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World Trade
Organization / RESTRICTED
15 September 2000
Committee on Agriculture


Note by the Secretariat



  1. The purpose of the present addendum to document G/AG/NG/S/10, dated 7 June 2000, is to illustrate potential uses of the Integrated Data Base (IDB) and the Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database in the agricultural area. The following pages contain samples of data selection and reports that could be produced from the IDB and the CTS, subject to having complete IDB and CTS information for Members and sufficient resources to undertake the work.[1] The data elements that are included in the reports are described before each report sample. The information in the samples is illustrative and does not represent Members' actual commitments.
  2. Overall, this note provides six sample reports:
  • MFN Bound and Applied Duties and Imports by Product (pp. 2-3)
  • List of Members' Tariff Quotas by HS 4-digit Code (p. 4)
  • Tariff quotas, In-quota and Out-of-Quota MFN Duties and Imports by Member (pp. 5-6)
  • List of Members' Export Subsidy Commitments by HS 4-digit Code (p. 7)
  • Export Subsidy Outlay and Quantity Commitments by Member (pp.8-10)
  • Total AMS Commitments by Member (p. 11).
  1. The main data elements of the IDB and the tariff concessions and tariff quota information from the CTS database are contained in Annex I.[2] Annex II shows the main data elements of the commitments limiting subsidization to be included in the CTS.


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Sample Report 1:MFN Bound and Applied Duties and Imports by Product - Data Elements included in the report

This report presents, for selected Members on a tariff line basis, the MFN bound and applied duties, information from the schedules such as INRs, tariff quotas (TQs) and export subsidies (XSs), as well as imports by country of origin.

Data Element / Description
Product / It would be possible to select the products to be shown by HS Chapters, HS 4-digit codes, HS 6-digit codes or by pre-defined product categories, such as those used in the analysis of the results of the Uruguay Round.
Member / The name of the Member for which the information applies. It would be possible to select the Members for which the report would be compiled.
Tariff Line / National tariff line number and associated product description
Ex / Indicates that different duties and/or bindings apply to the tariff line
SSG / Indicates that the special safeguard provision applies to the tariff line
Product description / Product description
MFN Base Duty / Base duty (out-of-quota) as specified in schedules. Some Members have listed both the in-quota and out-of-quota duties in Part I Section I A of their schedules. For these cases, different tariff lines are used to record their in-quota and out-of-quota items and both the in-quota and out-of-quota duties would appear in the report, as is shown in the following report sample under Member 3.
MFN Bound Duty / Bound duty (out-of-quota). See above remarks regarding the MFN base duty.
MFN Applied Duty / The MFN bound, statutory or temporary duty in force for the reference year. See above remarks regarding the MFN base duty.
ODC / Other duties and charges applicable for the tariff line
INR / Holder(s) of present INRs on the tariff line
TQ / If the tariff line is subject to a tariff quota, the relevant tariff quota ID code is shown here (e.g. Mem1Q001).
XS / If the tariff line is subject to an export subsidy, the relevant export subsidy ID code is shown here (e.g. Mem1X003).
First 3 suppliers / This would show total imports for the tariff line (All Origins) and imports for the first 3 suppliers. It would be possible to choose the threshold for the suppliers such as first 3, first 5, first 20, etc. It would also be possible to select the aggregates (e.g. All Origins, WTO Members, MFN, GSP, etc) and the suppliers (e.g. Poland) to be shown.
Value / Import value in thousands of US dollars. Note that the import value in national currency is also available in the IDB.
Source / The source of concession from the CTS database (e.g. UR94 for a concession made in the Uruguay Round, HS96 for a concession resulting from HS 96 changes, Rectif. for a rectification, etc), followed by the year of reference for the MFN applied duty and imports from the IDB.

In addition to the above data elements, the following information would be also be required to compile this report:

-Where applicable, a concordance table to link the tariff nomenclature in the CTS Concessions table to the applied tariffs and imports in the IDB (also note that the tariff line numbers used for the MFN applied duties should correspond to those used for the import statistics).

-Where applicable, a concordance table to link the in-quota tariff lines in the tariff quota tables to the out-of-quota tariff lines in the concessions table.

Sample Report 1:MFN Bound and Applied Duties and Imports by Product - Report sample

Product: 0406.10 - Cheese and curd. - fresh (unripened or uncured) cheese, including whey cheese, and curd

Member / Tariff Line / Ex / SSG / MFN Base Duty(a) / MFN Bound Duty(a) / MFN Applied Duty(a) / ODC(b) / INR(b) / TQ(b) / XS(b) / First 3 Suppliers / Value
(000 US $) / Source(c)
Member1 / 0406.10.1000 / Fresh cheese, not fermented, and curd
1.44 ¢/kg. / 1.22¢/kg. / 1.1¢/kg. / NZL / Mem1
Q001 / Mem1
X001 / All Origins / 15,000,000 / UR94/
New Zealand / 5,000.000
Bulgaria / 2,000,000
European Communities / 1,000,000
Member2 / 0406.10.10 / Fresh cheese
70% / 55% / 33% / All Origins / 9,000,000 / UR94/
United States / 5,000.000
European Communities / 2,000,000
Canada / 1,000,000
0406.10.90 / Other
60% / 45% / 27% / All Origins / 14,000,00
United States / 5,000.000
European Communities / 2,000,000
Member3 / 0406.10.10 / Within tariff quota
7.72 ¢/kg. / 3.32¢/
kg. / 3.32¢/
kg. / USA,EEC / Mem3Q001 / Mem3X003 / All Origins / 16,000,000 / UR94/
European Communities / 7,500.000
Switzerland / 4,000,000
Poland / 1,000,000
Member3 / 0406.10.11 / Over tariff quota
289.0%, but not < 531.1¢/kg. / 245.6%, but not < 451.5¢/kg. / 245.6%, but not < 451.5¢/kg. / Mem3X003 / All Origins / 5,000 / UR94/
United States / 5,000

Notes:(a) The MFN base and bound duties would be derived from the CTS database while the MFN applied duty for the reference year would come from the IDB.

(b) A blank under the ODC, TQ and XS columns would indicate that these items are not applicable. However, a blank under the INR column could indicate either not applicable or not available, since Members have not always included INRs in their schedules.

(c) The source of concession from the CTS database (e.g. UR94 for a concession made in the Uruguay Round, HS96 for a concession resulting from HS 96 changes, Rectif. for a rectification, etc.) followed by the year of reference for the MFN applied duties and imports from the IDB.

Sample Report 2: List of Members' Tariff Quotas by HS 4-digit Code

This report presents a list of Members having tariff quotas by HS 4-digit code. It could be used as a guide to identify products at the HS 4-digit level that may be subject to tariff quotas. Note that the tariff quotas would not necessarily cover all products falling under the HS 4-digit code, but might be limited to products at the HS 6-digit level or at the tariff line level, either fully or partially covered.

Data Element / Description
Product / HS 4-digit code. It would be possible to select the HS 4-digit codes or HS Chapters for which the report was to be complied.
Product Description / Description of the product
Member / Name of Member. It would be possible to select the Members for which the report was to be complied.
TQ ID / Tariff quota ID falling under the HS 4-digit code

Sample Report 2: List of Members' Tariff Quotas by HS 4-digit Code

Product / Description / Member / TQ ID
0405 / Butter / Member1 / Mem1Q001
Member2 / Mem2Q001
Member4 / Mem4Q001
0406 / Cheese / Member1 / Mem1Q002
Member2 / Mem2Q002
Member3 / Mem3Q001
Member5 / Mem5Q001
0708 / Leguminous vegetables / Member1 / Mem1Q003
Member2 / Mem1Q003
Member3 / Mem3Q002
Member5 / Mem5Q002
0713 / Dried vegetables / Member1 / Mem1Q003
Member2 / Mem2Q003
Member3 / Mem3Q002
Member5 / Mem5Q002

Sample Report 3: Tariff quotas, In-quota and Out-of-quota MFN Duties and Imports by Member - Data elements

This report presents for a selected Member information on tariff quotas and in-quota / out-of-quota tariff line information.

Data Element / Description
Member / Name of Member for which the information applies
Imports / Reference year of imports
TQ ID / The relevant tariff quota ID code is shown here. It would be possible to select the TQ IDs for which the report is to be compiled.
Product Description / Description of the products included in the tariff quota
Initial Quantity / Initial tariff quota quantity and quantity unit
Final Quantity / Final tariff quota quantity and quantity unit
Implementation Period / Start year of the implementation period and end year when the final concession is implemented
INR / WTO Members holding INRs on the tariff quota
OTC / Other terms and conditions relating to the tariff quota such as country allocations, conversion information, etc.
Tariff Line / National in-quota tariff line number
Ex / Indicates that different duties apply to the in-quota tariff line
Product Description / Description of the in-quota tariff line
Initial Duty / Initial in-quota duty
Final Duty / Final bound in-quota duty
Out-of-quota Tariff Line / National out-of-quota tariff line number. Some Members use different tariff lines to record their in-quota and out-of-quota duties.
Out-of-quota Ex / Indicates that different duties apply to the out-of-quota tariff line
Out-of-quota Initial Duty / Initial out-of-quota duty
Out-of-quota Final Duty / Final bound out-of-quota duty

Sample Report 3: Tariff Quotas, In-quota and Out-of-quota MFN Duties and Imports by Member - Report sample

Member:Member 3

TQ ID / Product Description / Initial Quantity / Final Quantity / Implementation Period / INR / OTC
Mem3Q001 / Cheese and curd, within tariff quota / 20,000 tonnes / 20,000 tonnes / 1995 - 2000 / CHE,EEC / Country allocation as follows:
Switzerland - 4,000 tonnes
Germany - 5,000 tonnes
Denmark - 2,500 tonnes
Other countries - 8,500 tonnes
Tariff Line Ex / Product Description / In-quota Initial Duty / In-quota Final Duty / Out-of-quota Tariff Line Ex / Out-of-quota Initial Duty / Out-of-quota Final Duty
0406.10.10 / Fresh (unripened or uncured) cheese, including whey cheese, and curd --- Within tariff quota / 7.72¢/kg. / 3.32¢/kg. / 0406.10.11 / 289.0%, but not < 531.1¢/kg. / 245.6%, but not < 451.5¢/kg.
0406.20.11 / --- Cheddar and cheddar types: ---- Within tariff quota / 6.61¢/kg. / 2.84¢/kg. / 0406.20.12 / 289.0%, but not < 421.1¢/kg. / 245.6%, but not < 358.0¢/kg.
0406.20.91 / --- Other: ---- Within tariff quota / 7.72¢/kg. / 3.32¢/kg. / 0406.20.92 / 289.0%, but not < 601.1¢/kg. / 245.6%, but not < 511.0¢/kg.

Sample Report 4: List of Members' Export Subsidy Commitments by HS 4-digit Code - Data elements included in the report

This report presents a list of Members having export subsidy commitments by HS 4-digit code. It could be used as a guide to identify products at the HS 4-digit level that may be subject to export subsidies. Note that the export subsidies would not necessarily cover all products falling under the HS 4-digit code, but might be limited to a products at the HS 6-digit level or the tariff line level, either fully or partially covered.

Data Element / Description
Product / HS 4-digit code. It would be possible to select the HS 4-digit codes or HS Chapters for which the report was to be complied.
Product Description / Description of the product
Member / Name of Member. It would be possible to select the Members for which the report was to be complied.
XS ID / Export subsidy ID falling under the HS 4-digit code

Sample Report 4: List of Members' Export Subsidy Commitments by HS 4-digit Code - Report sample

Product / Description / Member / XS ID
0405 / Butter / Member1 / Mem1X001
Member2 / Mem2X001
Member3 / Mem3X001
Member4 / Mem4X001
0406 / Cheese / Member1 / Mem1X002
Member2 / Mem2X002
Member3 / Mem3X002
Member5 / Mem5X001
0708 / Leguminous vegetables / Member1 / Mem1X003
Member2 / Mem1X003
Member3 / Mem3X002
Member5 / Mem5X002
0713 / Dried vegetables / Member1 / Mem1X003
Member2 / Mem2X003
Member3 / Mem3X002
Member5 / Mem5X002

Sample Reports 5a and 5b: Export Subsidy Outlay and Quantity Commitments by Member - Data elements included in the reports

These reports present for a selected Member information on export subsidy commitments.

Data Element / Description
Member / Name of Member for which the information applies
Outlay Currency / Currency unit for outlay commitments
XS ID / The relevant export subsidy ID code is shown here. It would be possible to select the XS IDs for which the report is to be compiled.
Product Description / Description of the products included in the export subsidy
Commitment / The type of commitment - outlay commitment or quantity reduction commitment
Year applied / For outlay commitments, the type of year applied (calendar, marketing, etc.)
Unit / The quantity unit of the quantity commitments
Base and annual commitments levels / For outlay and quantity commitments. The information under columns 2001 - 2004 would only be shown for developing country Members. Note that the column headings for the years would be different for Members that have recently acceded to the WTO.
Tariff Line / HS heading or tariff line covered in the export subsidy
Ex / Indicates partial product coverage of the HS heading or tariff line
Product Description / Description of the HS heading or tariff line

Sample Report 5a: Export Subsidy Outlay and Quantity Commitments - Report sample for a developed country Member

Member: Member 1 Outlay Currency: Million ...

Commitment / Year Applied /
Unit / Base / 1995 / 1996 / 1997 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000(a)
Mem1X001 / Wheat and Wheat Flour
Outlay / Calendar / 311,033 / 326,861 / 301,301 / 275,741 / 250,181 / 224,621 / 199,061
Quantity / Tonnes / 11,204,795 / 13,590,251 / 12,642,559 / 11,694,866 / 10,747,173 / 9,799,481 / 8,851,788
Tariff line / Ex / Description
1001.10 / Durum wheat
1001.90 / Other wheat and meslin
1101.00 / Wheat or meslin flour
1108.11 / Wheat starches
1109.00 / Wheat gluten, whether or not dried
Mem1X002 / Coarse Grains
Outlay / Calendar / 116,422 / 109,437 / 102,452 / 95,466 / 88,481 / 81,496 / 74,510
Quantity / Tonnes / 4,579,216 / 4,418,913 / 4,258,671 / 4,098,398 / 3,936,318 / 3,777,853 / 3,617,581
Tariff line / Ex / Description
1002.10 / Rye
1003.90 / Barley
1004.00 / Oats
1005.10 / Maize (corn) – seed
1005.90 / Maize (corn) – other

Note: (a) Final export subsidy commitment levels.

Sample Report 5b: Export Subsidy Outlay and Quantity Commitments - Report sample for a developing country Member

Member: Member 2 Outlay Currency: Million ...

Commitment / Year Applied /
Unit / Base / 1995 / 1996 / 1997 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000 / 2001 / 2002 / 2003 / 2004(a)
Mem2X001 / Wheat and Wheat Flour
Outlay / Calendar / 8.2 / 8.0 / 7.8 / 7.6 / 7.4 / 7.2 / 6.9 / 6.7 / 6.5 / 6.3 / 6.1
Quantity / ThousandTonnes / 172.3 / 169.2 / 166.2 / 163.2 / 160.2 / 157.2 / 154.2 / 151.2 / 148.2 / 145.2 / 142.2
Tariff line / Ex / Description
1001.10 / Durum wheat
1001.90 / Other wheat and meslin
1101.00 / Wheat or meslin flour
1108.11 / Wheat starches
1109.00 / Wheat gluten, whether or not dried
Mem2X002 / Coarse Grains
Outlay / Calendar / 139.3 / 135.5 / 131.8 / 128.2 / 124.6 / 121.0 / 117.4 / 113.8 / 110.2 / 106.6 / 102.9
Quantity / ThousandTonnes / 3055.3 / 3000.0 / 2946.6 / 2893.3 / 2840.0 / 2786.7 / 2733.3 / 2680.0 / 2626.7 / 2573.3 / 2520.0
Tariff line / Ex / Description
1002.10 / Rye
1003.90 / Barley
1004.00 / Oats
1005.10 / Maize (corn) - seed
1005.90 / Maize (corn) - other

Note: (a) Final export subsidy commitment levels.

Sample Report 6: Total AMS Commitments by Member - Data elements included in the report

This reports presents information on total AMS commitments for selected Members.

Data Element / Description
Member / Name of Member for which the information applies. It would be possible to select the Members for which the report was to be complied.
Currency / Currency of the commitments
Base and annual AMS commitments levels / For total AMS commitments. Note that the column headings indicating the years would need to be adjusted for Members that have recently acceded to the WTO.
Tables / Tables and supporting documents as presented in the Members schedules
Source / Source of the concession

Sample Report 6: Total AMS Commitments by Member - Report sample

Member / Currency / Base / 1995 / 1996 / 1997 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000(a)
/ 2001 / 2002 / 2003 / 2004(b)
/ Tables / Source
Member 1 / Million ... / 5,376 / 5,197 / 5,017 / 4,838 / 4,659 / 4,480 / 4,301 / AG/ST/.... / UR94
Member 2 / Million ... / 29,006 / 28,622 / 28,237 / 27,853 / 27,468 / 27,084 / 26,699 / 26,314 / 25,930 / 25,545 / 25,161 / AG/ST/..... / UR94
Member 3 / Million ... / 4,160 / 4,022 / 3,883 / 3,745 / 3,606 / 3,457 / 3,329 / AG/ST/..... / UR94
Member 4 / Million ... / 1,053.2 / 1,039.1 / 1,025.0 / 1,010.9 / 996.8 / 982.7 / 968.6 / 954.4 / 940.3 / 926.2 / 912.1 / AG/ST/..... / UR94

Note:(a) Final AMS commitment level for developed country Members.

(b) Final AMS commitment level for developing country Members.


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Annex I

This schema shows the main data elements of the Integrated Data Base (IDB) and the tariff concessions and tariff quota information from the Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database. It should be noted that the tariff quotas and commitments limiting subsidization will be included in the CTS subject to funding considerations. For a detailed description of the data elements, see documents G/MA/IDB/W/6, G/MA/63 and G/MA/W/25.

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Annex II

This schema shows the main data elements of the commitments limiting subsidization to be included in the CTS. It should be noted that AMS commitments and export subsidies commitments will be included in the CTS subject to funding considerations.


[1] The WTO Statistics Division is currently seeking the resources needed for entering the agriculture specific commitments in the CTS database. However, resources are also lacking for the maintenance and further development of the CTS, for establishing the link between the CTS and the IDB, and for the development of an appropriate software application for the negotiations in agriculture.

[2]A more detailed description of the CTS and the IDB is contained in G/AG/NG/S/10, as well as in documents G/MA/IDB/W/6, G/MA/63 and G/MA/W/25.