Meeting of Takeley Parish Council
held on Wednesday, 1st July 2009, at 7.30pm at Takeley Station House.
Present: / Clr. Richard CheethamClr Tricia Barber / Clr. Brian Baldwin
Clr. John Green
Clerk Jane Heskey
Apologies: / Clr. Carol Pratt, Clr. Trevor Allen, Clr. John Gregory, DC Jackie Cheetham
Visitors: / Mr. Martin Peachey, Mr. Geoff Bagnall, County Cllr Susan Barker, 1x resident Morrells Green (19.41)
09/140 Welcome and apologies: Chairman Clr. Richard Cheetham opened the meeting, welcomed members and visitors, and received apologies as above.
09/141 Declarations of Interest:
Members were reminded that they should declare relevant interests at each meeting for items on the agenda and to request a ‘Change Form’ if their circumstances have changed and their register needs amending.
09/142 Minutes:The minutes of the 3rd June 2009 meeting, which had been circulated previously, were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
Open Forum:
09/143 Morrells Green: resident concerned re a number of issues on the development – parking, multi occupancy, the number of ‘for rent’ signs & commercial operations. It is alleged that covenants are being broken.
TPC advised resident to contact UDC re multi occupancy and to consider forming a residents association to challenge those suspected of breaking covenants. TPC will continue to liaise with the Police about parking issues and will request that they step up patrols and observations of parking issues on the development.
09/144 Mr. Martin Peachey reported on Highways matters
National Express Coaches: There were no National Express or Terravision coaches reported as seen going through the village during the month.
Community Speed Watch: No monitoring was carried out during the month.
A briefing paper on traffic calming measures for Takeley Street has been prepared for the TPC meeting with Essex Highways on 2nd July. Essex Police have been kept informed of progress in this matter.TPC thanked Mr. Peachey for the work he has completed in preparation for the meeting with ECC Highways on 2/7/09
09/145 C. Cllr Susan Barker thanked Takeley residents for their support during recent elections.
In the run up to the election a number of issues had been raised including waste/rubbish disposal and the maintenance of BAA owned property.
09/146 / June Planning Committee Report & Recommendation
(previously circulated)
TPC approved the report & recommendation from the Planning Committee meeting 3rd June 2009 as follows:
Summary of comments:
UTT/0441/09/FUL Site adj. to Community Centre, Priors Green
Brief Description: Erection of 2 storey building for proposed day nursery.
Recommendation: Following correspondence from the developer (Henry Davidson) TPC maintain ‘objection’
Despite correspondence from Mr. Phil Daniels at Henry Davidson (developer), TPC standby the previous recommendation to object to this application. Whilst TPC acknowledges that these comments do not provide reason for objection based of current planning policy, the Parish Council feels that it important to represent the community and make what it considers to be rational/common sense comments.
§ Whilst the provision of a children’s day nursery is a concept TPC would support, the proposed building appears inappropriate for use described (2 storey building as children’s day nursery).
§ Whilst we understand that there maybe no requirement for the applicant to provide evidence of the demand for such a provision, TPC is keen to ensure that this is a viable and sustainable proposition.
§ TPC recommends that the car parking provision is increased. Having spoken with the developer the car parking provision meets planning guidelines however it is anticipated that a significant proportion of users will come from outside the Priors Green development and most likely travel by car.
ESS/28/09/UTT Crumps Farm, Little Canfield
Brief Description: The siting of a caravan & compound for use by security personnel.
Recommendation: No objection
UTT/0520/09/FUL The Chestnuts, Brewers End
Brief Description: Change of use from B1 office to residential. Erection of a brick wall.
Recommendation: No objection providing changes to windows & doors meet regulations applicable to Grade 2 listed buildings.
UTT/0541/09/FUL 15 Hawthorn Close
Brief Description: Single storey front extension
Recommendation: No objection
UTT/0557/09/OP South Gate Hotel Site, Thremall Avenue, Stansted Airport
Brief Description: Erection of a 300 bedroom 4 storey hotel with ancillary car parking & landscaping.
Recommendation: Objection
· In the current climate, with Airport throughput declining, is this sustainable development?
· The proposed building is too tall and will have an unacceptable visual impact from Takeley Street.
· Illumination from the site will have a detrimental impact on the amenity of residents in parts of Takeley, in particular Takeley Street residents.
· The design is featureless, unsightly and totally inappropriate given the rural location. The drawings suggest a ‘prison/holding facility’. TPC recommends a more sympathetic appropriate architectural design given the rural aspect.
UTT/0423/09/FUL PG 23 Priors Green
Brief Description: Amendment to reserved matters approval UTT/1956/07/DFO for 35 dwellings including changes to house types for plots 117,118 & 119 & change in position of plots 110, 126 & 131. Alteration to garages & walls & other associated work.
Recommendation: No objection
Please note: TPC is concerned about the proliferation of 4/5 bedroom dwellings. There is currently only 25% of housing stock which are 3 bed or smaller. The local need suggests demand for more dwellings 3 bed or smaller.
/ Clerk
has reported using delegated authority to meet UDC deadlines
09/147 / S106 agreement & Community Facilities at Priors Green & Morrells Green (previously circulated)
Clerk summarised minutes of meeting with UDC 19/6/09.
UDC to arrange site visit to view community hall, open spaces/play areas & buffer zone.
TPC nominated 2 of the following councillors to represent TPC at future meetings: Clr Trevor Allen or Clr Carol Pratt & Clr John Orpin or Clr Tricia Barber / All note.
09/148 / June Financial Report
(previously circulated)
Financial transactions for June 2009 were tabled & agreed.
TPC noted a completed bank reconciliation / All note
09/149 / Finance Committee meeting 11/6/09 Report & Recommendations
(previously circulated)
TPC approved the following recommendations:
(i) Higher Interest account for Business Reserve - the current economic climate has made it difficult to find a stable option offering a good rate of interest. The Clerk will continue to seek a secure alternative option with flexibility to access funds (e.g. NSI)
(ii) Write to Bob Weston thanking him for his support in the past and highlighting current project. TPC hopes that he will continue to support us.
(iii) Review of insurance policy & schedule with a view to making savings in 2010/11:
-TPC should pursue an alternative insurance policy through ‘Community First’ with Zurich insurance. Recommend submitting current insurance schedule to obtain alternative quote.
-TPC street lights are not on insurance schedule. Verify ownership with ECC for insurance purposes.
(iv) Review of Budgets 2009/10:
-Increase VAT receipts to £3k (£2k)
-TPC newsletter net cost = £2300 including increased circulation to Priors Green.
-TPC newsletter - investigate better quality printing & alternatives for cover.
-Amend Gratuity Fund to reflect 3.5% of Clerk’s salary - £770 (£550)
-Increase Clerks home allowance to £550 (£500)
-Station House: increase budget to £4k to provide for conclusion of negotiations with ECC re rental/lease.
-2009/10 actual insurance cost £1925
-Reduce councillor training budget to £300 (£500)
-Bus shelters: confirm requirements, make grant applications and subsequently review budget.
-Increase ICT to £100 (£0) to provide office printer.
Community Projects - review and recommendations:
PROJECT / Budget
£ / Note
Village Planters / 1k / £335 spent to date (net)
Skate Park development / tbc / Pending decision re Sports Field refurb.
Resurfacing of Recreation Ground play area / 4k / Divert to Rec. Grd Project (Total £4k + £1k + £1k (08/09)
Silver Jubilee Village Hall Development / tbc / TPC agreed £12.5k contribution towards fees to develop plans for Sports & Social Club youth facilities.
TPC has recommended a public meeting is called in autumn 2009 to determine public support for £1m investment into SJH and the amount of contribution TPC should provide.
Football Club Development / tbc
Financial Regulations:
Members reviewed current Financial Regulations and recommend no changes.
Clerks annual appraisal:
The Clerk provided the job profile and an appraisal form. TPC authorises the Chairman and Vice Chairman to coordinate the appraisal comments and conduct the review. / All note/
09/150 / Annual Review of Council Procedures:
Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Complaints Procedure.
(previously circulated)
There are no proposed changes to procedures. TPC agreed to maintain current procedures. / All note
09/151 / Station House Lease
(previously circulated)
TPC Received detailed proposal of lease arrangements as follows:
‘The County will grant to the Parisha lease of the small office as previously described at the annual rent of £500.
In addition to this the Parish will make a contribution to theutility costs and maintenance of the exterior of the premises. Initially this will be charged on the basis of the floor areaof theParish Office as a proportion of the whole. However if this proves to be insufficiently sensitive the County will reserve the right to review the basis of the charges andif necessary to arrange for services to be separated.
The specific proportion of charges attributable to the Parish Council has not been calculated but is likely to be around 10% of theCounty Council's total expenditurein relation to the ground floor of the Station.Please note that this figure is to be treated as indicative onlyat this stage.
In the event of the premises becoming separately assessed for business rates the Parish will be entirely responsible for the rates attributable to the office it occupies.
With regard to insurance this will be confirmed once the formal lease has been executed but the Parish Council's current insurers will be able to give you a reasonable indication of what this is likely to be.
If the Parish wish to use the meeting room itmay be hired, subject to there being no other bookings, at an inclusive rateof £10 per hour.This charge will be subject to regular review’.
TPC agreed to progress a lease agreement ‘without prejudice’ giving consideration to the following:
-TPC requests confirmation of the 10% charge based on floor area of the ‘Parish Council’ office (Office appears smaller than 10% of total area)
TPC is concerned regarding 2 aspects on ongoing maintenance: (1) heating system - which has proved problematic through the winter months (2) building security/vandalism. / All note/
09/152 / RCCE Annual Membership Renewal
TPC agreed to renew annual membership - fee £55 (no increase on last year). / All note
09/153 / Report on Highways matters
Parking Restriction scheme: Order to introduce revisions to scheme due end of July/August / All note
09/154 / Parking Restrictions in Bush End
ECC Highways has requested feedback on a proposal for experimental parking restrictions at Bush End.
TPC principally support this proposal providing that they are formulated in conjunction with the Hatfield Forest Management Team and discussed with Bush End Church. / Clerk to respond to ECC Highways Dept
09/155 / Recreation Ground & Sports Field Report
Clr John Green reported:
Recreation Ground: Tidy and equipment in order. Incident earlier in June – gang of approx. 20 youths. Vandalism & broken glass. Police were called. TPC reps cleared up.
Sports Field: Tidy & in good order. / All note
09/156 / Replacement Maintenance Equipment
TPC approved purchase of replacement mower for £90 and strimmer up to a budget of £300.
TPC also approved removal of the dead tree on the Four Ashes village green at a cost of £55.
09/157 / Silver Jubilee Hall Development
In light of no new information, TPC agreed to postpone this item until August.
TPC agreed that the Clerk should make a provisional booking with the Silver Jubilee Hall to hold a public meeting mid-October. / August
09/158 / Local Policing & Public Safety Issues
PCSO Emma Webb leaves to go on maternity leave in August. / All note
09/159 / Clerks Report
TPC noted the Clerk’s Report. Clerk circulated ‘outstanding issues list’ / All note
09/160 / Non Agenda Report
TPC noted the Clerk’s Report / All note
The meeting finished at 10.10pm.
THE NEXT MEETING: of Takeley Parish Council will be held on
Wednesday, 5th August 2009 at Takeley Station House at 7.30pm.
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