
Tambov was founded in 1636as afortress

to defend the Moscow state.In 1796 Tambov

became the centre of the province, in 1937 it

acquired the regional importance. The population is more than 318.000 people.

In course of time Tambov became a modern trade, industrial, social and cultural centre.It’s history is closely connected with great names:the founder of cybernetics A.N. Kholmogorov,

academician, thefounder of biosphere science V.I. Vernadski,composer and conductor S.V. Rachmaninov, writer S.N. Sergeev-Tsenski, poet G.R. Derzhavin, actor V.N. Davidov, diplomat and writer G.V. Chicherin, archbishop Luka (also known as a doctor V.F.Voino-Yasenetski) and others.

The main industries are mechanical engineering and metal working, chemical products and building materials manufacturing, furniture, food, electronic equipment and appliances production.


TambovStateTechnicalUniversity is considered to be one of the largest universities in the region. Now the University comprises 11 faculties, total number of students is about 9000.The student can choose one of 44 training courses and get diploma of higher education. Study by correspondence, distance and pre-university training, vocational training and retraining give the opportunity to realize the modern concept of “lifelong education”. Young researchers have the opportunity to continue their education at 23 post-graduate courses and 4 doctorate courses.

Joint European Project

on University Management

The conference will disseminate the outcomes of the Tempus Tacis J.E.P. n° 23046-2002, directed to universities managers and officers. The achievement has been feasible thanks to the contribution and commitment of every involved actor: TSTU as scientific coordinator, E.U. Universities (Genoa, Glasgow

Caledonian and Lapland Rovaniemi), OdessaStateEconomicsUniversity asuseful partner in qualitycontrol and monitoring, experts of Federal Agency of Education who assured

analysis of trends and structural changes in the R.F. higher education system, Tambov Regional Administration who helped the team in the socioeconomic dynamics and comparisons at local level.

Which tangible outputs have been achieved?

-Strategic plan ruling development policies of TSTU

-Internal system of quality control

-Training Centre

-Events to strengthen linkswith the labour market.

The TSTU staff will show the capability to face the challenge towards the culture of management and evaluation and will demonstrate how TSTU is going toward the wider objectives of the reforming of the Russian higher education system and of the cooperation with the E.U. Member States for the establishment of the common space for education.

International Conference

Call for papers

28-29 June, 2006

Tambov, Russia




The conference is held in the frames of

Project Tempus-Tacis

JEP 23046/2002

”TSTU Strategic Planning

of Management”

European Commission

Ministry of Education and Science of

the Russian Federation

Tambov Regional Administration

Education Department of the Tambov Region


University of Genoa


LaplandUniversity of Rovaniemi

OdessaState Economic University

Conference obiective

This conference is held in the frames of Project Tempus-Tacis JEP 23046/2002 ”TSTU Strategic Planning of Management”. The main objective of the conference is project results dissemination in universities of RF and TACIS countries.

Topics for papers

  1. Bologna process and goals of university strategic planning.
  2. University financial system development.
  3. National priority programmes and innovative university.
  4. New management practices. Problems of university managers training.

Official Languages

Russian, English

Address of Organizing Committee


Nikolay S. Popov –

Vice-Rector for InternationalRelations (TSTU)

Conference manager

Zinaida V. Naumova-

specialist in educational activities of TSTU International Office


106, Sovetskaya str.,

392000, Tambov, Russia

Tel: +7(4752) 72-03-66

Fax: +7 (4752) 71-02-16


http: //des.tstu.ru/ums/

Registration Form

Surname, other names______


Organization, position______


Paper topic______







Preliminary registration: 15 May 2006

Receipt of final manuscripts: 30 May, 2006

papers and contributions

Authors should submit a paper (5 pages) in Russian or English (MS Word 97/2000/XP,font Times New Roman 14, interval 1,5),outlining the aims, content and conclusion of papers and contributions presented. The abstract should include the title, author(s) name, affiliation, postal address, e-mail, telephone and fax number, and topic to which the paper could be related.
International Organizing

S.V. Mischenko - Rector, TambovStateTechnicalUniversity, Tambov, Russia

Committee Members

K.V. Kolonchin, Deputy Head of Tambov Regional Administration, Tambov, Russia

A.V. Talonov, Deputy Head of International Education and Cooperation Department, Federal Agency for Education, Moscow, Russia

N.A. Astafyeva,Head of Education Department of the Tambov Region, Tambov, Russia

V.G. Matveykin, Chairmanof Committeefor Science and Innovative Policy, Tambov Regional Administration, Tambov, Russia

M.P. Zveryakov, Rector of Odessa State Economic University,Odessa,Ukraine

А. Mignone, Project Contractor, Professor of University of Genoa, Italy

N.S. Popov, Project Scientific Coordinator, Vice-Rector for International Relations, TSTU, Russia

V.F. Kalinin, First Vice-rector of TSTU, Tambov, Russia

N.P. Puchkov, Vice-Rector for Educational Activities, TSTU, Tambov, Russia

V.E. Podolski, Vice-Rector for Informatization, TSTU, Tambov, Russia

А. Musaio, Manager for Financial Resource and Planning, University of Genoa, Italy

L.A.Mozerova, Head of International Relations Office, TSTU,Tambov, Russia

B.K.Temple, Professor of Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom

A. Koivumaa, Doctor of Law, Lapland University of Rovaniemi, Finland