Takaki, Chapter 9

Study Guide

Takaki, chapter 9

The Indian Question

  1. Manifest destiny
  1. The Turner Thesis
  1. Social Darwinism and “progress”
  1. “warlike tribes”
  1. “The only good Indian is a dead Indian”
  1. How the West was lost
  1. The iron horse
  1. Slaughter of the buffalo
  1. Son of the Morning Star
  2. Slaughter on the Washita - 1868
  3. A few brave stands – Rosebud Creek and Little Big Horn – 1876
  1. Removal and reservation
  1. Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota
  1. Wovoka
  1. The Ghost Dance
  1. Sitting Bull
  1. Wounded Knee Creek – December, 1890
  1. Hotchkiss “anti-personnel” weapon
  1. Slit trenches and mounds of bodies
  1. Allotment and assimilation
  2. Paternalism – from “Idleness, frivolity and debauchery . . . [to] . . . habits of thrift and industry” – Senator Henry Dawes
  1. Dawes Act – 1887 (“giving” the Indians what they already owned – their land)
  1. Burke Act – 1891: Nullifies the twenty-five year trust provision of the Dawes Act. Open up Indian lands for sale
  1. Lone Wolf decision – 1903: Supreme Court rules that the federal government has the right to abrogate the provision of an Indian treaty.
  1. “Dispossession and pauperization”
  1. The Indian “New Deal” and John Collier - a commitment to cultural pluralism
  1. The abolition of allotment
  1. The Navajo
  1. Hoover dam
  1. New Deal (liberal) paternalism
  1. Who knows the land?