Tregolls School,

Chellew Road, Truro, Cornwall,

England TR1 1LH

Wednesday 19th April 2017

Tamar Class Summer Term Welcome Letter

Please see the below details of the Spring curriculum and other key information.

IPC Curriculum and Science

Our new project that the children have chosen for this term is Robots and technology, with the focus question being ‘Will robots replace humans? For our Launch day next Monday, we will be experimenting with a range of technologies and we will be having a gaming afternoon (letter to follow). Throughout the term, we will be creating our own robots and designing and programming our own computer games.

Our Science will have a chemistry focus, where we will be learning about properties and changes of materials. We will be able to; compare and group materials based on their properties, demonstrate how some materials can be separated and discuss reversible and irreversible changes.

Literacy and Numeracy

The literacy throughout this term will link with the main project, we will be writing; instructions to make a robot, Persuasive writing for our Robot Pitch and Robot /Lego Robot themed talk the text stories.

Numeracy will be focused on improving the speed and recall of number facts, the mastery of problems involving the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and problem solving activities related to our project for our Friday Discovery Maths lessons. Can I please ask that your children are regularly learning their multiplication tables at home, as these are so important for all of our Maths learning.

MFL – French and RE

Cober Class will be learning French this term with Miss Martinez. The children will be learning how to talk about where they live and they will be focussing on writing down and forming sentences correctly in French

In RE the children will be learning about Hinduism and the concepts, truths and values of this religion. They will understand the key beliefs, religious symbols and the importance of spiritual teachers.

PE days and kit

We will be continuing our PE sessions this year with our sports coach, Patrick. These lessons will take place every Friday. Please ensure that the children have all of their kit clearly labeled in a PE bag each week. Thank you for your support with this.

The kit requirements are:

Boys – Blue short and a Tregolls t-shirt

Girls – Leggings or blue shorts and a Tregolls t-shirt

Footwear –PE plimsolls or trainers.

Please ensure that your child has a school jumper to wear for outdoor PE.

If you have any issues with the PE kit please pop in and speak to us.

Homelearning Requirements

As per the Home Learning Policy, children in year 5 should be spending 45 minutes on their literacy and numeracy pieces each week. Where possible, these two pieces of homelearning will reinforce skills being taught that week in class. The children will be set homelearning which challenges them and tests their resilience. Please support your child by offering tips and advice for each piece.

In addition to the weekly literacy and numeracy piece, the children should be reading for 15 minutes every day. Please question your child on what they have read and then sign their homeschool reading records. This will need to be completed daily as we will be completing a daily reading chart in school each morning. Children who choose not to read each day will forfeit their breaktime.

Homelearning will be given out on Thursdays and collected in on Mondays. Children have the responsibility to complete their homelearning, and so, if it is late, they will forfeit part of their lunchtime. Please support your child in keeping their homelearning books neat and tidy. Thanks for your support with this; we cannot overemphasize the importance of learning away from school – it will support your child in making great progress this term.

Open door policy

As you should be aware by now we operate an open door policy at Tregolls, and therefore I will always be on hand before or after school to discuss any issues you may have.

Yours sincerely,

The Year 5 Team.

Telephone: 01872 274020 • Fax: 01872 275611

Email: •

Headteacher - Mr Matt Middlemore • Companies House No. 8180623