Illinois SMP Program

Taking Positive Corrective Action

If a volunteer does not adhere to the SMP volunteer policies in any regard, their local SMP Coordinator should address the situation. This should be done with a positive approach. There are three types of corrective action:

  1. Informal Corrective Action
  2. Formal Corrective Action
  3. Immediate Dismissal

PLEASE NOTE: Any time corrective action is necessary, please consult with the SMP Volunteer Specialist at AgeOptions beforehand, if possible. If that is not possible, please inform the Volunteer Specialist at AgeOptions immediately following your conversation with the volunteer. All corrective action measures should be documented in writing in the volunteer’s file. These notes should include the dates and information about all corrective action steps taken.

SMP Coordinators should follow the six steps outlined under “Taking Positive Corrective Action” found in the SMP Volunteer Program Management Manual on pages 80 – 82 (
Local SMP Coordinators should be prepared to offer additional training, coaching support, and reassignment to help the volunteer along. Please see your SMP Volunteer Specialist for support as needed.

Informal Corrective Action - Informal Corrective Action should be used whena volunteer acts in a way contrary to our policies and procedures, but is not egregious enough to warrant immediate Formal Corrective Action as detailed below. In most cases, this will always be the first step in corrective action. This approach involves a guided discussion between the local SMP Coordinator and his/her volunteer in which the Coordinator follows the six steps outlined in “Taking Positive Corrective Action” (see above). This process places the coordinator in a helper role rather than an accuser role and places responsibility on the volunteer to self correct.

Formal Corrective Action - If a volunteer continues to act in a way contrary to our policies and procedures despite going through the Informal Corrective Action process or if a volunteer does something egregious enough to warrant an immediate warning(see pages 33 – 34 of the Illinois SMP Volunteer Handbook at a partial list of potential actions requiring formal corrective action), Coordinators should begin the following formal corrective action protocol:

  • Step One:Coordinators must notify the SMP Volunteer Specialist that formal corrective action is needed for an SMP volunteer.
  • Step Two:Verbal warning is given to the volunteer.This can be as simple as reading the compromised SMP policy with your volunteer and explaining why it is important to the program and how the volunteer violated the policy. The volunteer should be instructed to adhere to the policy. Document the verbal warning in the volunteer’s file.
  • Step Three: Written warning is given and should be an official warning letter from AgeOptions to the volunteer indicating specific information about compromised policies and areas that need improvement as well as a written plan of improvement (e.g., “Volunteer agreed to show up early for the next three presentations”).
  • Step Four:Temporarysuspension from the program is determined by the local SMP Coordinator and the Volunteer Specialist at AgeOptions. AgeOptions will send an official suspension letter to the volunteer highlighting the reason for the suspension and the suspension time period.
  • Step Five: Indefinite dismissal should occur if the volunteer behavior continues throughout the above steps, and there is no hope that the volunteer’s performance will improve. AgeOptions will send an official dismissal letter to the volunteer.

Immediate Dismissal - Grounds for immediate dismissal exist and include but are not limited to: fraud, theft or abuse in connection with SMP volunteer service, serious illegal act, gross negligence causing bodily harm in connection with SMP volunteer service, breach of confidentiality, reporting for volunteer service under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, and using violence in the workplace.For more information please see pages 33 – 34 of the Illinois SMP Volunteer Handbook section “Leaving the Program” found at: The Volunteer Specialist at AgeOptions should be notified at once if there are grounds for immediate dismissal of a volunteer.

Corrective Action Appeals - A volunteer may appeal any corrective actions imposed on them. The SMP Program Director at AgeOptions will handle all volunteer appeals dealing with corrective action.The Illinois SMPCorrective Action Appeals Procedure is as follows:

  • Step One: The SMP Program Director at AgeOptions reviews the case including documentation of prior corrective actions steps taken.
  • Step Two: The SMP Program Director at AgeOptions may speak to the local SMP Coordinator, the volunteer, and other involved parties to obtain further details about the case.
  • Step Three: The SMP Program Director at AgeOptions makes a decision about the corrective action taken and communicates his/her decision to the local SMP Coordinator and the volunteer.