preservation policies and procedures
Policy- Development activities shall be planned as far in advance as possible in order to preserve and protect trees on TCCSE Campus. Any tree on campus that must be removed or risks being damaged to accommodate development, damage during storm events, disease and water/sewer repairs must be identified on the site plan and a method / plan for removal /relocation should be proposed. The goal should be to save/relocate 50% of desirable trees affected by projects.
Procedures –Trees that are at risk for new construction, renovation and or campus enhancements will be protected following the guidelines
- A barrier consisting of 4’ tall plastic, wood or chain link fencing will be erected to within 3’ of trees drip line or a minimum distance of 2.5’ from base of tree.
- No construction materials or equipment will be placed, parked or stored within the tree protection area. Trees within safety barriers will be monitored monthly/ weekly to insure no damage or undue stress is occurring.
Goals and Targets
The Goals for the initial establishment of Tree Campus USA at TCCD SE will consist of the following items.
- Tree Inventory to be completed prior to Dec. 2010
- History (plant date/ disease)
- Mapping of exiting trees utilizing Geo Cad and GPS.
- Review and update of information by Grounds Department or students assigned to the project quarterly
- This inventory will be used for campus planning purposes, tree management, academic exercises, and the general public.
- Arbor Day Celebration- To continue our annual tree planting ceremony as well as develop methods / activities (tree give away/ educational sessions) that will increase participation by our student, faculty and staff .
- Tree/ shrub nursery – development of nursery stock by utilizing the seedling material proved by the Texas Forestry department.
Additional Goals and Targets
- Mulch/compost – continued development of current mulching / composting program utilizing our campus material and evaluating the possibility of involving students, faculty and staff.
- Tree Canopy- Determination of current canopy level by utilizing our completed tree inventory and establishing a plan to achieve a reasonable Tree canopy level in the near future.
- Campus Master plan- to provide direction and input to the campus steering committee on our need to be proactive in preserving existing trees and continued establishment of new trees.
Prohibited Practices
The following items will not be permitted to occur unless approved by the Plant Superintendent
- All Dedication, memorial etc Tree plantings will be reviewed and approved by the Grounds supervisor to ensure that species, location etc comply with our Campus Tree Care Plan
- At no time shall any bicycles, scooters or any other items be secured to a tree
- Decorating (lights), hanging (hammock), attaching (signs) any objects permanently or temporarily to any campus tree must have Grounds supervisor approval
- If permitted care must be taken to insure that minimal (if any) damage is incurred to the Tree (s)
- All restrictions, time lines must be adhered to minimize damage to trees.
Tree Campus USA
Tarrant County College Southeast
Campus Tree Advisory Committee
The committee will be composed of members form the following areas of the TCCD SE campus and the community with a minimum of 7 maximum of 9 members
- 1-2 Faculty members serving 2 years
- 1-2 Faculty members serving 3 years
- 1-2 Student representatives serving 1-2 years (active/ Cont. Ed/ Senior Ed.)
- 1-2 Staff members serving 1-2 years ( Student services / Support staff)
- 1-2 Community representative serving 1-2 years
- 1 – Grounds Supervisor / Plant Superintendent serving continually
This establishment of committee member time limits will allow for a constant flow of members through the committee in which will provide the continuity of the original purpose and direction while creating opportunity for new ideas and direction.
The committee will assign positions within that will assume the day to day responsibilities and to also lead various projects pertaining to establishment and continued recertification as a Tree Campus USA.
All Committee members will be active participants in meetings, projects and policy setting issues for the Tree Campus USA project at TCCD SE.
If a Committee member needs to resign he or she will be asked to recommend a replacement for the remainder of their term.
Current Committee member’s information is provided on the attached spreadsheet.
Tree Campus USA
Tarrant County College Southeast
Once approval for Tree Campus USA has been achieve we will communicate our status by the following means stressing the need for environmental, service and the impact / benefits of trees in our community
- TCC Newspaper – feature article on program and notices of upcoming events (lectures/volunteer opportunities)
- Local media
- Press Releases
- Invitation to events
- Community calendar posting on upcoming events
- Post stories on website relating to Tree campus USA and other environmental related topics as well notices of upcoming events
- Utilize TCCD Public Relations department to assist with community releases
Tree Campus USA
Tarrant County College Southeast
Expenditure Worksheet
Tree Planting and Initial Care:
19 new trees
- 8 purchased x $175.00 $1,400.00
- 11 replants from Nursery stock x $30.00$330.00
- Labor- 57 man hrs x $18.00 $1026.00
- Labor Maintenance Etc. 15hrs per week x 40 weeks x $18.00 $10,800.00
15 Trees Transplanted due to new construction (avg. 8 DBH) – only 3 lost.
- Labor 20 man hrs X 15 x $18.00$5,400.00
- Equipment costs $300.00 per day x 5days $1,500.00
Tree Management
- Pruning / fertilization / removal
- 10 hrs per week x 48weeks x $18.00 $8,640.00
- Nursery Maintenance
- 6 Hrs per Week x 48 weeks x $18.00 $5,184.00
Volunteer time
- 15 hrs per week x 40 weeks x $18.00 $10,800.00
Other Activities
- Tree Care Plan Committee / Planning
- 10hrs per week x 48 weeks X $18.00 $8,640.00
- Equipment purchase repairs $1,500.00
Total Expense $68,180
We also purchased 104 30gallon trees for the TCC SE nursery at the end of fiscal year 2009 to beplanted at all 5 TCCD campuses
Tree Campus USA
Tarrant County College Southeast
Arbor Day Observance 2009
Tree planting ceremony occurred April 22, 2009
Burr Oak – Native Texas Tree – 30 gallon purchased from John Deere landscapes ($175.00)
Tree funds provided by Future Business leaders of America student association
Presentations made on the need for sustainability of our environment and the roles trees play in our future.
Attendees were Campus President Judith Carrier,Rusty Fox- numerous students, faculty and staff – (20)
2010 Arbor Day / Earth Day Observance Activities
This will be replacing our past spring fling activity and will consist of the following items culminating with our campus wide Arbor Day celebration April 30th
- Seminar / Lecture series – focused on sustainability open to Students/ Faculty/ staff and community
- Proper Tree care
- Tree selection and installation
- Composting
- Home gardening – Vegetables / Landscaping
- Irrigation
- Art contests – Scholarships will be awarded
- Logo design for TCCD SE / Tree Campus USA
- Chalk Art- contest for Arbor /Earth day themed
- Poster contest – Arbor / earth day themed – displayed in west corridor
- Speech Contest – Scholarships will be awarded
- Presentations focused on sustainability
- Holiday tree drop off site for recycling / mulching / composting – proposed
- Scavenger hunt – Tree identification contest with prizes / awards given for students / faculty / staff
- Arbor Day April 3oth – outdoor activities will consist of
- Tree dedication ceremony
- Service Learning project- information provided on our status and current tree inventory/ maps displayed. (target of 50% completion )
- Tree Give Away - saplings provided by??
- Plant sale – vegetable / bedding plants – profits being utilized for additional tree purchases / arbor day activities
- Games/ activities – Green focus
- Food and beverages will be provided
Tree Campus USA
Tarrant County College Southeast
Service Learning Project
Campus Tree Inventory - to be completed by end of summer semester 2010
- Inventory all existing campus trees by species by students utilizing the attached form
- Geography, Life Sciences departments under the guidance of Regina Huse and David Sale
- Plot all existing trees on Geo-cad – to be completed by Construction science dept. under the supervision of Arnold Radman and Orlando Bachal
- Gps – exact coordinates
- Determine current Tree Canopy based on GeoCad and DBH.
- Develop and record historical data of current tree population- completed by current and past staff
Campus Tree Walking Trail
- Map developed to provide a nature walk viewing trees and other plant materials
- Utilize map / trail for classroom educational opportunities – Life Sciences /Geography/ art
- Community education- civic groups and local schools – various student activity groups.
Tree Identification plaques
- Placards placed at various variety of trees located throughout campus- to be designed and produced by various campus departments – Graphic design/ Art / construction
TCCD SE Tree Inventory Reporting FormTree Type / Location / Diameter
Sec / ID # / (Key Code) / Longitude / Latitude / Elevation / Measure @ 3-5' / Comments
SW / Lo1 / LO (live oak) / 4.5" / No visible damage
Class / Instructor
Office Use Only / Approved / Date
Tree Id.