Tammy Interview
- Was manager and went back down to senior level manager
- Not a typical manager leaving after 40-42 hours, worked about 50 hours?
- Actually goes out and do the audit
- In order to deal with not directly he client, have a power of attorney
- Local audits – in states
- Out of state audits – can’t get to the big ones every three to four years because too small of a staff
- Try to get to local big companies every three to four years
- Metros – may get to or never see them
- Try to rotate agents, if an agent missed something – never able to prove anything was wrong with a company.
- Assist goes out with a lead, next time may be the lead so they have a relationship – don’t do it as well as they used to
- Companies change so often, companies rarely complain
- Every once and awhile a tax payer will ask to have one of the same people
- Will work to try to make audits go smoother than last time
Size of Company
- 50-60 person companies, hiring freeze, lost some agents, trying to get interns back
- Normal senior agents travel out of state 8-10 weeks – takes a long time (part of this due to loosing agents)
- Was a freeze for promotions, but it was lifted – takes a long time to process
- Turnover – very small if been with company a long time, great retirement package, and incentives
- Younger people feel they aren’t getting promoted fast enough and have left to peruse other avenues
- Salary freeze – at least 2 years without raise
- Furlo day – not getting paid
- People can only do so much work, not requiring them to do more work other than out of state travel
Audit times
- Metro audits are supposed to be about 225 hours a year
Audit process
- Red flags – auto part store – abuses of licenses sheets
- 1141 audits – once a year send out letters to counties and cities and ask if they want us to look at anyone and that can initiate it
- Local program – keep doing the same people over and over
- Other companies use programs to pick certain things, but their programs do not do this year, not up and running
- Out of state – look at returns to see if something is wrong or missing
- A lot of metro side is random selection, or saw something on audit and peaked curiosity
- Cities get a print out of all taxes that are collected for their cities by vendor
- Look at what used to be paid, or if they are not paying any city tax but know they should be
- Some of the city knowledge is hearsay
- Now counties have the right to administer their own tax, have a right to collect their own or not collect their own, if we collect, we have responsibility to audit for them
- Been getting bad press about doing what the state it supposed to do and had to go and prove they were doing it right (Is this time worthy?)
- If a big company wants to be audited, it takes time to get them on the list, then time for them to allow you to audit, could take up to 4 years
- Now needed to update people on the process and status of an audit (companies)
- Clean up process to get back audits takes time, sometimes have to spend time emailing to get their stuff done
- Some companies have compliance and audit with the same people and when it’s separate it’s bound to go smoother, when together they have bigger demands, out of state audits turned around in a year
- One out of state audit took 3 because they were done with work papers in one year, but they company themselves took 2 years, taken to lawyers
- Audit selection is all manually
- No funding right now to buy software to do this
- Seems that things take too much time to get everything done
- Funding is the only thing stopping the software as of now
- Hopefully with new software it will give us something
- Used to use a program that assigned points to metro companies, but did not know how to interpret these so it was pointless
- How do you assign points that you know nothing about?
- Hoping the new software helps
- In the state of Colorado if you meet certain criteria, they are supposed to be filing everyone
- If only filing on one or two companies and should be filing on 500, we have no way of knowing that
- Personal perception – new software, as a main frame, really useful, will take some getting used to. Not using it go audit, just using it to get knowledge to state knowing there is an audit so will not work on that without going through auditing first
- Easier to track what’s going on with taxpayer and history
Planning Process
- Have time wasted, when waiting for client to get info, when in state can go back to office, when out of state can’t, so time wasted
- Call a person and get a feel for person under the phone
- What times of things are we going to be able to audit, and record keeping
- Then detail any data that we will need, use a sampling software, if run sample, run it up front before walk out the door
- Do I have to pull invoices themselves or will they do it
- If two people are at audit and have to pull both invoices but only one computer, one time is wasted, so need to find that up front
- Have a list of stuff to ask before hand (not everyone has the same information)
- Some people spend weeks pre auditing – not sure what they are doing
- Preplanning is up to everyone’s own discretion- pre audit checklist, has never used it and never knew it existed
- A long time ago had a manual and told you how to do everything about the audit. Bc no computers read statue books over and over, now computer makes it easier to get info, but you don’t know if it’s right because you don’t read statue book over and over
- When started, really intense
- No training later
- Then 5 or 6 years ago started a new training programs – power points and booklets
- Trained two groups of people
- Then someone else took over and they didn’t use the stuff
- New people keep coming in and going
- Current person – started to give material to people but had them read it on their own instead of discussing
- Training program only takes a week or two and is only a half a day
- Managers started to do training classes for a bit, and then someone came in and nixed this
- Private letter ruling – someone writes in with a case scenario asking them how they should handle it and we give them back our opinions on that case only
- Private Letter Rulings –issued by them and didn’t even know it existed, specifically had to do with auditing insurance companies, why if there is a new ruling would you not have brought it up at a pay day work shop
- Starting to try to train the new auditors a little better, but people have been around, their training is lacking.
- Have to pay to get a private letter ruling, companies apply, only issued one or two
- How to make our auditors more efficient, how do we work together, process, how can we rate our agents better
- Goal is compliance
- Love revenue
- Has gone out and given million dollar refunds
- Want people to comply
Communication with taxpayers
- Audit department sends out own bills and refunds, comment system isn’t very go
- Now with new program, will be better at explaining to them why bill or refund
Performance Reviews
- Up and down
- State itself mandates that we give these
- Three door system – walk on water, door, like everyone else
- Now no middle ground
- Rating process is mandated by state and can’t do a lot about that
- How we choose to rate is our choice
- Employees are frustrated with huge mid categories when you work your butt off and the next person gets coffee every morning and in same category
- Feels there is nothing to do to motivate employees anymore
- Any suggestions?
- Could have own review just for group?
- Use it to help pick an audit
- Most things are based on seniority
- Some managers will fill in everything they are supposed to and other will wait to the last minute and then just mark average
- Some categories at discretion of supervisor
- Employees are aware of the weights of reviews and the different areas
- Quantity and quality are equally weighted here
- Sometimes they can’t go hand in hand
- Hard to articulate what you want
Expending Resources
- 30-40 percent on small audits
- Kentucky uses only 10 percent on small audits
- Can’t tell you for sure that doing large audits will bring in extra money
- If spent more money on 2 and 3s, make more money
- Depends on how many you get too and how compliant they are
- Small is supposed to be 80 hours the most, big 300 hours
- Saw that they make a lot of money on out of states audits and tried to get more money to do out of states
- Law of diminishing returns, can go out of state and only do a few, you make sure they are the best of the best, but as soon as you double that number you are going to have to do quite a few dogs
- Next year will be harder and harder, just doing because you have to and the money is not there
- Not collection 49%
- Collecting penalties and interest (interest always collectible)
- If auditor was wrong, takes it down
- A lot of time taxpayers won’t furnish data, so there is a ton of money being sat on and when it finally gets settled it might be zero.
- Auditor error, taxpayer wouldn’t provide data and current point in time, law changes
- Have a protest section, can deal with penalties and black and white penalties
- Conferi section – looks at audits and plays lets make a deal, sometimes lose 50% of money, don’t know who was right or wrong
- Don’t have the money to go to court and unless you have a rock solid case you don’t want to go to court
- Department gives pretty often
- Online courses
- Industry wide courses
- Managed audit – many other states use, a way for taxpayer to work through audit first and then auditor goes out and checks, the client learns about the process
Managed Audit
- Used for companies with minimal issues, hard to know who to sell it to and who not, confused as a staff (seems to take more time to do the audit now)
- Could be beneficial if knew who to sell it too and were able to send it out to a certain amount of people – have no idea what to do
- Some states use it a lot – did a poor job of selling it to us, so don’t know how to use is, managers did poor job
- Manufacturers have an easy way to hide stuff, but small companies could make it work, and not a huge conflict of interest
- Educates and saves them in the future, at current point in time it is work, and they don’t necessary want to take that time. Down the line a good tool
- At start, it is more scary than helpful at first
- Lower level agents usually take care of it
- RA 1,2
- Usually not an intern
- Reviewed by manager when they are done
Education Clients
- Companies have been audited hundreds of times so they know, pretend they don’t know, but really they do
- Government employees who get a bad name and they don’t all deserve it, but some do
- Some ppl are just self motivated
- Seems to be getting worse with no pay raises and such, wears on some people
- Senior auditors get first choose as audit, affects motivation for the lower level people, not always pleasant
- Sometimes there is a rotation so it goes through order
- Tried to get audits with senior agents to help them learn and get some training
- How can you train other people if you have never been trained
State audit on department
- Most of the suggested changes have been implemented
- State auditor will be at our presentation
- Report is rather old and times change, dollar amounts on different audits change
- A lot of it had to do with audit selection process
- Feel they missed talent on front side
- A lot of talent hasn’t left
- Problem – when started a long time ago- you worked hard to get there, now people walk through the door and expect to get ahead fast
- Work hard, earn your job, and prove it
- Would you be willing to come into the schools to do it?
- Have done it, but all want to get out there to the big firms
- Love not working weekends or nights
- Great job if you want your own life
- Am my I own boss, I do what I want and when I want and no one looks over your shoulder
- Some audits it’s great to have a standardized, they think everything fits, but doesn’t always fit but didn’t catch it because it wasn’t always there.
- Need to teach people to think outside the box
- Standardization is fine to a point, but then it gets to a point of fill in the blanks
- Can’t give money, can’t give time off
- If they are more efficient do they get to see this? No
- Last year awesome year, but this year 4 furlo days
- Can’t rate on dollar production, but need to make right amount of dollars in the right amount of time
- One time someone sued them because they felt they were discriminated against because they didn’t get to choose their audit so they didn’t get enough money
- If there is a refund, then are they really going to give it so that they can be more productive
Management Hiring
- Managers who come in do not go over well
- Everyone feels entitled to a job and refuses to help new people
- They feel like nothing is their problem
- Sometimes people get moved just so they are out of the way
- Managers are getting promoted who have only been in spots that have been there for a couple years and now managing people who are trying to audit this
- Clients have no one to get help on agent if they do not like it, can call CPA or Attorney and smaller companies do not have this
- No unbiased third party
- Larger clients know the game and play it
- Smaller clients don’t know how to do it, and hopefully the agent isn’t screwing him
- Doesn’t know to even look for things
- Little guys doesn’t know there is protest procedures
- Try to make the agents tell him that they can protest
- Protest is on the back of the bill but most people don’t see this
Auditing selection
- Try to change the list yearly
- How often do they get on the list and off – keep track and changes constantly
- Very manual process
- Denver Business Journals puts out lists each year, so look to see if we haven’t seen before or moving up the list
- Auditors choose audits sometimes by location, or take a easier audit
- There are people at a level and you see the audit they have chosen and you should be sending a new person out to get them that experiences
- Audit ranking system – it’s possible to have but they don’t do it, so no way to make sure the more experienced take the harder ones
- Would be great if someone would put their feet down so they don’t take it
Communication externally
- Don’t really communicate outside of office to other offices in Department of Revenue
- Once a year have a meeting to go over laws (in own section)
- All agents supposed to attend
- Conference call in people from out of states
- Try to DVD as well so they can get training that has been on during the year
- Wealth of knowledge, but sadly they are not there to help or get the knowledge they know
- Conference calls are more of a training situation, not really talking back and forth
Client selection
- To start – intern – just do 10 metro audits and get a random selection of types
- Then instate – get a list and say oh look here is an audit in Loveland
- When you get into the higher levels you have more of a feel for what you want to audit
- Out of state – been there a while and know where you want to go on vacation or what time of audit you would really like to look at.
- How would people react to being placed at an audit without being picked – at one point in time they tried probably (could pick state)
- People like what they are used to, or don’t like it and complain, whatever’s best is best and sometimes change is for the best
Revenue Newspaper
- Sent out once a month sent out to the entire department of revenue
- Now on computer, don’t know if anyone is reading it
- Has some law changes and upcoming legislative but it’s not always final or up to date