Tambov region was visited by the delegation of French parliamentarians and representatives of administration of the Elsas province

August-September 2009

On the 31st of August – the 2nd of September 2009 the Tambov region was visited by the delegation of French parliamentarians and the representatives of the Elsas administration (France). The aim of the visit was visiting the burial places of their countrymen who died in the Second World war. The guests of our region were war veterans, representatives of government, historians and journalists of the Mosel department.

The members of the delegation visited the burial places of their countrymen in Rada, placed wreathes and flowers, honoured the memory of the fallen heroes. The vice-president of the General Council of the Mosel department Alex Stob; the military attaché of the French Embassy in Moscow lieutenant colonel Deny Morel; the representatives of Malgrenu Veterans’ Association Mr Coling and Mr Foegle; the heads of the Mosel General Council services; the representatives of the region’s administration participated in the ceremony of wreath laying.

In the building of Tambov region’s administration the two parties exchanged their opinions of learning the lessons of history and of the importance of efforts orientation to peace preservation. At the presentation of Tambov region the guests were shown the information about the region’s history, geography, economics and culture.

In Kirsanov, after the solemn ceremony of laying wreathes to the graves of French military men at the memorial cemetery the guests were shown the building where in the post-war years was situated the Kirsanov special evacuation hospital № 5951.

The representatives of the French delegation agreed unanimously that the visit to Tambov region had the courteous, attentive and friendly atmosphere. The military attaché of the French Embassy D.Morel announced this to the head of Tambov region’s administration Oleg Betin during the meeting on the 2nd of September 2009. O.Betin, in his turn, asked to convey the very best regards to the Ambassador of France in RF.