Table of Contents for FM and Chronic Pain Owner’s Manual

...... Introduction

why did i write this book...... 22

who did i write this book for...... 22

Chapter 1...... my personal story

my story...... 23

applying for disability benefits is exhausting...... 24

not everyone is supportive...... 24

applying for disability benefits while trying to get well...... 24

believe in those who apply for benefits...... 24

chapter 2...... My journey towards wellness

Self-Knowledge is the beginning of recovery ...... 25

NS Arthritis Society first to offer help ...... 25

Self-Management is the key to health ...... 25

NS Environmental health centre - angels...... 26

NS environmental health centre - employer...... 26

Returning to work was scary ...... 27

how did i know how to treat fibromyalgia and chronic pain...... 28

Introducing the Adams Functional Classification...... 29

private practice for chronic pain and fibromyalgia clients...... 30

private practice physiotherapy for home care clients...... 31

The 4 M’s Map for Recovery...... 32

Chapter 3...... My Philosophy of Care

Introduction...... 33

The 3 Key areas of treatment focus for fibromyalgia and chronic pain.34

Recovery Phase #1

AWARENESS of the disease and Rx

Awareness of the disease itself...... 36

chapter 4...... Fibromyalgia 101

what is fibromyalgia...... 38

how is fibromyalgia diagnosed...... 39

the old way to diagnose fibromyalgia...... 39

the new way to diagnose fibromyalgia...... 39

could you have fibromyalgia...... 42

what are the possible causes of fibromyalgia:...... 43

top 10 myths about fibromyalgia:...... 44

treatment includes debunking the myths about fibromyalgia:...... 45

inventory checklist to discuss with your pt or doctor...... 48

physical impairments in fibromyalgia...... 49

top 20 physical impairments in fibromyalgia...... 50

when i flare up, is it the fibromyalgia pain or muscle / joint pain?...57

i’m dizzy…especially when tired. Is vertigo a part of fibromyalgia?...57

chapter 5...... Work and the FCE for Fibromyalgia

what’s the problem...... 58

possible causes...... 58

can you work with fibromyalgia...... 59

what predicts pain and function in a fm client over time...... 60

the independent medical evaluator (ime)...... 60

the functional capacity evaluation an option besides the ime...... 61

problems using the functional capacity evaluation for fibromyalgia..61

why do fm patients get sent for an fce when the canadian fm guidelines say

that these tests aren’t always appropriate...... 62

why do some doctors seem to treat you with less than the usual respect 63

why don’t some doctors seem to want to help those with fm...... 64

why do cognitive tests not show that i have trouble thinking...... 65

chapter 5...... Work and the FCE for Fibromyalgia

how does a doctor know if you have the physical ability to work....67

how do we get health professionals to take us seriously...... 67

do i tell my employer that i have fibromyalgia...... 68

my boss won’t help me stay at work...... 68

should i hire a lawyer if i am applying for disability benefits...... 70

what steps should i take if i am considering or being asked to go to work 71

stages of recovery from chronic pain...... 72

when you are ready to return to work you will need to negotiate...73

inventory checklist to discuss with your pt or doctor...... 74

chapter 6...... physiotherapy assessment of fm

the interview…what will happen at your first few pt sessions ...... 75

a complete fce for fibromyalgia or chronic pain patients ...... 76

traditional functional capacity evaluation ...... 77

physiotherapy treatment for fibromyalgia patients ...... 79

can you predict which injured worker will get back to work ...... 80

chapter 7...... Chronic pain 101

what is acute pain and what is chronic pain...... 81

what is the biggest difference between acute and chronic pain.....83

what is neuropathic pain ...... 84

why do I have pain when i feel like I haven’t even done anything ...84

what factors lead to the development of chronic pain ...... 85

how do you treat chronic pain ...... 86

self-treatment for predisposing, precipitating & perpetuating issues .88

inventory checklist to discuss with your pt or doctor ...... 89

what is the second biggest difference between acute & chronic pain .90

what are the 2 key pain rules and what is the pain gate...... 91

what is recovery anyway...... 94

chapter 8...... Pain treatment resources

a health care team support is essential to your recovery ...... 95

meet your health care team (employer, case manager, co-worker)..95

what is duty to accommodate, 25% of FM clients receive disability benefits 98

Recovery phase #2

Acceptance of the challenges

acceptance of the challenges you face...... 101

client symptom log...... 103

client medical condition log...... 104

Client medication list...... 105

Chapter 9...... food and weight

introduction...... 105

top 10 foods that can increase your pain level ...... 107

inventory checklist to discuss with your pt or doctor ...... 108

chapter 10...... sleep issues

to sleep, perchance to dream…what are the Issues ...... 109

sleep impacts movement and movement Impacts sleep ...... 110

causes, functional tests and self-management strategies...... 111

inventory checklist to discuss with your pt or doctor ...... 112

physiotherapy assessment of sleep problems...... 113

possible causes of sleep disorders...... 114

physiotherapy Intervention may include any or all of these: ...... 114

chapter 11...... family relationships

introduction...... 115

self-disclosure can be therapeutic or a family stressor ...... 116

what to say to your partner and family about what is wrong with you 116

top 10 tips for family members of chronic pain patients ...... 117

parenting challenges and strategies when you have chronic pain...118

what special challenges do parents with chronic pain face? ...... 118

top 10 challenges for parents who have chronic pain ...... 119

top 10 benefits of having parents who have chronic pain ...... 119

chapter 12...... housework

introduction...... 120

the top 10 hardest activities of daily living ...... 120

causes...... 121

what are physical demand capacities? ...... 122

functional tests...... 123

self-management strategies...... 123

break each hour into three – 20 minute units ...... 124

computer use challenges require special strategies ...... 125

inventory checklist to discuss with your pt or doctor ...... 126

chapter 13...... Medication

introduction...... 127

medications for chronic pain and fibromyalgia patients ...... 128

don’t get upset if your doctor prescribes an anti-depressant...... 128

what drug treatments are helpful for people with fibromyalgia? ..129

medication options for treating pain ...... 130

alcohol and marijuana use for pain control ...... 131

excellent list of most commonly prescribed medication for fm ....132

medicinal marijuana ...... 133

a unique way of knowing if your medication is Helping you ...... 134

what we want is immediate and complete pain relief ...... 134

what we most often get is a gradual recovery...... 135

chapter 14...... psychosocial risk factors

introduction...... 136

causes...... 137

progressive goal attainment program or PGAP © ...... 138

treating psychosocial risk factors takes professional help ...... 139

volunteering helps reduce your psychosocial risk factors ...... 140

a gradual return to work reduces fears of triggering a relapse .....140

chapter 15...... psychological support

introduction...... 141

how do you talk to your family, friends & coworkers about fm? ...141

how do you cope with having a chronic illness? ...... 142

5 stages of grief...... 142

Chapter 16...... Sex issues and strategies

marriage and partner relationships can be difficult...... 144

the partner (family) of a chronic pain patient is hurting too! ...... 145

great sex advice from the husband of a fibromyalgia client ...... 146

why does sex hurt and what can you do for the pain ...... 146

chapter 17...... memory loss and brain fog

description...... 147

possible causes...... 147

self – management strategies: ...... 148

inventory checklist to discuss with your pt or doctor ...... 149

physiotherapy assessment of memory problems ...... 150

subjective reports ...... 150

physiotherapy evaluation ...... 151

additional allied health care evaluation and management:...... 151

physiotherapy Intervention may include any or all of these: ...... 151

how to deal with memory difficulties! ...... 152

how to deal with concentration difficulties ...... 153

Recovery phase #3


chapter 18...... electrotherapy

when not to use these tens devices...... 157

TENS transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation...... 158

IFC interferential current therapy...... 158

SCENAR self-controlled energo neuro adaptive response...... 159

TENS machine versus Interferential machine vs scenar chart ...... 160

inventory checklist to discuss with your pt or doctor ...... 161

do you need a doctor’s prescription to buy a tens devices? ...... 162

how to use a tens device at home...... 162

chapter 19...... eXERCISE PRINCIPLES

if exercise were a pill it would be...... 163

exercise principles and options ...... 164

possible reasons for not wanting to exercise: ...... 164

general exercise principles for those with chronic pain & fm ...... 165

inventory checklist to discuss with your pt or doctor ...... 166

how often do you need to exercise ...... 167

tips to help keep you motivated...... 167

exercising safely means...... 168

choosing an exercise is like choosing a bra…it needs to be a good fit 168

your physiotherapist is the ideal person to help ...... 168

what is the best exercise to do...... 169

details about the various types of exercise to choose from ...... 170

what is your current fitness level ...... 176

figure out your FITT score ...... 178

chapter 20...... exercise challenges & side effects

introduction...... 178

exercise challenges...... 179

exercise side effects...... 179

most common exercise side effects for fm & chronic pain patients .180

other exercise side effects for fm & chronic pain patients ...... 181

even more exercise side effects for fm & chronic pain patients ....182

still more exercise side effects for fm & chronic pain patients .....183

possible causes...... 184

self-management strategies...... 189

what symptoms flare up with exercise ...... 189

how bad do you flare up with exercise ...... 189

the simple way to know if you did too much exercise ...... 191

the scientific way to know if you did too much exercise ...... 191

physiotherapy training covers every function of the body ...... 192

the good news...... 192

what is taught to health professionals about fibromyalgia? ...... 192

what is available on the Internet about fibromyalgia?...... 192

why do I flare up when I have a physiotherapy assessment? ...... 193

what is a physiotherapist really testing ...... 194

the questions everyone wants answered...... 194


introduction...... 194

what’s normal...... 194

treatment principles based on the classification chart...... 194

fce needs to be enhanced for fm an chronic pain patients ...... 195

adams functional classification for clients with chronic pain & fm..195

confidence in both subjective & objective reports is important....196

benefits of testing over several sessions Instead of on only 1 day ..196

drawbacks to doing fce testing all on one day ...... 197

development of the adams functional classification chart ...... 198

adams version of the fce tests signs & symptoms not normally assessed with a traditional fce 198

how to read and use the adams functional classification chart ....199

Category 1 (Step count range of 7000 to 13000 steps per day) .....200

Category 2 (Step count range of 6000 to 8000 steps per day) ....201

Category 3 (Step count range of 4000 to 6000 steps per day) ....202

Category 4 (Step count range of 3000 to 5000 steps per day) ....203

Category 5 (Step count range of 2000 to 4000 steps per day) ....204

Adams Functional Classification Chart FOR CHRONIC PAIN and

FIBROMYALGIA © (step count & subjective reports)...... 205

Adams Functional Classification Chart FOR CHRONIC Pain &

fibromyalgia (objective outcome measure tests)...... 206

Adams Functional Classification Chart Explanation – subjective tests 207

Adams Functional Classification Chart explanation – objective tests .208

Adams Functional Classification Chart used for exercise prescription 209

chapter 22...... posture

treatment protocol to improve your posture ...... 210

treatment stages for categories 1 to 5...... 211

chapter 23...... PEDOMETER THERAPY

introduction...... 213

the most powerful health care tool in the world is the Pedometer ..214

the pedometer is like your mileage gauge ...... 214

pedometer program presented here is based on years of Research .214

step count ranges ...... 214

what is a normal step count for healthy active adults ...... 215

what is a normal step count for seniors and children...... 215

what is a typical step count for those with chronic illness or disability 215

step count ranges...... 215

on average Fibromyalgia clients function at about 60% ...... 216

step count ranges ...... 216

for accurate step count, don’t wear a pedometer when...... 217

why do you need to wear a pedometer for 14 days ...... 217

how to check the accuracy of your pedometer...... 217

how to use a pedometer to do a 14 day diary ...... 218

how to fill out a pedometer diary...... 218

14 day pedometer diary and report...... 219

understanding pedometer diary score averages & results ...... 220

what is a pedometer report ...... 220

understanding your flare up line...... 220

sample pedometer report ...... 221

analysis of the pedometer report look for high and low days first ..221

kara’s pedometer diary ...... 222

the Importance of pacing ...... 223

pacing & exercise do’s and don’ts ...... 223

chapter 24...... pacer pusher spectrum

introduction...... 224

if you are a pusher you will be a crasher...... 224

causes...... 225

when you push to get things done, it will look like this: ...... 225

what does a pusher look like? ...... 225

pacer pusher spectrum...... 226

where are you on the Pacer Pusher Spectrum? ...... 226


introduction...... 227

calculating the pain and fatigue flare up line © ...... 228

understanding how to PACE using your FLARE UP LINE ...... 229


chapter 26...... the over-exertion crash pattern

introduction...... 230

understanding crash days and recovery response time ...... 231

what is over-exertion...... 232

how do you stop over – exerting ...... 232

over – exertion crash (flare up line) summary chart ...... 232

over – exertion crash pattern step count summary chart ...... 233

understanding flare ups & recovery response time ...... 233

recovery time can vary from a few hours to 7 to 10 days! ...... 234

cfs study on the impact of pacing walking & recovery time ...... 234

how do you speed up your relapse recovery time? ...... 234

inventory checklist to discuss with your pt or doctor ...... 235

the physiotherapy assessment of the over –exertion crash pattern .236

physiotherapy assessment of the push crash pattern ...... 237

physiotherapy intervention to reduce flare ups may include: .....237

your flare up line is going to go up (take more steps to FLARE): ....237

top 10 symptoms of over-exertion triggered flare ups ...... 238

you can improve your flare up line and step count average by: ....238

top 10 statements you make when you have done too much: .....239

identifying 20 activities that trigger an increase in pain...... 240


causes: muscle weakness and joint stiffness cause falls ...... 244

causes: vision issues and vestibular function loss cause falls .....245

70% of your balance comes from your vision ...... 245

20% of your balance comes from somatosensory feedback ...... 245

10% of your balance comes from vestibular system ...... 245

treatment of chronic pain involves the treatment of balance and treatment of balance loss involves the treatment of pain 246

chapter 28...... STATIC BALANCE

introduction...... 249

what kind of balance problems do fibromyalgia and chronic pain

patients have ...... 250

research into balance problems...... 251

a physiotherapy assessment of static balance – subjective tests....252

a physiotherapy assessment of static balance – objective tests....253

berg balance test...... 253

functional reach test...... 254

tandem stance and sharpened rhomberg...... 255

single limb stance time (slst)...... 256

modified clinical test of sensory integration and balance (mod ctsib)257

research showed static balance made worse after walking ...... 258

static balance treatment protocols ...... 259

balance treatment starts with safety first, second & third ...... 260

safety rules to follow while working on your balance ...... 260

a complete physiotherapy treatment protocol includes: ...... 261

standing on one foot treatment protocol client handout part 1 & 2.262

standing on one foot treatment protocol – tips ...... 263

modified clinical test for sensory Integration and balance treatment protocol client handout - part 1 & 2 264

top 10 balance exercises client handout ...... 265

chapter 29...... dynamic gait

introduction...... 269

how do you know if you have difficulty walking?...... 270

what specific skills should we be able to do while walking? ...... 270

the dynamic gait index ...... 271

the dynamic gait index treatment protocol handout...... 272

chapter 30...... canes, walkers & nordic poles

introduction and inventory checklist...... 273

physiotherapy prescription of gait aids or nordic poles ...... 275

additional allied health care evaluation and management: ...... 276

possible reasons why people don’t use mobility aids:...... 277

chapter 31...... MOTION SENSITIVITY & chronic pain

introduction...... 278

inventory checklist to discuss with your pt or doctor ...... 279

physiotherapy assessment of motion sensitivity ...... 280

possible causes: ...... 281

pt treatment guidelines for motion sensitivity ...... 282

chapter 32...... Dizziness & Chronic Pain

introduction...... 283

there are many ways to describe dizziness:...... 284

possible causes: ...... 285

the assessment of dizziness is very complicated and takes special physiotherapy training 285

physiotherapy treatment of dizziness...... 285

chapter 33...... Blurry Vision & Gaze stability

introduction...... 286

difficulty focusing the eyes often results in...... 286

why does having trouble focusing the eyes result in a stiff neck ...287

physiotherapy assessment guidelines for gaze instability (blurry vision) 288

physiotherapy treatment of gaze instability ...... 289

once gaze Issues are evaluated do gaze stability exercises ...... 289

chapter 34...... LIFTING CHALLENGES

introduction...... 291

all clients with fibromyalgia or chronic pain have trouble lifting ...291

physiotherapy assessment guidelines for lifting ability ...... 292

physiotherapy treatment guidelines for lifting ability: ...... 292


introduction...... 293

research into autonomic nervous system problems ...... 294

percentage change in ans response from baseline (resting) ...... 295

physiotherapy treatment guidelines...... 296

recommend a safe heart rate range during exercise: ...... 296

recommend a safe systolic and diastolic bp change: ...... 297

physiotherapy treatment recommendations for ans dysfunction: .298

chapter 36...... paces exercise program

PACES exercise program...... 299

paced breathing protocol...... 301

abdominal exercise protocol...... 304

cardiovascular exercise protocol...... 307

treadmill exercise treatment programs ...... 310

aerobic exercise guide summary chart using step count and flare up recovery time 312

aerobic exercise guide summary chart case study 1...... 314

aerobic exercise guide summary chart case study 2...... 315

aerobic exercise guide summary chart case study 3...... 316

aerobic exercise guide summary chart case study 4...... 317

exercise guide summary chart using step count and flare up

recovery time ...... 318

exercise treatment program for very low FUNCTIONING CLIENTS ..319

12 level treadmill walking program for chronic pain and fibromyalgia Clients 321

treadmill walking programs for chronic pain and fm clients – 1- 4 ..322

treadmill walking programs for chronic pain and fm clients – 5- 6...323

treadmill walking programs for chronic pain and fm clients – 7- 8...324

treadmill walking programs for chronic pain and fm clients – 9-10..325

treadmill walking programs for chronic pain and fm clients – 11-12.326

endurance exercise protocol...... 327

strength exercise protocol...... 330

stretch exercise protocol...... 332

10 level PACES exercise program and Daily exercise log...... 344

chapter 37...... Sauna therapy

sauna and exercise therapy treatment protocol...... 349

physiotherapy treatment protocol - sauna and exercise therapy treatment protocol 350

chapter 38...... Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

introduction...... 354

physiotherapy treatment protocol - Sauna and Exercise Therapy treatment protocol 356

chapter 39...... chronic fatigue syndrome

introduction...... 362

for more information on cfs ...... 363

help your doctor help you ...... 364

Chapter 40...... The final word

what to say to someone next time they ask you what’s wrong with you 370

self-management is the key to long term health ...... 371

the value of self – disclosure...... 372

self – disclosure and paces exercise program research study ...... 372

References...... Research Articles

list of research articles on chronic pain and fibromyalgia ...... 376

Appendix...... Feedback welcome, courses offered

feedback is always welcome and courses offered ...... 388

an inspirational message from fog off owner tim henneberry .....390

managing chronic pain is a 3 phase process ...... 391