●Each player is allowed to play on one team only.

●Roster changes will not be permitted after the first Tuesday in June. Only hardship cases will be considered (by the league officers) after this date. Only players who are rostered on this date will be eligible to play in the year-end Jamboree. Players who want to play in the Jamboree but are not on the roster by the first Tuesday in June will be considered guests and will be required to pay applicable guest fees and to play in the Callaway division at the Jamboree.


●Handicaps are computed according to the League Handicapping System, which is based on USGA guidelines. The lowest 50 percent of all rounds played in league competition (competitive matches) are used to compute handicaps.

●A player who competed in the league last season will begin the season with the handicapthat was in effect at the yearend Jamboree, as long as three competitive rounds were completed during the season. Any player who completed fewer than three competitive matches last season will be required to establish a new league handicap this season.

●All scoresrecorded in league competition (competitive matches) will be included in the computation of a player’s handicap. Playoff scores will be posted as two nine-hole scores; the handicap of each affected player will be computed prior to each round of playoffs. Scores from the Jamboree will not be included in handicap computations.

●A new player can establish a league handicap by either: (1) Submitting a handicap card that is certified by a recognized golf professional from the state of Florida (either a USGA or FGA handicap card is acceptable). The card must be submitted prior to the day of the match in which the player will be involved. (2) When a player without a handicap plays his or her first round, the player's handicap will be determined after completion of the round by computing 80 percent of the differential between his or her adjusted score and the course rating for the nine holes played. For the second round, the player’s handicap will be computed by taking 90 percent of the combined differential between his or her adjusted scores and the course rating for the first and the second nine holes played. For the third and subsequent rounds, the handicap will be computed according to the league handicap system.

●In the event a player is establishing a handicap—that is, playing the first or second round of play in the league—he or she will play as the #2 golfer on the team. If more than one player is establishing a handicap, then the positions played should be in the following order: #2 position first, #3 position second, #4 position third, and #1 position last. When more than one player is establishing a handicap on the same day of play, the decision as to which establishing position each player fills is left to the discretion of the team captain or representative.

●To participate in the league playoffs at the end of the year, a player must have played at least five (5) competitive rounds during the regular season. In the event a playoff is used to determine a firsthalf division winner, only players with at least two (2) competitive rounds will be permitted to participate.

●Players will be matched by handicap so that the lowest handicap player on a team plays the lowest handicap player on the opposing team, the second lowest handicap player on one team plays the second lowest handicap player on the opposing team, and so forth.

●Players who have completed with fewer than three (3) competitive rounds during the TIGL season will be required to play in the rostered Callaway at the year-end Jamboree.


●Scoring is based on match play using net scores—one (1) point is awarded for each hole won, and a half point is awarded for each hole that is tied, or halved; two (2) points are awarded for the low net scorer of each individual match; and four (4) points are awarded for the low team total net score. The points are broken down as follows:

9 points ─Total number of points awarded for a nine-hole match (one point per hole)

2 points ─Points awarded for low net score between individuals (for ties, each player receives one point)

11 points ─Total combined points available for each individual match

4 points ─Points awarded for the low team total net score (for ties, each team receives two points)

48 points ─Total team points possible for a four-person match—that is, each of the four individual matches has 11 points available, and there are four points for the low net team total.

In the event the overall scores for both teams are the same, scorecards will be matched beginning with the #1 handicap hole to determine a winner. Total team points (for all players) will be compared for each hole; if one team has more points than the other team on a hole, that team will be declared the winner of the match and will be awarded the win (the other team is awarded a loss).


●A course rainout is declared if lightning and/or inclement weather conditions results in the closing of the course by the professional or other course representative. In all other situations, play can be canceled only by the league officers and the course officers who are present. Do not assume play has been canceled prior to the official starting time unless you have received official notification from the course officer or league representatives.

●If there is a rainout (nonexcessive), the scheduled matched will be played the following week, and all subsequent matches will be delayed one (or more) week. Cancellation of part of the league schedule will occur only in the event of excessive rainouts, and will be determined by the league officers.

●If play has be delayed for more than 30 minutes, play cannot be continued, and six (6) or more holes have been completed by at least 80 percent of the field, then the week's matches are deemed official and the results for every match will count toward the official standings. The matches in progress at the time of the delay will be considered over at that point, with each remaining hole considered to be halved. If less than 80 percent of the field has completed six (6) holes and play cannot be continued, the entire schedule of matches for that day will be canceled. When play is stopped, note your hole position and turn in your scorecards.


●Play officially begins no later than 5:30 p.m. In the event a player does not appear by 5:30 p.m., the team will have to play with a blind. Player #4 (highest handicap player) on the opposing team plays against the blind by competing for match points against the par on each hole using his or her league handicap—that is, if a player pars a hole on which he or she receives a stroke, the player gets one point; if the net score is a par, then the player gets one half point; if the net score is above par, the player gets no points. The blind receives zero points, regardless of what the opposing player scores. The player who plays the blind automatically receives three (3) points—two (2) points for the individual low net and one (1) point for the team total net score. The other players who have regular matches will compete for the three (3) points that remain for the team total net points.

Teams must have at least three (3) players or the match will be declared a team forfeit.


●USGA RULES: Except where local rules apply, the rules of the United States Golf Association will be followed for any situation not covered herein. If local rules conflict with USGA rules, the local rules will be applicable. The explanations given below are meant to provide you with the special rules used in the league and to clarify some of the more commonly used rules of the USGA. See the USGA rules book for all other rules and rules interpretations.

●KEEPING SCORE: Each player should play the entire hole and keep the score for that hole. But, any player who reaches a score that equates to a NET triple bogey on a hole should pick up his or her ball at that point. If the two players who are playing a match against each other both reach net triple bogey on a hole, the hole shall be considered halved.

●WINTER RULES: Winter rules will apply in the fairway of the hole being played—if you are in your own fairway, you may move the ball no more than six inches, no closer to the hole. You cannot move the ball if you are off the fairway or you are in the fairway of another hole. The penalty for violation of this rule is one stroke.

PLAYING FROM A HAZARD: If you choose to play a shot from a hazard (either a sand bunker or a water hazard), you must not let your club touch the sand, the ground, or the water until the downstroke of your swing. Also, you cannot touch or move a loose impediments lying in or touching the hazard, except during your normal downswing. The penalty for violation of this rule is two strokes.

●OUT OF BOUNDS: If your ball goes out of bounds, you must return to the spot from which you played the original shot and hit another ball. Both of your shots must be counted, plus a penalty stroke is added to your score. A ball is considered out of bounds when the entire ball lies out of bounds. The out of bounds line is an imaginary line connecting the inside points (the points closest to being in bounds) of the stakes, fence posts, or lines that mark the boundary.

●LOST BALL: For TIGL play, a lost ball will be played similar to a water hazard. A ball should be dropped in the area nearest to where the ball was believed to be lost (your opponent should agree to the drop area), and the player will be penalized one stroke. This rule was implemented by the league help speed up play.

●TEEING AREA: Women participants play from the tees designated for women, and men participants play from the next-to-longest men’s tees. As a result, women should play from the tees that are set up for the average female golfer and men should play from the tees that are set up for the average male golfer.

Players over the age of 65 may elect to play from a forward set of tees that are designated as senior tees. If a set of senior tees is not available, eligible players will be allowed to play from the front of the white tee box. Each senior is required to select the preferred teeing area when he or she plays his or her first match. Once the selection is made, the senior must continue to play from the selected tees for the remainder of the TIGL season.


●PROTESTS: If a question arises concerning a stroke played or an interpretation of the rules that cannot be settled on the course, the player involved must play a provisional ball. Both the score of the original ball and the score of the provisional ball should be recorded. After the round is completed, the rules committee at your course will determine the appropriate action to take. Protests will be settled on the day of play. No member of the rules committee will rule on any dispute in which his or her team is involved.


●Golfers must observe the dress code of the course where they play. Generally, dress codes prohibit jeans or jean (denim) shorts for both men and women, as well as short shorts, coaching shorts, shirts without collars, and shirts without sleeves for men. If a player is not dressed appropriately, he or she might be asked to leave the course, which will affect the number of players who can compete in the match.

●It is expected that each league participant exhibit proper course etiquette. Bunkers should be raked, divots should be filled, and golf carts should be driven safely and according to the course rules. Never throw or bang clubs; it couldbe dangerous and expensive.

●Please be courteous to your fellow participants, and try to play so that your groupkeeps pace with the group in front of you.