Fig.S1Acoustic receiver array within Pioneer Bay at Orpheus Island. Dark grey boxes represent the placements of receivers on the reef crest, and light grey boxes represent the deeper receivers on the reef base. The circles around each receiver indicate the receiver’s estimated detection range.

Fig.S2 Acoustic receiver positioning at Lizard Island. Black dots indicate individual receivers. The black area represents the island and the grey shaded area represents the extent of the fringing reef in Turtle Beach and Mermaid Cove.

Fig. S3The number of potential mortality events (PMEs)versus the potential deployment duration of each fish (from release to the end of the study). Not all individuals were tagged at the start of the study period, therefore 0% indicates the date of release which is the start of the study for each individual. The maximum study length was 10 months, and the study end date was the same for all individuals at each location.

Table S1Summary information of tagged fish that experienced a potential mortality event (PME)*

Number / Species / Tag ID / Tag Type / Location / Fork Length (cm) / PME category
1 / Nasounicornis / A69-9001-1275 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 28.8 / Abrupt
2 / Nasounicornis / A69-9001-1279 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 20.5 / Rapid movement
3 / Nasounicornis / A69-9001-1280 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 24.0 / Abrupt
4 / Nasounicornis / A69-1601-6492 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 29.5 / Abrupt
5 / Nasounicornis / A69-1601-6493 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 35.0 / Abrupt
6 / Scarusschlegeli / A69-9001-1245 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 26.0 / Abrupt
7 / Scarusschlegeli / A69-9001-1248 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 23.5 / Abrupt
8 / Scarusschlegeli / A69-9001-1253 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 28.5 / Abrupt
9 / Scarusschlegeli / A69-9001-1256 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 27.5 / Abrupt
10 / Scarusschlegeli / A69-9001-1258 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 24.0 / Abrupt
11 / Scarusschlegeli / A69-9001-1259 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 25.0 / Dislocation
12 / Scarusschlegeli / A69-9001-1261 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 25.0 / Dislocation
13 / Scarusschlegeli / A69-9001-1264 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 30.0 / Abrupt
14 / Scarusschlegeli / A69-9001-1265 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 29.0 / Abrupt
15 / Scarusschlegeli / A69-9001-1267 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 25.5 / Abrupt
16 / Scarusschlegeli / A69-9001-1270 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 19.5 / Abrupt
17 / Scarusschlegeli / A69-9001-1272 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 29.5 / Abrupt
18 / Scarusschlegeli / A69-1601-6485 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 22.0 / Abrupt
19 / Scarusschlegeli / A69-1601-6486 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 26.5 / Abrupt
20 / Scarusschlegeli / A69-1601-6487 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 23.0 / Abrupt
21 / Scarusschlegeli / A69-1601-6489 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 25.5 / Abrupt
22 / Siganuscorallinus / A69-1601-6508 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 21.5 / Abrupt
23 / Siganuscorallinus / A69-1601-6509 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 22.0 / Decline
24 / Siganuscorallinus / A69-1601-6496 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 22.0 / Decline
25 / Siganuscorallinus / A69-1601-6502 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 20.5 / Dislocation
26 / Siganuscorallinus / A69-1601-6503 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 21.0 / Decline
27 / Siganusvulpinus / A69-1601-6506 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 21.5 / Decline
28 / Siganusvulpinus / A69-1601-6507 / V7-1L / Lizard Island / 22.0 / Abrupt
29 / Kyphosusvaigiensis / A69-9001-1240 / V9-4L / Orpheus Island / 26.0 / Abrupt
30 / Kyphosusvaigiensis / A69-9001-1241 / V9-4L / Orpheus Island / 20.8 / Stationary
31 / Kyphosusvaigiensis / A69-9001-1242 / V9-4L / Orpheus Island / 26.8 / Abrupt
32 / Kyphosusvaigiensis / A69-9001-1243 / V9-4L / Orpheus Island / 29.4 / Dislocation
33 / Kyphosusvaigiensis / A69-9001-1244 / V9-4L / Orpheus Island / 28.0 / Decline
34 / Kyphosusvaigiensis / A69-9001-1236 / V9-4L / Orpheus Island / 25.4 / Dislocation
35 / Kyphosusvaigiensis / A69-9001-1239 / V9-4L / Orpheus Island / 25.2 / Abrupt
36 / Scarusrivulatus / A69-9001-41566 / V9-4L / Orpheus Island / 25.5 / Abrupt
37 / Scarusrivulatus / A69-9001-41567 / V9-4L / Orpheus Island / 20.0 / Abrupt
38 / Scarusrivulatus / A69-9001-41568 / V9-4L / Orpheus Island / 18.0 / Dislocation
39 / Scarusrivulatus / A69-9001-1220 / V9-4L / Orpheus Island / 21.0 / Rapid movement
40 / Scarusrivulatus / A69-9001-1221 / V9-4L / Orpheus Island / 23.0 / Dislocation
41 / Scarusrivulatus / A69-9001-1223 / V9-4L / Orpheus Island / 27.0 / Abrupt
42 / Scarusrivulatus / A69-9001-1227 / V9-4L / Orpheus Island / 18.0 / Abrupt
43 / Scarusrivulatus / A69-9001-1230 / V9-4L / Orpheus Island / 21.0 / Abrupt

* For description of the PME categories please see Fig. 1 in the main text.


Table S2 Summary of predator survey data from Orpheus Islanda

Species / Mean total length
(cm ± SE) / Max total length (cm) / Density perhectare
Carangidae (jacks)
Carangoidesfulvoguttatus / 31.0 ± 1.53 / 33 / 3
Caranxignobilis / 110.0 ± 0.00 / 110 / 1
Serranidae (groupers)
Cephalopholisboenak / 14.1 ± 1.26 / 25 / 15
Cephalopholiscyanostigma / 22.3 ± 0.66 / 40 / 133
Cephalopholismicroprion / 14.3 ± 1.01 / 26 / 16
Diploprionbifasciatum / 20.8 ± 2.17 / 28 / 6
Epinephelusmaculatus / 38.0 ± 2.00 / 40 / 2
Epinephelusmalabaricus / 53.0 ± 3.27 / 70 / 7
Epinephelusmerra / 30.6 ± 2.23 / 36 / 14
Epinephelusquoyanus / 25.1 ± 1.65 / 34 / 13
Epinephelusongus / 25.8 ± 2.79 / 39 / 10
Plectropomusleopardus / 44.5 ± 2.29 / 65 / 27
Plectropomusmaculatus / 35.8 ± 2.09 / 53 / 32
Psammopercawaigiensis / 26.5 ± 1.71 / 31 / 6
Symphorusnematophorus / 33.9 ± 1.49 / 40 / 8
Lutjanidae (snappers)
Lutjanuscarponotatus / 26.0 ± 0.30 / 45 / 345
Lutjanusfulviflamma / 18.5 ± 0.54 / 35 / 77
Lutjanusgibbus / 21.8 ± 3.88 / 41 / 6
Lutjanusmonostigma / 41.0 ± 0.00 / 41 / 1
Lutjanusquinquelineatus / 16.4 ± 0.27 / 23 / 120
Lutjanusrusselli / 20.7 ± 0.45 / 26 / 65
Lutjanussebae / 28.4 ± 1.91 / 52 / 25
Sphyraenidae (barracudas)
Sphyraenaflavicauda / 26.0 ± 0.13 / 30 / 73

aSurveys were undertaken in 2014 and consisted of4-m wide timed swims (5 min, average of 60 m) along the reef crest

Table S3 Summary of predator survey data from Lizard Islanda

Species / Mean total length
(cm ± SE) / Max total length(cm) / Density per hectare
Carangidae (jacks)
Caranxmelampygus / 15.8 ± 1.17 / 30 / 21
Caranxpapuensis / 31.6 ± 0.23 / 35 / 107
Caranxsexfasciatus / 43.4 ± 0.40 / 45 / 30
Carcharhinidae (requiem sharks)
Carcharhinusmelanopterus / 150.0 ± 0.00 / 150 / 2
Triaenodonobesus / 143.3 ± 6.67 / 150 / 3
Serranidae (groupers)
Cephalopholisargus / 27.8 ± 4.48 / 46 / 8
Cephalopholiscyanostigma / 24.3 ± 1.50 / 32 / 64
Cephalopholismicroprion / 12.6 ± 0.48 / 16 / 19
Cromileptesaltivelis / 40.0 ± 0.00 / 40 / 2
Epinepheluscyanopodus / 16.0 ± 2.68 / 25 / 5
Epinephelusfasciatus / 10.0 ± 0.00 / 10 / 2
Epinephelusfuscoguttatus / 86.0 ± 11.7 / 120 / 5
Epinephelusmaculatus / 19.7 ± 4.5 / 30 / 9
Epinephelusmerra / 16.4 ± 1.5 / 27 / 18
Plectropomouslaevis / 37.0 ± 3.95 / 50 / 5
Plectropomousleopardus / 33.2 ± 1.15 / 60 / 110
Plectropomousmaculatus / 39.0 ± 0.00 / 39 / 1
Muraenidae (moray eels)
Gymnothoraxjavanicus / 53.0 ± 0.00 / 53 / 1
Lutjanidae (snappers)
Lutjanusbohar / 22.3 ± 2.40 / 50 / 21
Lutjanuscarponotatus / 27.0 ± 0.97 / 40 / 58
Lutjanusfulviflamma / 12.4 ± 1.97 / 28 / 9
Lutjanusgibbus / 21.0 ± 0.69 / 42 / 109
Lutjanusrufolineatus / 20.4 ± 0.41 / 30 / 101
Lutjanussebae / 21.0 ± 2.00 / 23 / 4
Macolorniger / 25.0 ± 3.00 / 28 / 2
Symphorusnematophorus / 61.7 ± 3.33 / 65 / 3
Ginglymostomatidae (carpet sharks)
Nebriusferrugineus / 200.0 ± 0.00 / 200 / 1
Scombridae (mackerels)
Grammatorcynusbicarinatus / 60.0 ± 0.00 / 60 / 1
Scomberomoruscommerson / 40.0 ± 0.00 / 40 / 1
Scomberomorusmunroi / 8
Sphyraenidae (barracudas)
Sphyraena barracuda / 75.0 ± 25.0 / 100 / 2

aSurveys were undertaken in 2014 and consisted of 4-m wide timed swims (5 min, average of 60 m) along the reef crest