OAA Objectives / Action / Time Frame
Early Voluntary Liberalization
(a)Identify industries in which the progressive reduction of tariffs may have positive impact on trade and on economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region, or for which there is regional industry support for early liberalization*.
(b)Identify industries in which the progressive reduction of non-tariff measures may have positive impact on trade and on economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region, or for which there is regional industry support for early liberalization*
(*Note: referred to elsewhere as “priority industry sectors”) / Short-term and Ongoing
Collective: consider developing a list of further priority sectors for submission to Ministers as and when directed by CTI.
Collective: develop a framework and database for reporting progress on liberalization in tariffs and NTMs, including product specific information about tariff peaks and tariff quotas.
Collective: follow the progress of the approved work programs on NTMs in EVSL and consolidate the overall results of this work. / 2000 onwards
(c)Develop and keep a computerized tariff database (APEC tariff database) and work towards establishing a database network without duplicating but rather supporting the WTO work in this area / Short-term and Ongoing
Individual: submit current data, and any other information which is collectively agreed to be required to implement suggested enhancements by users of the APEC Tariff Database (TDB), to the Tariff Database Manager (Federal Express).
Individual: provide regular updates of tariff information as changes occur, and provide annual updates of trade and other agreed data to the APEC database. To support WTO, provide tariff and trade data annually in accordance with WTO obligations. Non-WTO members may provide the information required as a voluntary measure.
Collective: coordinate with SCCP to continuously review existing functions and explore new enhancements with the Tariff Database Manager/other service providers to ensure the continuous development and maintenance of the APEC Tariff Database in ways that meet the needs of users.
Collective: develop improved format for the tariffs chapter of the Individual Action Plan (IAP) for use as the electronic-IAP template for reporting progress on liberalization in tariffs by member economies.
Collective: review the Terms of Reference of the MAG in tariffs area with a view to providing clearer guidance on the roles and functions of the group.
Collective: undertake study in the tariffs area with respect to trade data and tariff information, including issues of particular interest to developing member economies, with a view to building capacity to participate in the WTO negotiations. / Ongoing
2000 - 2005
2000 - 2005
Non-Tariff Measures
(d)Pursue incorporation of information on non-tariff measures into a future version of the APEC tariff database and compile a list of measures recognized as non-tariff impediments and a list of products affected by those impediments. / Short-term and Ongoing
Individual: exchange through the CTI, and where possible make available electronically (e.g. through the APEC Secretariat’s Homepage), information on non-tariff measures utilizing existing WTO formats as a reference.
Collective: examine how information on non-tariff measures can be made available on electronic or other platforms for sharing and exchange so as to help businesses to better understand member economies’ trade regimes/practices.
Collective: develop improved format for the non-tariff measures chapter of the IAP for use as the electronic-IAP template to enhance transparency of non-tariff measures and for reporting progress on their reduction.
Collective: on the basis of information exchanged, compile a list of measures recognized as non-tariff impediments and a list of products affected by those impediments, and examine the UNCTAD Coding System of Trade Control Measures as a possible reporting system.
Collective: further develop the MAG homepage of links to websites of APEC member economies dealing with trade regulations and associated administrative arrangements as a resource to business and other economies.
Collective: expand the MAG website by publishing other appropriate MAG papers on the website.
Collective: develop and update the contents of the APEC database in association with other international organizations (e.g. WTO and UNCTAD).
Collective: review the Terms of Reference of the MAG in non-tariff measures area with a view to providing clearer guidance on the roles and functions of the group. / Ongoing
2001 onwards
2001 onwards
2000 - 2005
2000 - 2005
(e)Progressively reduce non-tariff measures / Short-term

Collective: undertake a stock-take of work in the non-tariff measures area by various fora, including identifying types of non-tariff measures, with a view to intensifying work on reducing non-tariff measures.

Short Term and Ongoing

Collective: undertake research and provide a basis for policy discussions on trade regulations and administrative arrangements that focus on procedural elements of trade processes in collaboration with other APEC fora.
Collective: undertake a series of policy discussions on NTMs with a view to exploring issues surrounding their progressive reduction, and devising practical options for their progressive reduction on a voluntary basis.
Collective: maintain a dialogue with other APEC fora on aspects of their work programs which address NTMs.
Medium to Long-term
Collective: consider the possibility of adopting a work program to progress this OAA objective. / 2000
2001 onwards
2001 onwards
2001 onwards
2000 - 2010/2020
(f)Progressively reduce export subsidies with a view to abolishing them. / Short-term
Individual: exchange through CTI, and where possible make available electronically (e.g. through the APEC Secretariat’s Homepage), information on all export subsidies, utilizing existing WTO formats as a reference. As a starting point, individual members could use their respective notifications to WTO under the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures.
Collective: consider using the information collated from notifications under the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures to develop a reporting system on export subsidies so as to enhance transparency and thus facilitate trade.
Collective: discuss further measures to enhance transparency of export subsidies, building on the exchange of information among APEC members and consider what further APEC collective actions are appropriate and possible.
Medium- to Long-term
Collective: develop approaches leading to the progressive reduction of export subsidies by members, with a view to abolishing them in support of WTO agreements. / 2000 onwards
2000 - 2005
(g)Abolish unjustifiable export prohibitions and restrictions and endeavour to refrain from taking any such new measures. / Short-term
Individual: exchange through CTI, and where possible make available electronically (e.g. through APEC Secretariat’s Homepage), information on all export prohibitions and restrictions utilizing existing WTO formats as a reference.
Collective: consider using information collated from WTO Trade Policy Reviews of APEC members which are WTO members to develop a reporting system for export prohibitions and restrictions.
Collective: discuss further measures to enhance transparency in unjustifiable export prohibitions and restrictions, building on theexchange of information among APEC members and consider other APEC collective actions which are appropriate and possible.
Medium- to Long-term
Collective: develop approaches leading to the progressive reduction of unjustifiable export prohibitions and restrictions by members, with a view to abolishing them. / 2000 onwards
2000 - 2005