Tamil Nadu State Board - Class XIIComputer Science(Model Paper)

Time : 3 Hours / Max Marks : 150
General Instructions:
i.  candidates should answer all the questions in part - I (object type)(1 to 75) in the separate OMR answer sheet suppiled.(refer instructions given in the O.M.R Answer sheet)
ii.  The sign - (dash) as found in the Right-hand top corner of the question paper(i.e.,- of -- (2)or ---(3) or ---- (4) should be shaded in the O.M.R. Answer sheet using HB pencil.
iii.  Time alloted for answering questions numbers 1 to 75 is first 75 numbers.
iv.  part-I and III questions (75 to 110) should be answered in the main anxwer-book
PART -I (75 × 1 = 75)
choose the best answer:
1. / A repository colledtion of related data or facts is
a.  data
b.  database
c.  information
d.  Program
2. / The hierachical database structures were primarily used on
a.  Personal Computer
b.  Mini Computer
c.  Micro Computer
d.  Mainframe Computer
3. / Sorting on more than one field of a table at a time is called
a.  sorting
b.  Ascending
c.  Multiple Sorting
d.  Desending
4. / The language that is used to communicate with a database is
a.  SQL
b.  pascal
c.  starwriter
d.  starcale
5. / A screen that display the fields of a record in a well-spaced out manner is
a.  Window
b.  Filter
c.  form
d.  View
6. / The three Status of a checkbox in VB are
a.  Disable,Checked,Unchecked
b.  Enabled,Visible,Unchecked
c.  Disabled,Visible,Unchecked
d.  Disabled,Invisible,Unchecked
7. / The INstyle value ofr VB information in mesage is
a.  64
b.  16
c.  32
d.  48
8. / The maximum lingth of atrprompt in the inputbox function is
a.  1000
b.  1025
c.  1024
d.  2024
9. / In how many ways the message box function can be used?
a.  5
b.  4
c.  3
d.  2
10. / The extension for Metafiles is
a.  .CUR
b.  .GIF
c.  .WMF
d.  .JPF
11. / In JAVA a while....Loop conditions is tested at the
a.  End
b.  Beginning
c.  Center
d.  Outside
12. / The indes value of a subscript in JAVA starts
a.  1
b.  2
c.  0
d.  4
13. / Concentration operate in JAVA is
a.  /
b.  *
c.  -
d.  +
14. / The function that is used to extract a portion of the string is
a.  Substr()
b.  SubString
c.  mid
d.  Extract
15. / A function that is used to extract a portion of the string is
a.  Main
b.  Static
c.  Recursion
d.  vold
16. / In staroffice which one of the following is used to create a test document?
a.  Starwriter
b.  StarInpress
c.  StarCale
d.  Starcalc
17. / The short key taht is used to select the entire document in star is
a.  Ctrl+C
b.  Ctr+V
c.  Ctrl+A
d.  Ctrl+X
18. / Which option is selected to remove the highlighting from the selected text?
a.  Highlighiting
b.  No fill
c.  Remove
d.  Delete
19. / The size of a font is measured to
a.  lines
b.  Width
c.  Inches
d.  Points
20. / the increase indent icon, indents the paragraph by
a.  1''
b.  1''/2
c.  1''/4
d.  3''/4
21. / the formula in a spreadsheet begins with the sign
a.  $
b.  !
c.  =
d.  +
22. / The spreadsheet developed by lotus Development Corperation is
a.  Excel
b.  StarCalc
c.  Visical
d.  Improve
23. / Which reference Operator is used set the range in a spreadsheet?
a.  ;
b.  :
c.  $
d.  !
24. / The command Used to Genereate Series in a spreadsheet is
a.  Fill
b.  Range
c.  series
d.  Automatic
25. / The icon used imporrt data from different file/url into a work sheet is
a.  Insert from Image Editor
b.  insert plug-in
c.  Insert Applet
d.  Insert Chart
26. / GUI stands for
a.  Graphical user interface
b.  Graphical user Interface
c.  Graphical Unity Interface
d.  Generel User Interface
27. / The toolbar that assists in adjusting items on the forms in Vd is
a.  Standard
b.  Debug
c.  Form Editor
d.  Edit
28. / Which Key is used to run a visual basic Projects?
a.  F2
b.  F3
c.  F4
d.  F5
29. / Which file stores current window's size placement on the workspace?
a.  .vbp
b.  .vbw
c.  .frm
d.  .cls
30. / Which type of variable of the following had no decleration in VB code?
a.  Integer
b.  String
c.  Double
d.  Variant
31. / Which of the following is an object oriented language?
a.  c
b.  pascal
d.  JAVA
32. / A single line Comment of JAVA is preceded by
a.  /
b.  //
c.  /*
d.  **.
33. / JAVA was Invented by
a.  Dijkstra
b.  Bajarne Stron Srtup
c.  James Gosline
d.  Charles Babbage
34. / Which of the following is a short circut AND operator?
b.  ||
c.  ^
35. / How many Loop Structures are available in java?
a.  3
b.  4
c.  5
d.  6
36. / The Short cut key for selecting the menu Editor in VB is
a.  Ctrl+c
b.  Ctrl+M
c.  Crtl+F
d.  CTRl+e
37. / Graphical Check box looks like a
a.  Radio Button
b.  Check box
c.  Command Button
d.  Picture bo
38. / the most common continer control used with option Button is
a.  Container
b.  Option
c.  Frame
d.  Shape
39. / In VB,Which method is Used to add an item in the list box?
a.  Add item
b.  Include item
c.  insert item
d.  join item
40. / Which property of timer Control should be set to number of millseconds
a.  Name
b.  Interval
c.  Enable
d.  Visible
41. / How many types of bit-wise opereators are there in JAVA?
a.  4
b.  1
c.  3
d.  2
42. / SSAD stands for
a.  Structured system Analysis and Design
b.  Software System Analysis and design
c.  Structured Systematic Analysis and Design
d.  Structured Software Analysis and Design
43. / Which class in JAVA is used to create a sub-class
a.  New
b.  Sub
c.  Extend
d.  Create
44. / Applet Programs in JAVA Re executed by
a.  Complier
b.  Browser
c.  interpreter
d.  Debugger
45. / In JAVA which package is used to hancle inout/output functions
a.  java.awt
b.  jawa.beans
c.  java.net
d.  java.util
46. / Which prorerty should be set true to resize object to the size of the image?
a.  Autosize
b.  resize
c.  Auto resize
d.  Size
47. / Which Special Character is Used a place Holder to omit of the parameters in animation Controls
a.  .
b.  ,
c.  ;
d.  !
48. / Which event occurs when a mouse button is clicked?
a.  DragDrop
b.  DragOver
c.  MouseMove
d.  MouseDown
49. / The function that is used convert a numeric text into a single Precision number in VB is
a.  Cgint
b.  Csng
c.  Csfrm
d.  Cstst
50. / What method provides a quick and esy way to create printer output
a.  Printer
b.  Prinrform
c.  setprinter
d.  setprint
51. / Which button is pressed to select spelling checjk dialog box?
a.  F5
b.  F7
c.  F6
d.  F4
52. / To move backward through cells, press
a.  tab
b.  shift
c.  Shift+tab
d.  Esc
53. / which menu is used to select the entire table
a.  File
b.  Edit
c.  View
d.  Format
54. / Which dialog box is used the width of the paper
a.  Header dialog box
b.  Table format dialog box
c.  Character Dialog box
d.  page style dialog box
55. / Which tool is used to display the current cell and its contents in a spreadsheet?
a.  Formula bar
b.  Object bar
c.  Menu bar
d.  Status bar
56. / which one of the following is a vaild variable name in VB
a.  Select
b.  $name
c.  Emp no
d.  3 Reg no
57. / The default property for a label is
a.  ole
b.  opg
c.  olb
d.  opt
59. / The button used in VB, that allows the user to perform action by clicking
a.  Command
b.  Label
c.  Text
d.  List
60. / How many areas are there in Menu Editor?
a.  10
b.  5
c.  4
d.  2
61. / The method that is used to print pictures contained in graphics file is
a.  Paint
b.  PaintForm
c.  PaintPieture
d.  Picture
62. / FSO stands for
a.  File System Object
b.  File Source Object
c.  File software Object
d.  File support Object
63. / which method is used to read the content of a text file?
a.  Read
b.  Readall
c.  ReadFile
d.  ReadLine
64. / The function that returns the length of the file in bytes is
a.  ADO
b.  RDO
c.  DAO
d.  JVM
66. / which one of the following is not a constructor modifier?
a.  Private
b.  Abstract
c.  protect
d.  Public
67. / The Default value of a Boolean vaiable is
a.  True
b.  False
c.  Null
d.  Zero
68. / Which attrobute is not compulsory with the "Applet" tag?
a.  Color
b.  Code
c.  Height
d.  Width
69. / The method used to fill an oval in JAVA applet is
a.  fillOval
b.  drawOval
c.  drawPolygon
d.  drawOval
70. / Which one of the following is used Applet graphics class to get the colour of the current object?
a.  get color()
b.  Fontget color()
c.  Font Font color()
d.  colorget Color()
71. / The logic that defines the behaviour of the class in JAVA is
a.  classes
b.  objects
c.  methods
d.  constructors
72. / which operator is used in a method to refer to the object which invoked it?
a.  New
b.  Static
c.  Void
d.  this
73. / Instance variable are declared within a
a.  method
b.  class
c.  object
d.  constructor
74. / The class from which sub_classes are derived is called
a.  sub class
b.  Existing class
c.  Super class
d.  Derived class
75. / Which one the following is not a variable modifier?
a.  Volitile
b.  Final
c.  Private
d.  Abstract
PART B (20 × 2 = 40)
Answer any twenty questions
76. / Write the steps to open and save a document in StarWriter
77. / What are the different types of paragraph alignment?
78. / What is meant by auto Correct option?
79. / Write the names of popular spreadsheet alignment?
80. / Explain the use of reference operators with an example
81. / what are the advantage of computerised data processing?
82. / Explain the use of reference operators with an example
81. / What are the advantage of computerised data processing
82. / Explain object oriented database
83. / What are the important tools available in VB IDE?
84. / What are the contents of VB projects
85. / What are the common properties for objects in VB?
86. / What are the common properties for objects in VB?
87. / What are the classifications of controls in VB?
88. / What are the difference between CheckBox and option button?
89. / How can you sort the items in a Listbox?
90. / Write the syntax of MxgBox options
91. / Name any four files supported by paintPicture method
92. / What are the methods involved in moving an FSO file?
93. / What are the different types of programs in JAVA?
94. / What are the different boolean operators available in JAVA?
95. / Define array
96. / What are the different between string and String buffer?
97. / Define polymorphism.
98. / What are the different between string and string buffer?
99. / What is Dynamic method Dispatch?
100. / When do you have dead situation?
Answer any sevenQuestions: (7 × 5 = 35)
101. / What is meant by indenting?Explain the different types of indentation.
102. / Write the steps involved in printing a work sheet
103. / Define form and write the steps.
104. / Explain Control structures in VB
105. / Explain the method of connecting an ADO data control to a database.
106. / Explain the inputbox function and parameters with an example.
107. / What are the different types of comboboxes? Explain
108. / Explain the life cycle of an Applet.
109. / Write the output of the following program:
Class first
int i,j,k
first {int x,int y}
Void display()
Class sub1 extends first
int k;
sub1{int x,int y,int z,}
super (x,y);
void display()
Public static void main(srting args[])
Sub obj_sub=new sub(3,4,7);
int display()
110. / Debug the program to get the output as follows:
2 4 6
12 24 36
class sample
int i;
int j;
int k;
sample(int i,int j,int k)
void change(int a,int b,int c)
this i=i;
this j=j;
this k=k;
class prog
Public static void main(String args[])
Sample obj = new sample(2,4,6,8);