Talk the Talk

A Study of Literary Terms

Like all academic disciplines, the study of literature has special vocabulary. For this assignment, our task will be to ensure that the class understands and can employ the appropriate language when discussing literature.

You have THREE responsibilities:

1.  Create a one-page, typed hand-out which includes the following:

§  proper MLA heading (name, teacher, class, date)

§  a clear, complete definition of the term(s) (Glossary of Literary Terms and also the back of the textbook—no dictionaries)

§  two examples of the term from poetic or prose passages

§  a connection/explanation between the definition and examples

§  the sources of the passages using proper MLA citation. You must use more than one source.

*Example on class website.

*If you have multiple terms-you only need 1 example/1 explanation for each, but make sure they are on separate pieces of paper.

2.  Give a presentation on your term(s) and create a visual poster that:

§  includes key information from the hand-out (without being too text heavy)

§  is visually appealing and is illustrated with neatness and creativity

§  is large enough to see/read from any seat in the room

§  is used for an oral presentation on the term

*If you have multiple terms you need to incorporate them into 1 poster!

3.  Take a test on all literary terms on the list after all of the presentations.

In order to do a through and accurate job, you must research the term, finding a clear and complete definition. Places to look: literary handbooks, dictionaries of literary terms, encyclopedias, glossaries of literature books, the Internet (caution: when using the Internet, be sure your source is reliable—college website and that you are searching the LITERARY meaning of the term(s)). The key here is not to look for the shortest, quickest definition, but the most comprehensive one.

Your presentation will be graded for accuracy, completeness, format, and presentation style.

You will receive a handbook containing all terms in alphabetical order to use for reference throughout your education.

Presentation due date with poster and handout