TEKS 7.12B

TAKSObjective 2 – The student will demonstrate an understanding of living systems and the environment.

TEKS Science Concepts 7.12B

The student knows that there is a relationship between organisms and the environment. The student is expected to:

(B) observe and describe how organisms including producers, consumers, and decomposers live together in an environment and use existing resources

Lesson Objectives

  • The learner will organize organisms into producers, herbivores, and carnivores.
  • The learner will create food chain based on characteristics of the organisms.
  • The learner will identify items, both biotic and abiotic, needed by organisms to survive in their environments.
    For Teacher’s Eyes Only

Teacher Background:


 Misconception

 Science Concept

Rebuild Concept

Student Prior Knowledge

6.12The student knows that the responses of organisms are caused by internal or external stimuli. The student is expected to:(C) identify components of an ecosystem to which organisms may respond.

7.12)Scientific Concepts. The student knows that there is a relationship between organisms and the environment. The student is expected to: (A) identify components of an ecosystem.

5 E’s


Chose a few sounds from to play for students in class. Ask students what they hear. What else might be in the area based on what they hear? What makes them think these things will be present?


Explore 1
Students will create a foldable to organize different types of organisms found in an ecosystem.
Making the Foldable
1. Obtain a piece of paper, construction paper is recommended.
2. Fold the top right corner (A) over to the middle of the left side of the paper (B) and make a crease.

3. Cut the extra rectangle off so that you are left with only a folded triangle.
4. Fold the triangle in half.
5. Open up the paper. You should see an X made with the folds.

6. Fold the paper in half to make a horizontal crease through the middle of the X.

7. Pinch the middle crease backwards until they meet.
8. Use the table or flat surface to push the part of the paper you just pinched down onto the bottom triangle until it is flat.
9. Push the top triangle down and flatten.
10. Use glue on the 2 large triangles to attach the smaller triangles. Glue sticks are suggested since regular glue will make the paper difficult to write on.

Once the foldable is made you will have 4 surfaces to write on. Label each side one of the following words: producer, herbivore, omnivore, and carnivore. On each side write the definition. Students can then cut out the pictures from the blackline master and glue onto the appropriate side of the pyramid.

•Explore 2
Imaginary Animals
Students will use provided cards describing imaginary animals to create their own food chains.
1. Give each student or pair of students a set of organism cards.
2. Students should read the descriptions of each organism.
3. Once students have an idea of each organism, students will create 3 unique food chains with the cards.
4. When students have organized a chain they will write the names of the organisms in the correct order on a separate sheet of paper to turn in. Alternatively students may glue their boxes onto a paper and insert the arrows. This depends on how many copies you get to make.
Note: Students will need to know which way the arrows point in a food chain- in the direction the energy travels (towards the mouth they go in).
Predator is also a term that may need to be defined.
Provide students with pictures of ecosystems either from magazines, books, printed from the internet, etc.
-Allow students to pick a picture and discuss what they would find in the picture- what they see and other things they can’t see, but would expect to find.
-How is it that these things are able to live together?
-How do the different organisms get what they need?


Students should chose one producer and one consumer from the imaginary animals used in the previous activity. Students should then list all the resources those organisms would need to survive in their environment, both biotic and abiotic.


Name Period


Organize the following organisms into a food chain using the boxes below. (Place one organism in each box.)

TAKS Objective 2page 1