High School Graduation Network
Action Plan:Project# 1: Truancy Reduction Initiative
Long TerM GOAL: Increase the high school graduation rate for Albuquerque Public Schools by 2 percentage points per year.
Short Term GOAL:By August 1, 2015, decrease habitual truancy rates by 5 percentage points in each school we are working with.
Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure
/ Baseline Measure / ProjectedOutcome / Actual Results / Projected
Outcome / Actual Results / Projected
outcome / Actual Results / Projected
outcome / Actual Results
Percent of students graduating high school in Albuquerque Public Schools / 69% (2013) / 71% (2014) / 73% (2015) / 75% (2016) / 77% (2017)
(QUARTERLY / As Needed) / Progress Measure
1st Quarter / Progress Measure
2nd Quarter / Progress Measure
3rd Quarter / Progress Measure
4th Quarter
Implementation Indicators/Measures
/ Baseline Measure / ProjectedOutcome / Actual Results / Projected
Outcome / Actual Results / Projected
outcome / Actual Results / Projected
Project# 1: Truancy Reduction Initiative
Action Steps / Monitoring Evidence/Data
Sources / Person(s) Responsible/ Group(s) / Implementation Timeline / Actual Completion Date / Resources Needed
Start / Stop / Existing / New
Activity 1: Coordinate with APS Truancy Pilot Project
1a. Presentation by APS on truancy pilot project. Review lessons learned from first year of pilot project
- May want to target a specific grade
- Need strong coordination
- Manpower demands are huge
- AHAHS seems to have a good approach in place; need to learn from what they’re doing
1b. Tentatively identify schools and reach out to them to see if they are amenable to working with us. Do any of the APS pilot schools fit the criteria we’ve already come up with? (AHAHS, WMHS, Wilson, Washington, Kennedy, Garfield)
- Potential focus schools: WMHS, AHAHS
1c. Review APS’s assessment of school communities and existing resources/assets / Tony
1d. Get buy-in from principals and superintendent for our Network to work with a certain set of schools – set up meetings with Todd Resch and principals in potential schools. / Angelo
Activity 2: Conduct Research on Causes of Truancy and Best Practices
2a. Conduct research on best practices for truancy reduction, including:
- Parent involvement; student sanctions; incentives for parent responsibility; ongoing prevention programs; involve law enforcement; substance abuse; family resources; peers; data (Franklin)
- Cultural proficiency
- Truancy rubric
() / July 31, 2014
2b. Develop asset map of existing efforts to address truancy (wait until schools are identified)
- Look at APS Pilot Project assessment – resource list collected through pilot
- Identify resources in the school communities where we will be working
- Family engagement services
- Connect with Unidos
2c. Bring together schools and community to share research on and local examples of best practices related to truancy solutions – summit or convening.
- Community forum on truancy
- Targeted conversations in our targeted schools
2d. Develop a formal community of practice if there is interest (depends on outcome of convenings)
2e. Connect with APS Family Engagement team, which is currently assessing how welcoming schools are (focusing on elementary this year; may move on to middle school next year). Request a report on lessons learned and recommendations. / Eva, Velinda / Depends on timing of the assessment
2f. Gather data on referrals to juvenile detention. / Cindy (will connect with Marvin)
2g. Investigate best practices on reintegration of students who have been chronically absent. (Connect with Unidos credit recovery project.) / Eva, Velinda, Cindy, Kay
Activity 3: Conduct Outreach to Potential Partners
3a. Conduct internal power analysis / Ian, Angelo, Tony / Network Meeting in June
3b. Invite Bernadette and Maria to join Network to ensure that we are well coordinated with APS Family Engagement / Velinda / 5/20/2014
3c. Identify other partners, including:
- APS cultural proficiency initiative – Lynn Rosen and Toby Herrera (Tony)
- Anti-racism training institute (Tony)
- APS Title I Homeless Program (Eva)
- Truancy court/juvenile justice/DA’s office – Velinda, Cindy
- Higher education – social work departments
- Detention center – Adele Evans (Laurel)
Activity 4: Raise Awareness
4a. Develop communication and marketing messaging and collateral using Attendance Works toolkits / Kelly, RFK staff, Laurel, Brittany, Sheri’s doc student, MG Marketing Council / June 1, 2014 / August 30, 2014
4b. Participate in Attendance Awareness Month / Kelly, RFK staff, Velinda, Tony, Laurel, Angelo / June 1, 2014 / 9/30/14
4c. Collect existing PSAs and develop new ones if needed.
- Potential themes: how education has turned around people’s lives
- UNM Athletics would be available to participate
4d. Develop marketing campaign with UNM Athletics / Marjori, MG Marketing Council
4e. Develop youth messaging and appropriate communication channels / Ian, Melissa, Kay, and MG Youth Council
4h. Develop messaging and “FAQs” for social workers and other school personnel that work with families
4i. Develop materials to give to parents at school registration / Attendance Awareness Month Committee / July 31, 2014
4j. Connect with NM Learning Alliance’s Stories of Learning
4k. Organize an attendance awareness event at a Lobo game and/or Isotopes game
4l. Create incentives for students who have improved their attendance (not just the perfect attendance students)
4m. Train school staff and teachers and providers on attendance best practices rubric / District truancy unit
4l. Develop targeted messaging, toolkit for principals and school leaders.
Activity 5: Engage Families(Needs further discussion)
5a. Develop recommendations about best practices to present to practitioners and policy makers about how to make schools more welcoming to families.
- Needs to draw from asset map
- Needs to be strongly informed by local work
- Should be informed by APS’s family engagement assessment of how welcoming schools are
5b. Investigate status of family engagement procedural directives and how this network can support their implementation. / Eva V.
5c. Set up focus group(s) with families to provide input into the development of a toolkit.
5d. Collect material to create a toolkit for families (should linguistically-appropriate).
5e. Develop a toolkit for families that is brief, accessible, and usable. (NM PTA could be a resource.)
5f. Develop and implement a series of workshops and presentations for parents to disseminate information. (Are there models that we can use to guide this work, e.g., Raise the Roof?)
Activity 6: Engage Students(Needs further development)
6a. Develop system for chronically absent students to successfully reintegrate into schools.
High School Graduation Network
Action Plan:Project# 2: Middle School Innovation Initiative
Long TerM GOAL: Increase the high school graduation rate for Albuquerque Public Schools by 2 percentage points per year.
Short Term GOAL:By August 1, 2015, decrease habitual truancy rates by 5 percentage points in each school we are working with. (Do we want to set a different short term goal for this project?)
Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure / Progress Measure
/ Baseline Measure / ProjectedOutcome / Actual Results / Projected
Outcome / Actual Results / Projected
outcome / Actual Results / Projected
outcome / Actual Results
Percent of students graduating high school in Albuquerque Public Schools / 69% (2013) / 71% (2014) / 73% (2015) / 75% (2016) / 77% (2017)
(QUARTERLY / As Needed) / Progress Measure
1st Quarter / Progress Measure
2nd Quarter / Progress Measure
3rd Quarter / Progress Measure
4th Quarter
Implementation Indicators/Measures
/ Baseline Measure / ProjectedOutcome / Actual Results / Projected
Outcome / Actual Results / Projected
outcome / Actual Results / Projected
Project# 2: Middle School Innovation Initiative
Action Steps / Monitoring Evidence/Data
Sources / Person(s) Responsible/ Group(s) / Implementation Timeline / Actual Completion Date / Resources Needed
Start / Stop / Existing / New
Activity 1: Conduct Research
1a. Gather information and identify best practices related to middle school education, with a focus on how we can ensure a seamless transition from 8th to 9th grade and how we can ensure that students are on track to graduation before they leave middle school.
Activity 2: Support the new RFK Middle School
2a. Use RFK as a learning lab during the next year (needs further development).
2b. Advise teachers and parents about college and career readiness and the importance of staying in school (needs further development).
Activity 3: Participate in Planning Process for New APS Magnet Schools
Provide design input and support for APS’s two magnet middle schools on culturally proficient practices and parent engagement (needs further development).
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