Gifted and Talented Policy for Physical Education and Sport


Hurstmere School Sport Partnership is committed to providing the best possible learning opportunities for all pupils. Within the context of this broad aim, we strive to provide support for those who are‘Gifted and Talented’ in Physical Education and Sport. The policy and pupil identification process is based on the national ‘Physical Education Quality Standards for Talent Development’ endorsed by the DCSF andYouth Sport Trust.

Gifted in Physical Education

We strive to cater for the specific needs of pupils who show particular aptitude across a range of abilities in Physical Education.

Talented in Sport

We strive to provide support through the ‘Junior Athlete Education’ (JAE) Programme for those who are talented in sport and have a high level of demand made on their time.


  • To identify, challenge and support Gifted and Talented pupils within the Physical Education curriculum and OSHL.
  • To encourage the expression of talent and empower pupils to recognise the benefits and challenges of being a talented performer.
  • To set Gifted and Talented pupils targets which encourage them to work to their full potential.
  • To identify and support Gifted and Talented pupils who are potentially able to perform at a level that substantially exceeds that which is expected for their age.
  • To help Gifted and Talented pupils develop the personal qualities which will enable them to maximise their potential.

Identificationof Gifted and Talented pupils in Physical Education and Sport

Gifted Pupils in Physical Education:

Pupils are identified in lessons as being Gifted in Physical Education if they demonstrate a very high level of competence across the following five areas: Creative,Physical, Social, Cognitive and Personal.


  • Consolidates and develops skills in a creative, inventive and innovative way.
  • Responds to stimulus in an innovative way.
  • Offers a range of productive and viable solutions to a problem.
  • Is confident in experimenting with acquired skills and ideas through application (e.g. within a gymnastic sequence, dance composition or game).


  • Explores and develops skills demonstrating control, fluency and quality in a range of activities.
  • Demonstrates a range of skills in different compositional and tactical situations.
  • Demonstrates good peripheral vision and uses this in a range of situations across activities.
  • Shows precision when executing movement skills with high levels of co-ordination and balance.


  • Demonstrates the ability to take the lead when working with others.
  • Communicates clearly to others when describing their performances showing an understanding of tactics/strategies and compositional ideas.
  • Demonstrates the ability to make good decisions when working collaboratively.
  • Enables and empowers other pupils to participate effectively in activities.


  • Demonstrates the ability to transfer skills effectively across a range of activities.
  • Demonstrates the ability to plan and utilise a range of strategies in a number of activities.
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses, offering suggestions for improvement, across a range of performances.
  • Uses a broad analysis vocabulary when describing performance.


  • Shows motivation, commitment and focus when working.
  • Demonstrates the ability to self-regulate learning in independent learning environments.
  • Demonstrates the ability to evaluate their own performance effectively.
  • Handles feedback in a constructive way and uses this to develop levels of performance.

All pupils (including those with Special Educational Needs, disabilities or medical conditions) have the opportunity of being assessed and identified as being Gifted. Those pupils who appear to be demonstrating the potential to be Gifted will be assessedagainst the above criteria by their class teacher and awarded a score from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) in each category (see Gifted in PE Identification Sheet). Pupils require a total score of 80 or abovein order to be recognised as Gifted in Physical Education (ideally averaging 16 or more in each ability area, but exceptional individual circumstances may allow for flexibility within the scoring criteria). The identified pupils will be entered onto the Gifted register/database for Physical Education. Pupils will also be given the opportunity to self-evaluate their abilities during this identification period. This will contribute to the talent identification and will aid target setting for the pupils identified as being Gifted. Support is available via the SSCo’s with this process.

Talented Pupils in Sport:

Pupils identified as being Talented in Sport will be those who perform outside of school,at district or county level or above. These pupils will generally have a high level of demand on their time due to training and competition and may therefore find it difficult to co-ordinate their educational studies with their sport commitments. Pupils who are in the district level category will be supported by the Hurstmere SSP through a series of ‘Talent Workshops’ whilst those at county level or above will be registered on the ‘Junior Athlete Education’ (JAE) Programme. They will receive additional support from within the school to help them balance their education and training/competition requirements, in order to achieve their aims in both aspects of their life.

Primary Identification

Throughout pupils’ Primary education, it is expected that the person responsible for Primary G&T provision will work with the SSCo to support the identification of talent and potential talent. SSCos may run standardisation days to support this process. It is acknowledged that primary staff have a much broader knowledge of the whole child and their background and are therefore more likely to be able to pass on information particularly relating to activities which do not commonly appear on school PE curricular. Year 5 and 6 pupils are nominated by Primary staff (including Community Sports coaches) and SSCos to attend a talented student event at Hurstmere SSP during the summer term. This is to offer another level of provision to these students as well as re-standardise identification before Secondary school.

Secondary Identification

Whilst it is hoped that most talented pupils will have been identified by this stage there will be a few that emerge (perhaps late developers), not to mention those pupils that come from out of borough into our system. To this end, it is essential that Secondary staff are also aware of the strategies and criteria used in talent identification. As before, should a member of staff suspect that a pupil has potential then he or she should be given appropriate opportunity to develop. By the same token, some pupils will not develop as expected and may have to be removed from the P.E. talented register. This should be done following full discussion by department staff to ensure awareness and standardisation within the process.

Pupils may be identified as being Gifted and Talented for both Physical Education and Sport.

Talent register.

This should be kept within the PE department and regularly reviewed and updated. A copy may also be kept by the Partnership to maintain a database of talent activity and provision across all schools. Naturally to conform to data protection guidelines, no contact details of pupils should appear on this list.

Provision for the Gifted and Talented pupils in Physical Education and Sport

Pupils identified as Gifted and Talented withinPhysical Education and Sport have the potential to become high performers in the future. They will engage in this through the following methods and opportunities:

For those who are Gifted in Physical Education:

  • Suitably differentiated lesson content and schemes of work (to include extension material where appropriate).
  • Opportunities to attend Multi Skill Clubs at Key Stage 2 / 3.
  • The highest two performers from each school will be invited to attend the HurstmereSSPMultiSkillAcademy at the end of Key Stage 2.
  • Curriculum enrichment opportunities at Key Stage 4 including Junior Sports Leaders (Level 1), Dance Leadersand other National Governing Body awards (where appropriate).
  • Pupils will be encouraged to find creative solutions to challenges, to take risks and learn how to cope with failure.
  • Independent work andleadership opportunities will be provided across the Key Stages.
  • Pupils will be encouraged to fully engage with extra-curricular opportunities provided by the school.
  • PE staff will ensure that Gifted pupils are not underachieving in lessons by regular monitoring their progress via end of unit National Curriculum levels.
  • Where appropriate, parents/carers will be consulted and involved in the planning and implementation of strategies to support their child.

For those who are Talented in Sport:

  • Pupils who have been indentified as Talented (district level) will be invited to attend ‘Talent Workshops’ by the Hurstmere SSP in their sport.
  • Talented pupils in Sport (county level or above) will be registered on the ‘Junior Athlete Education’ (JAE) Programme, which comprises of workshops based on: lifestyle management, performance profiling, performance planning, diet and nutrition, personal target setting, fitness assessment and sports psychology. They will also be given a mentor with whom they will meet on a half-termly basis to evaluate progress and plan for any potential commitment clashes. Close links with parents and carers will be established to ensure that a strong support network is formed.
  • The Gifted and Talented PE Co-ordinator will work closely with the ‘whole school’ Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator to implement a strategy that supports pupils. This may include an alternative to Physical Education lessons for talented pupils (e.g. study for other subject areas, fitness and conditioning work, physio/rest periods etc) and flexible homework/coursework schedules where appropriate.
  • The Hurstmere SSP will help schools access / support schools with the JAE programme.

Provision needs to be considered in key areas:


  • Opportunities given to work with and experience work normally given to pupils older than themselves.
  • Students should experience challenge alongside pupils of similar standards where appropriate in order to stretch them more effectively.
  • Differentiation is central focus of provision for talented pupils.
  • Where possible pupils should be encouraged to review their own progress and elaborate on demands placed upon them as a result of their talent and activities
  • Mentors, (particularly in later Key Stages) should be available to support individuals and groups of pupils in maintaining the work/sport/life balance.

Extension, Enrichment and Enabling activities

  • Opportunities are offered to allow pupils to enrich their experiences as well as extend their performance.
  • Information is provided for all pupils through a dedicated display board.
  • Pupils should be made aware of and directed towards local, regional and national opportunities for participation.
  • Through Partnership organisation cluster activities are organised at a central location.
  • Communication between PE department and NGBs is maintained to remain aware of developments concerning talented individuals.

Continual Professional Development

  • Staff require ongoing support from the Partnership in terms of Talent ID and Selection.
  • Teaching and support strategies need to be regularly reviewed and updated.
  • There needs to be regular consultation and ownership by staff within the department regarding quality standards of the identification and provision process.

Identification of Gifted Pupils in Physical Education

A template for teachers to assist in selecting pupils for the PE Register

Complete this for PUPILS who demonstrate TALENT in PHYSICALEDUCATION please respond:
5 = Excellent 4 = Very Good 3 = Good 2 = Satisfactory 1 = Poor
Acquiring and Developing Skills in Physical Education / RATING
  • Explore develop and invent skills showing understanding, control, fluency and quality in a range of activities

  • Be able to transfer skills effectively across a range of activities

  • Consolidate and develop skills in a creative inventive and innovative way

  • Show motivation, commitment and focus when working

Sub Total
Select and Apply
  • Be able to plan and utilise a range of strategies in a range of activities

  • Demonstrate a range of skills in different compositional & tactical situations

  • Be able to make good decisions when working independently and collaboratively in a team in a range of tactical and compositional situations

  • Demonstrate the ability to take the lead when working with others

Sub Total
  • Be able to reflect and evaluate their performances and others

  • Identify strengths and weaknesses in a range of performances

  • Suggest ways of improving performances in a range of activities

  • Communicate clearly when describing performances showing an understanding of tactics/strategies/composition

Sub Total
Health/Skill Fitness
  • Demonstrate balance when performing actions and skills in isolation and combinations

  • Demonstrate an appropriate level of fitness for their age

  • Demonstrate good peripheral vision and use this effectively I a range of situations across activities

  • Show precision when executing movement skills

  • Perform skills with coordination

  • Show precision when executing ball skills

Sub Total / Total
Summary of Strengths / Aspects to Improve
Pupils Name: / School:
Year: / Staff Signature:

By Richard Bailey, professor in Education, Canterbury Christ Church University College & David Morley, Senior Lecturer in Physical Education, Carnegie, Leeds Metropolitan University

Gifted and Talented Pathway
Responsibility / SSP & Schools
Year/Age/Key Stage / Numbers / LTAD
KS1 & KS2 / Multi Skill Clubs
MultiSkillAcademy / 15 – 30
60 / FUNdamental Stage
KS3 / Sport Specific Talent Workshops
Junior Athlete Education (JAE) Programme / 20
Various / Learn to Train Stage
KS4 / Sport Specific Talent Workshops
Junior Athlete Education (JAE) Programme
NGB Specific Provision / 20
Various / Training to Train