Table S1: Physico-chemical characteristics of the soil depth sampled (5-20 cm) in each plot and soil sequence (SS1 and SS2). A. Chemical characteristics B. Physical characteristics (Turpault M-P., personal communication).
Soil sequences / pH / Total C / Total N / OM / C/N / CaCO3 / P2O5 / BS / CEC / Ca / Mg / Na / K / H / Fe / Mn / AlSS1 / g/kg / % / cmol+/kg
Cambisol Hypereutric
Cambisol Eutric Cambisol Hypereutric / Upper / 4.80a / 28.60a / 1.99a / 49.50a / 14.40a / <1 / 0.03a / 43a / 4.50 a / 1.50 a / 0.25 a / 0.02 a / 0.15 a / 0.37a / 0.03 a / 0.39 a / 2.02 a
Median / 5.15ab / 42.03ab / 2.45a / 72.73 ab / 17.03a / <1 / 0.02a / 90 b / 8.25 a / 6.67 b / 0.48 b / 0.04 b / 0.20ab / 0.28a / 0.01 b / 0.40 a / 1.29ab
Lower / 5.47b / 47.87b / 3.34b / 82.83b / 14.33a / <1 / 0.02a / 100 c / 18.93 b / 17.70c / 1.02 c / 0.09 c / 0.32 b / 0.29a / 0.02 b / 0.32 a / 0.60 b
Cambisol Hypereutric
Cambisol Eutric Cambisol Calcaric / Upper / 4.84 a / 27.23 a / 1.82 a / 47.10 a / 14.83a / <1 / 0.02 a / 44 a / 4.09 a / 1.47 a / 0.25 a / 0.02 a / 0.17 a / 0.34a / 0.02 a / 0.37 a / 1.77 a
Median / 4.99 a / 32.57 a / 2.27 a / 56.37 a / 14.40a / <1 / 0.02 a / 76 b / 9.39 b / 6.27 a / 0.58 a / 0.05 ab / 0.20 a / 0.35a / 0.02 a / 0.32 a / 2.21 a
Lower / 6.67 b / 82.40 b / 5.26 b / 142.33 b / 15.63a / 5.17 / 0.05 b / 100 c / 42.63 c / 42.50b / 1.31 b / 0.07 b / 0.36 b / 0.16b / 0.02 a / 0.08 b / 0.16 b
Soil analyses were performed by the INRA Soil Analyses Laboratory of Arras (France, The analyses performed were referenced as follow: Total C and N (SOL-0406), pH in water (SOL-0501), P2O5 (SOL-0603), CEC (SOL-0701), cations (Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, Mn, Al; SOL-0719) and H+ (SOL-0717). Different letters between terraces (a, b or c) indicate significant differences, according to a one-factor ANOVA test (P < 0.05). Cation exchange capacity: CEC (SOL-0710). Exchangeable cations, protons and CEC were determined by cobaltihexamine titration. Base saturation: BS = (Mg2++ Ca2++ Na+ + K+)/CEC.
Origin / Fine Earth apparent density / Clay / Fine silt / Coarse silt / Fine sand / Coarse sandg. cm-3 / g. kg-1
U-SS1/SS2 / 0.94 / 245 / 276 / 162 / 184 / 131
M-SS1/SS2 / 0.93 / 241 / 246 / 145 / 287 / 82
L-SS1 / 0.99 / 430 / 224 / 114 / 123 / 59
L-SS2 / 0.83 / 367 / 238 / 135 / 141 / 119