Tadley School PTA AGM Meeting Minutes

8th July 2010

7:30pm for 7:45pm start

Tadley School Hall

  1. Welcome and Apologies

Meeting started at 19:40pm

Attendees: Andrea Campbell, Zoe Perks, Karine Hutcheson, Sue Fairbairn, Melissa Stroud, Lauren Purnell, Olivia Doyle, Amanda Davies, Kay Meakes, Diana Kempster, Nicky Ray, Jo Messenger, Kirsty O’Keeffe, Justine Woods, George McGarvie, Donna Campbell, Kelly Nash, Caroline Nash, Mike Paine, Su Potter, Richard Lafford, Shane Pike, Jackie Wood.

Apologies: Vicky Barnett.

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a true record.

  1. Chair Persons Report (Andrea)

Andrea thanked everyone for their effort in the last year.

£13000 income and £9000 spent on school projects was very good.

We had 2 new events this year – Circus (£900 profit) and Pamper evening (£500 profit), which went down very well with the school families.

This would be Andrea’s last meeting as she would be stepping down. She had enjoyed her 2 years as Chair, and thanked everyone who helped make them successful.

  1. Treasurer’s Report (George)

Christmas Fair £2,800

Summer Fete £2,800

Discos £600

Easter Egg Hunt £300

Beetle Drive £63 – but well attended and a great events for the children.

Items bought: Leavers Photos, Coasters, Membership, Anti-bullying Workshop, Various Productions, FS Barbeque. Flip Cameras, Country Dancing Outfits (Sue Fairbairn made these).

It was proposed that certain expenditure would be committed each academic year to cover the following:

  • School Leavers Photos
  • EYFS Coasters
  • Year 6 Beach Party BBQ
  • PTA Membership.

Proposed – George McGarvie

Seconded – Mike Paine.

All agreed.

It was proposed that the PTA would commit to fund £1200 worth of workshops during each academic year (notionally for 4 productions or workshops).

Proposed – George McGarvie

Seconded – Andrea Campbell

All Agreed – school can assume this money is agreed without needing to double check with PTA.

It was proposed that the end of the financial year should be moved to the end of August to tie in with the Academic Year and to allow all moneys to stabilise over the summer holiday.

Proposed – George McGarvie

Seconded – Mike Paine

All Agreed.

Discussion about use of current (surplus) funds. Various ideas raised and dismissed, in particular giving a gift to each year 6.

Richard Lafford requested that school provide a wish list so that PTA could know what was required in the coming year. Zoe to collate such information and provide.

Update on Canopy over swimming pool area. Reminder – originally it had been agreed for school to pay half and PTA to pay half. The canopy has not progressed – contractors not currently on approved list of suppliers for HCC, but this should be resolved by the end of the school term. In the event that this canopy gets cancelled, there is a good alternative to provide additional smaller canopies in the playgrounds, and extend the soft play areas.

  1. Appointment of Committee Officers (2010-2011)

Chairperson: Su Potter

Proposed: Kay Meakes

Seconded: Diana Kempster , Caroline Nash

Vice Chairperson: Melissa Stroud

Proposed: Andrea Campbell

Seconded: Kay Meakes

Treasurer: George McGarvie

Proposed: Andrea Campbell

Seconded: Sue Wallace

Publicity Secretary: Mike Paine

Proposed: George McGarvie

Seconded: Sue Wallace

Minutes Secretary: Justine Woods

Proposed: George McGarvie

Seconded: Andrea Campbell

Raffle Coordinator – Mike Paine

Catering Coordinator – Amanda Davies

  1. Appointment of Auditors (2010-2011)

It was proposed that we should keep the same auditors as last year – Action on George McGarvie to discuss with Clare Hawkins after the meeting to resolve and return to PTA meeting in September with agreed names.

  1. Any Other Business.

Message from the Head (Zoe Perks) – Zoe expressed her thanks to Andrea, Jackie, Shane, all staff and PTA members for their work over the last year. The new events were a welcome addition to the calendar.

Meeting Closed: 20:45pm

First PTA meeting for next year: 14th September 2010