Nutrition Australia and Accelerate Elite Performance Program will join forces this week for the first time to give young Melbourne kids the chance to get active and enjoy healthy foods through the Little Footy Tackers program.

The latest research shows 78 % of Australian kids don’t eat enough vegetables, add to this many hours in front of the television or computer and it’s a recipe for poor health.

Nutrition Australia Executive Officer and Accredited Nutritionist Lucinda Dobson said, ‘Children become overweight when the energy they ‘take in’, with foods and drinks, is greater than the energy they ‘put out’, through being active.

‘Little Footy Tackers is an exciting new program addressing both issues in a fun and interactive way that really engages the kids and aims to prevent negative long term health outcomes’, said Ms Dobson.

In order for this program to expand and have maximum impact with sustainable outcomes to benefit the health of Victorian children Nutrition Australia and Accelerate Elite Performance Program are seeking corporate partners. Companies interested in supporting the program should contact Nutrition Australia or Accelerate directly.

Little Footy Tackers is set in a relaxed and enjoyable recreational setting for children to learn and play one ofAustralia’s most popular sports – football! This experience, for children aged 3-5 years, includes teaching basic fundamental skills such as decision-making and hand-eye coordination as well as introducing children to sportsmanship.

And now the children will also learn about healthy foods with ‘Touch and taste a rainbow’ and ‘Make a healthy caterpillar’ activities run by a qualified dietitian.

‘Little Footy Tackers is more than just nurturing your child to play football – it’s about accelerating physical, social and educational development which is why the nutrition element is so important’, said Director of Accelerate Elite Performance Program, Anthony Rock.

‘The kids get to touch, smell and taste a variety of fruits and vegetables giving them exposure to new foods and creating excitement around them, which means children are more likely to try them again at home. Having parents at the sessions re-enforces the message with them as well’, said Ms Dobson.

For more information or to arrange an interview with Lucinda Dobsonfrom Nutrition Australiaplease call 0403 042 094 or Anthony Rock from Accelerate on 0413 155 550.

Photo opportunities:

15September North Melbourne Community Centre, 49-53 Buncle St, NorthMelbourne, 10.30-11.15am

17 Sept, Douta Gala Youth Hall, Corner Kerford and McCulloch St, Essendon Nth, 9.00-9.45am

Note to Editor: Nutrition Australia is a non-government, non-profit, community based-organisation. Nutrition Australia is an independent, member organisation that aims to promote the health and well-being of all Australians. For more information visit