Table of Contents – November 3, 2017 Draft
- General Team Notes
- Flexible Team Notes
- Rigid Team Notes
- Geotechnical Team Notes
- Preventive Maintenance Team Notes
- Technology Transfer Team Notes
- November Agenda / Projects / TAP members
- States provide names to Ben/Lisa related to NRRA travel to TRB in 2018
- NRRA meeting (open to everyone) – Thursday January 11th from 8-12
- MnDOT will develop an draft agenda for your review at the December team meetings
- Let Ben know if you want to be on a technical advisory panel (TAP). These meeting will start in November/December separate from the normal team meetings at the start of each month
- Ben update the professors on the contracts/TAP pages in the agenda
- See the other notes below for each team along with the original agenda.
Flexible Team Notes
- Short Term Research
- SRF will be setting up meetings with the TAP for the short term research (Tack Coats, Longitudinal Joints) in the upcoming month. TAP members should review the current online documents on the team page. Most of the pulling together information is done – the NRRA TAP members will be asked now what do we want to do with it.
- Long Term Research
- Expect both contracts to be finalized in November – Discuss at the Dec meeting.
- PM Team will be sharing some thoughts on PM work on the test cells at MnROAD including a plan/mini study looking at sealing reflective cracks on the HMA over PCC cells.
- HMA Performance Testing of MnROAD samples.
- Dave Van Deusen will
- Communicate what agencies are doing what tests, which includes the number of buckets of mix that is needed. Amount of buckets will be prioritized by NRRA contracts, NRRA members, and tests that are being performed.
- Share the mix design details from 2017 MnROAD.
- Members will
- Share the testing protocols they use, which should include aging protocols and test temperatures.
- Share the contact and address the buckets should be shipped to. NRRA members no cost for shipping.
Rigid Team Notes
- Short term Research
- Team prioritized the Design and Performance of Concrete Unbonded Overlays over the repair of Joint Associated Distress for the consultant to focus on first.
- Members will
- TAP members review and update the problem statements online before the next meeting so the contract will be properly directed for what we want.
- Design and Performance of Concrete Unbonded Overlays (Lead – Maria – Link is to the team page)
- Repair of Joint Associated Distress (We don’t have a lead listed – Brett can you assign this to someone? – Link is to the team page)
- Provide specs on both topics for the NRRA web page to be posted and used by SRF Consultant – send to Ben/Bob F for Web posting. Right now nothing posted.
- Design and Performance of Concrete Unbonded Overlays will also need performance trends. Once the project starts the states are going to have to develop a common method to report on the performance. Maybe a survey on do they build them, pros/cons, # jobs/year, # years have been doing, key reports, key people.
- Long Term Research
- Expect both contracts to be finalized in November – Discuss at the Dec meeting.
- PM Team is interested in the rigid teams thoughts / will be sharing some thoughts on PM work that can be done on the test cells at MnROAD.
Geotechnical Team Notes
- Short term Research
- Team prioritized the Subgrade Design for New and Reconstructed Subgrades over the Larger Subbase Materials for the consultant to focus on first.
- Members will
- TAP members review and update the problem statements online before the next meeting so the contract will be properly directed for what we want.
- Subgrade Design for New and Reconstructed Subgrades (Terry Beaudry (MN) is the lead – needs some work – Link is to the team page)
- Larger Subbase Materials (Bob Arndorfer (WI) is the lead – statement looks complete – Link is to the team page)
- Review the specs on both topics for the NRRA web page to be posted and used by SRF Consultant – send to Ben/Bob F for Web updates. They seem to be all there – Ben will look for Heathers (IL) subgrade email for posting.
- Long Term Research
- Expect both contracts to be finalized in November – Discuss at the Dec meeting.
- Discussion on
- The testing protocols and procedures that should be used for the larger sized materials that is going to be done with Iowa State Contract and any other testing done by NRRA members or UTEP. John Siekmeier (MN) will followup with members and UTEP on this topic and share the results with the group.
- If you plan to receive materials from the 2017 MnROAD construction please share the contact name and address with John Siekmeier. NRRA members no cost for shipping.
Preventive Maintenance Team Notes
- Short term Research
- Team prioritized the Surface characteristics of diamond ground PCC surfaces and Pavement preservation approaches for lightly surfaced roadways for the consultant to focus on first.
- Members will
- TAP members review and update the problem statements online before the next meeting so the contract will be properly directed for what we want.
- Surface characteristics of diamond ground PCC surfaces (John Senger (IL) is the lead – statement looks complete – Link is to the team page)
- Pavement preservation approaches for lightly surfaced roadways(Jerry we need a person to lead this – statement needs some work – Link is to the team page)
- Need specs/information to share on the topics for the NRRA web page to be posted and used by SRF Consultant – send to Ben/Bob F for Web updates. Right now there is not anything posted.
- Long Term Research
- Maintaining Poor Pavements contract with SRF has just started. SRF will be contacting the people on the TAP to set up an initial meeting.
- Partial Depth Repair contract should be finalized in November – Discuss at the Dec meeting.
- Discussion on
- Developing a guide to other NRRA teams related to Preventive Maintenance that should be considered for future test sections at MnROAD and what a mini/study would involve. Example – should the HMA overlay of PCC be sealed or not, or seal half in a cell and leave the other half, …. Jerry and Ben will work to develop an initial thoughts and share with the team for discussion at future meetings. Nugget – one crack has already reflected though after 1 month and a couple cool fall days.
- TRB idea – NRRA members should have a slide and single page of ideas/Links to share in January. Bob F and Ben W will work on an initial draft for each team to review in December. Thanks Eshan for the good idea.
- IGGA suggested MnDOT staff attend the annual meeting in San Diego, November 28th. Ben/Jerry will discuss this with Glenn and work with John Roberts on this request related to the PCC partial depth repairs.
Technology Transfer Team Notes
- Discussed topics each team developed in their meetings and got them on the online list of items (webinars, news articles, videos) – Bob F (MN) has update the website.
- Discussed the TRB suggestion to a one pager for NRRA members at TRB. MnDOT will develop a draft to share at the December meetings
- One Item Ben forgot to discuss at the team meeting – Develop a survey to share all the work each NRRA member is doing at TRB and share that with the members to help plan their TRB week and see what others are doing.
- Research Pays Off Seminars
- Updated the list online for November and December topics.
- Discussed the idea of having “panel” or “round table” topics for future meetings. The topic would be proposed and questions would be collected for discussion from the panel during the seminar. Would focus on discussion than the presentation. Pavement Preservation and what each state strategy is proposed for the month of January. Ben and Jeff (MN) is going to develop something for Steve and the TT team to review and move forward on.
- Individuals are to reach out to possible future talks and share them with Bob F (MN)
- Marketing
- Group talked about how to get NRRA more noticed. LinkedIn and the NRRA and MnROAD website was discussed. MnDOT is working on the website and others are encouraged to follow the NRRA link in LinkedIn.