Submitted to Klamath County Clerks Office
For referendum on May 6, 2008
Table of Contents
Klamath County Charter
Klamath County Charter Preamble 1
Article I: Name, Nature, Boundaries, and Klamath County Seat 1
Section 1. Name 1
Section 2. Nature and Legal Capacity 1
Section 3. Boundaries 1
Section 4. Klamath County Seat 1
Article II: Powers 1
Section 1. General Grant of Powers 1
Section 2. Construction of Powers 1
Section 3. Where Powers are vested 2
Article III: Klamath County Board of Commissioners 2
Section 1. Board of County Commissioners 2
Section 2. Term of Office 2
Section 3. Klamath County Board Chair 2
Section 4. Quorum 3
Section 5. Meetings 3
Section 6. Record of Proceedings 3
Section 7. Vote Necessary for BOCC Action 4
Section 8. Ordinances 4
Article IV: Board of Commissioners Compensation 4
Section 1. Compensation 4
Article V: Administrative Function 5
Section 1. Administrative Responsibilities 5
Section 2. Klamath County Administrative Officer 6
Section 3. Other Administrative Personnel 7
Section 4. Administrative Structure 7
Section 5. Budgets, Contracting and Audits 7
Article VI: Powers of the BOCC 8
Section 1. General Policy
Section 2. Specific Legislative Powers 9
Section 3. Limitations of Powers 9
Article VII: Other Elected Offices 9
Section 1. Offices and Powers 9
Section 2. Limitations 10
Article VIII: Elections, Districts, Eligibility, Vacancies
and Charter Amendments 10
Section 1. Elections 10
Section 2. Districts 11
Section 3. Eligibility 11
Section 4. Commissioner Vacancies 12
Article IX Transition Provisions 12
Section 1. Effective Date 12
Section 2. Klamath County Officials 12
Section 3. Initial BOCC Election 13
Section 4. Continuity 13
Section 5. Severability 13
Section 6. Repealer 13
Section 7. Charter Review, Amendment and Repeal 14
Section 8. Amendments 15
Section 9. Definitions 15