Thursday11thJune, 2015 – 9.30am – Committee Room 1, Marmion House

Karen Adderley – TBC
Rob Barnes – Director, TBC
Rob Boucherat – SthStaffsCollege
Jenny Cartwright – BEP Rep
Cllr Danny Cook – (Chair) Leader TBC
Simon Craythorne – Staffordshire FRS
Dave Fern, Community Safety, TBC
BeverleyGinley – TBC / Anthony Goodwin – Chief Exec, TBC
Cllr. Michael Greatorex – CountyCouncillor
Tim Leese – District Commissioning Lead, SCC
Giles Parsons, Staffs Police
Sandra Payne – Support Staffordshire
Fleur Fernando on behalf of Rita Symons – CCG
Jon Topham, District Public Health Lead

Cllr. Ben Adams – CountyCouncillor
Leslie Crawford – Sth Staffs & Shropshire NHS PCT / Sarah Jones, CPO – SCC
Diana Lawrence – Probation
Julie Tanner – Staffs Partnership Trust
  1. Election of Chair & Vice Chair

Rob Barnes nominated Cllr. Danny Cook as Chair, show of hands and nomination carried
Tony GoodwinDanny Cook nominated Rob Boucherat as Vice Chair, show of hands and nomination carried
  1. Minutes and Matters Arising from last meeting –26/02/15

Support Staffordshire: next stage – appointed staff. Next steps to be discussed as per agenda – new start scheduled autumn
ABCD – Michael Greatorex - attended sessions. Consultants organised3 events in Glascote, Leyfields & Stonydelph. Community events scheduled for later this month have been put back to July.
  1. Proposal: Insight Team for future Community Safety Strategic Assessments

Proposal circulated with papers.
Dave explained the proposal received from the Insight Team at Staffordshire County Council (Observatory) and the need for the data to assist with the Annual Community Safety Strategic Assessments.
The proposal is to provide the Strategic Assessments for all8 districts at a cost - £2,800 per district. Dave explained that this year we have an underspend on the PCC funding – so the proposal is to use that funding to cover the cost for this year, if group agreed to the proposal we would need to discuss future years costs, but split between the6 Responsible Authority agencies would work out at approximately £450 each.
Group discussed and agreed that the quality and standard and how critical the data is for the Local Authority and partners. The data is valuable to not just Community Safety but other areas, noting behaviours / trends – benefits to be had from reports for Tamworth the Place and the People. Also can prove invaluable to the commissioning process.
Group agreed to go ahead, use the under spend for this years funding and discuss at a later date on future funding. / AGREED
  1. Developments with the BEP & implications on the TSP

Report circulated with the Agenda
Jenny went on to say that Economic Development was an important role around this table. Business does not have a specific running agenda item at TSP but Jenny would like to see this. The report explains the background and how the BEP no longer exists but work needs to continue – and there still needs to be a point of contact for this group.
Tony agreed the TSP still needs to continue to be focused around the business sector, regeneration and growth agenda, the challenge is how we make reports purposeful and meaningful here.
A template for reports to TSP can be designed for future use.
Tony went on to discuss the news on7 metropolitan areas for a combined authority, the LEP’s
A governance structure to accept money – that Central Government is happy with.
LEP’s will drive Growth and Regeneration. Regeneration and economy will change physical place
Look at the focus – Tamworth - need to provide an update where Tamworth is – update LEP’s – combined authority – this wont bother the people but will affect the people.
Tony agreed that he would do some work on this, create a mechanism for how we do it. / TG
  1. Charter for collaboration

Paper circulated with Agenda.
Sandra Payne – Operations Manager South – Support Staffordshire, went through the Charter for Collaboration, Support Staffordshire’s Ethos and Values, community & person centred, local focus, sharing & learning, fairness & equality, building trust.
Sandra went through Support Staffordshire’s history and future, the merger of CVS’s.
Leads across the County –Gary Jones – CEO - Staffordshire wide working on Health & Wellbeing and Culture & Heritage , Jill Norman–Operations Manager – working on Local Economy & skills and Environment & Sustainability and Sandra – operations Manager will be working on Children, Young people & families and Safer Communities.
Ticks all the boxes – all working together, networking, avoid duplication and supporting each other.
Questions from the group were discussed. Where does it sit: lead provider VAST, also working with the Voluntary sector at momentaround commissioning, gap for the voluntary sector to gain strength in collaboration, one organisation cannot meet all the needs. Building skills, supporting the voluntary sector. The timing is right.
Objectives: what will success look like? Building on good practice – 6 organisations with different specialisms. The new team at Support Staffordshire have organised some Business planning days, their priority is their clients and the existing contracts.
There are a number of challenges. Organisations need support in being ready for commissioning.
Commissioners also need to pay attention and ensure they are clear on what their requirements are.
Success: can be shown by a higher proportion of commissions won by collaborative groups.
Agreed the Voluntary sector is and will be vital.
8. Community Safety
Performance data was circulated with the Agenda
Graphs show performance for previous quarters and years.
Giles went through some of the data, as an Overview you will see a slight rise on all crime. Acquisitive crime being the focus.
New Partnership Officer now appointed and started – Jennifer Mellor – there will also be a new group set up to focus on crime reduction, please take up the offer if invited.
Violence is up but this is not unique to Tamworth. 40% of violence is made up of Domestic Violence, first time reports are on the increase which we want to encourage. We in Tamworth are in a Strong position with the appointment of the Pathways Commission. This has had a positive impact. The Partnership Hub here at Marmion House is also working well.
ASB has had a spike in Tamworthbut cautiously due to the re-classified data this can make the figures look higher inc. Environmental crime etc.
Focus on ASB is the use of mini motos and vehicles along pathways, prevention, education and reduction. New ASB powers have also come into force recently.
Lots of work coming up Summer Watch – funding for activities for young people over the summer holidays.
Giles thanked for the support to all partners involved.
Further discussions took place around the success of the partnership, prevention and intervention and how the crime figures and performance were great to inform the Responsible Authorities Group, but could we also possibly get explanation/narrative, cause of the success as well as the problems.
Simon mentioned the ‘Lets Work Together’ programme and what has happened – Sandra explained that the funding had finished but the website and e-learning were still available. Felt that this could invigorate the process rather than starting from scratch again.
Staff found it useful to get together, networking rather than the isolation of E-training. Lets work together is not lost but model may need tweaking, principles are good.
Giles stated that the Tamworth Vulnerability Partnership was the best in the County and they will continue with approach.
Lets work together E-learning is a tool kit rather than training to keep the method and approach valid.
Giles stated that the co-located unit at Tamworth Borough Council and their daily working included networking between partner agencies. This is a massive step forward, always looking to strengthen.
  1. BRFC Update

Tim updated the group on Building Resilient Families & Communities - now live with phase 2, this includes a wider criteria including Domestic violence, Mental health issues, Children need help. This phase will be identifying another5,000 families over 5 years across Staffordshire. Tim thanked agencies who have taken the leads again in Phase 2.
Payment by Results is less for each family but it’snot about the money. 77families so far, July -400families for Staffordshire identified.
There is a balance of monies left over from Phase 1which will be used – TSP will be consulted on spend via report and recommendations.
Tony stated that the Leadership Board have just secured the services of a GP on their Board, which is useful, the Locality Clinical Director of CCG. If we could find someone locally – PersonSpecification of role is available - to perhaps entice a local GP.
Tim to take forward and include the CCG. / TL
  1. Locality Commissioning Update

Karen’s report was circulated with the Agenda
Karen went through the report - Commissioning Hub manages Locality Commissioning on behalf of TSP & TBC. Report sets out the outcomes of the first round of commissioning – 4 lots. Good response, successful in 3 lots. Lot 2had no appropriate bids.
With the funding available, indentified gaps, went back out, applications close next Friday. These will be evaluated once closed.
Karen said it was an interesting and exciting process, with lessons learnt along the way. Have secured eleven effective contracts.
Karen and her team personally breaking ground, and have worked exceptionally well in the timeframe available - group acknowledged this
  1. StaffordshireCounty Council Updates

Tim Leese gave an update to the group.
Supporting People – Tim had previously reported on the reduction of service and withdrawal of contracts. Historic funding withdrawn. Phase 2 – now looking at contracts ending March 2016, of which there are2 in Tamworth.
Commissionersproviders – look at impact of withdrawal. Actions to mitigate impact.
18th June - providers meeting, similar to last time transitions group and measure impact.
Group added that advance communications are welcome. They discussed the impact so far and the potential impact of phase 2.
Single homeless / sheltered housing i.e. Cornerstone housing, the impact on TBC, police and other agencies. Understanding the impact is vital to ease the impact
Positive – create something in Tamworth appropriate to our needs in Tamworth. Supporting people wasn’t always suitable to our needs. Someone has to pick up cost.
TBC Housing has up’d the housing risk assessment.
Libraries – review of static libraries taken place with the outcome that all 3in Tamworthretained2 of which will be local community managed approach.
SCC now undertaking a review of the mobile library service – consultation out - to retain the library in areasin excess of2 miles from any static library. Looking at retaining5 rounds but losing 12 – mainly town centre stops
Group discussed further and the opportunities of the main town centre static library becoming an information/knowledge hub, with access to jobstraining a onestop shop for information. Needs to be a change of what is provided by the library service.
Tim then updated on the new CEO of Staffs County Council, John Henderson. Tony stated he had a very productive meeting. At present organising visits to all the districts in Staffordshire. Tamworth scheduled in for a visit on Friday 3rd July.
  1. CCG Update

Fleur gave a brief update on behalf of the CCG
They continue to be financially challenged! Process for a financial recovery plan balanced in the long term / short term. Looking at the hospitals, internal restructure, the new structure is focused around locality working. KPMG – looking at models of care.
Widespread transformation of services
What’s going on locally – CCG is embarking on a series of nine engagement events called let’s talk about health, over the coming months. This is to help shape our future direction and build on the call to action work. Flyers to be circulated to board members for sharing with communities, teams and partners.
There are some difficult decisions to be made in the future, getting communities, public to not use A&E and instead of visiting GPs use the111 service. Need to get the message out there not to abuse the system /overuse the services.
CCG inherited debt and mess and working their way through it.
The priorities – combined authority, Cost of ageing population, Elective surgery, Use of A&E. / FF
  1. Stoke on TrentFARS

Simon wanted to share with the group information on a project that he is leading on.
The redevelopment of Stafford / Beaconside, focus on further investment and responses, a reinvigorated project – Life skills Centre - £5m funding - design and build of both sites
The centre is to focus on meeting the needs of Staffordshire.
All signing all dancing centre, educating young people on decisions they make. Acute demand. All age approach. Collaborative approach on accident prevention, training centre.
Tony has kindly agreed to lead on the combined advisory board.
How it can benefit the people of Tamworth. There is a place for all to shape this centre. Simon will bring back to TSP agenda to update the group throughout the process and let the TSP help shape the project. Timeline – 18 months
  1. Any other business

Thursday 17th September, 2015 – 9.30am – venue to be confirmed