Tacloban Protection Cluster Meeting Minutes
Wednesday 2ndApril, 2014
Participants: UNHCR, UNICEF, CHR, INTERSOS, CFSI, IOM, IEDA RELIEF, Global Protection Cluster, World Vision, UNFPA, OHCHR, OXFAM, CRS, JICA, CPWG
Agenda item(s)/main points and decisions from discussion(s) / ACTION POINTS AND AGREEMENTS- Welcome and introductionand follow up on action points:
The PC meeting was chaired by the PC Coordinator. Following introductions, the PC Coordinatorbriefed the participants with the agenda.No amendments were made to the agenda while several comments were raised on the minutes which were consequently adopted by the body after changes were done.
- Housing, Land and Property
-IDPs were not properly assisted in loading and unloading of their luggage and there was no committee who were at the site to manage the arrival of the IDPs.
-The construction of bunkhouses was not fully completed, e.g. lack of locks and windows.
-WFS and CFS were not set in place.
-The cooking facilities were far from the housing units, which could lead beneficiaries to cook in front of their units, which could increase fire risks at the compound.
-People were advised that their houses will be demolished once they relocate to the bunkhouses.
-There is a lack of solar lights and electricity at the bunkhouse site.
The Relocation WG reported that the PC is preparing small rounds of consultation sessions with the LGUs and MSWDO to discuss on various issues with regards to the application of the NBZ/NDZ policy, policy on humanitarian assistance in NBZ/NDZ, procedures for the relocation to bunkhouses and permanent sites and to inquire about relocation plans of each municipality in the third week of April. Moreover, existing advisories and Inter-cluster advocacy papers will be shared with the LGUs. / -PC will share report on the findings with OCHA and cluster for further follow-up
-CPWG will mobilize the community first before establishing CFS.
-CPWG and GBV WG will follow-up on the establishment of youth and women camp management committees, together with CCCM
-World Vision will clarify whether they can assist with the distribution of solar lamps. will be shared with OCHA CHR and OHCHR to follow up on this issue
- Protection Needs Assessment
- Protection Cluster Member Updates
-The GBV WG is mapping out local women NGOs to invite them to child protection orientation trainings.
-The GBV WG is currently producing leaflets on the GBV referral pathway for all municipalities in Region VIII
-The WG is following up with legal advisors on the assistance for GBV cases.
-GBV WG also reported on that some GBV survivors asked for help in retrieving documents (e.g. indentity documents) to be reproduced to support them in filing up their cases.
-The CPWG is currently working on child centered disaster risk reduction capacity building initiatives. This initiative aims to help humanitarian workers and LGUs to work directly with children to help them be prepared for future disasters.
-UNHCR and DSWD are preparing trainingon cluster coordination for CHR, DSWD, and other relevant government offices on 3-4 April.
-UNHCR and IDEALS are preparing the launching of the Documentation Support Project on Monday, 07 April in Palo.
-UNHCR continued protection monitoring.
-CFSI is developing a database for the follow-up of responses to concerns and needs identified by the Inter-Agency Relocation Protection Monitoring Task Force.
- CRS:
- JICA updated that they continue with their projects on hazard mapping and rehabilitation of public schools, government offices, roads, etc.
- World Vision explained that they continue to assess needs in bunkhouses.
-OHCHR is working with the CHR, IDEALS, and relevant LGUs on the issues with the movement of the ships especially on compensation processes for the affected relocated households.
-OCHCR is preparing roundtable discussions on the administration of justice, which will deal with cases of people, who have been arrested and detained for 5 months because their files disappeared or got damaged during the typhoon.
- OXFAM updated that it is continuing with its protection monitoring and assessment of communities that needs WASH assistance especially of communities in No-Build Zone.
-PC will raise the need for Code of Conduct orientation for all agencies with OCHA.
Next PC Meeting Wednesday, 23 April 2014, 3pm
Venue to be confirmed.
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