Annex 2


on Preliminary APTCommon Proposals

APT Member administrations are requested to indicate their support for each of the Preliminary APT Common Proposal in the table below. The complete form should be returned to the APT Secretariat by 31stJuly 2010 by either email or fax +662 5737479.

The PACPs are being circulated for approval by your administration. These PACPs will become APT Common Proposal (ACP) in accordance with the Approval Procedure approved by the APT Management Committee (Annex 4).

No. / Description / Reply from APT Member
Supporting / Not Supporting
PP10-3/PACP-01 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Terminology used to designate the Directors of the Bureaux
PP10-3/PACP-02 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Management and Functioning of the Union
PP10-3/PACP-03 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Stabilize the ITU Constitution
PP10-3/PACP-04 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Review of and Principles for Plenipotentiary Conference Resolutions
PP10-3/PACP-05 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: NOC to No. 84 of the Convention
PP10-3/PACP-06 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Number of Vice Chairmen of Sectors’ Advisory Groups and Sectors’ Study Groups, Working Parties and Other Groups
PP10-3/PACP-07 / APT Common Proposal: The Role of ITU-T Study Group
PP10-3/PACP-08 / APT Common Proposal: TSAG
PP10-3/PACP-09 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Admission of Academia and relevant universities involved in the development of telecommunications/ICT research work
PP10-3/PACP-10 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Definition of Cybersecurity
PP10-3/PACP-11 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: ICTs and Climate Change
PP10-3/PACP-12 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Telecommunications/ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities
PP10-3/PACP-13 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Telecommunication/ICT applications for e-health
PP10-3/PACP-14 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Resolution 86 (Rev. Marrakesh, 2002)
PP10-3/PACP-15 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Resolution 88 (Rev. Marrakesh, 2002)
PP10-3/PACP-16 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Use of Spectrum at frequencies above 3000 GHz
PP10-3/PACP-17 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Revision to Decision 5 and Suppression of Decision 6
PP10-3/PACP-18 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Financial Implications of Proposals Submitted at Conferences and Assemblies
PP10-3/PACP-19 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Free Online Access to ITU-R and Recommendations and Basic Texts
PP10-3/PACP-20 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Modification to Resolution 91 (Rev. Antalya, 2006) and Resolution 66 (Rev. Minneapolis, 1998)
PP10-3/PACP-21 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal/Position: Revision to Resolution 4(Kyoto 1994)
PP10-3/PACP-22 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Resolution 110 (Marrakesh, 2002)
PP10-3/PACP-23 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: The World and Regional Telecommunication/Information and Communication Technology Exhibitions and Forums
PP10-3/PACP-24 / Proposal for updating existing Plenipotentiary Resolutions
PP10-3/PACP-25 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal: Updating existing Plenipotentiary Resolutions with editorial changes and amendment
PP10-3/PACP-26 / Updating Asia-Pacific Common Proposal (ACP) Revision of Resolution 123
PP10-3/PACP-27 / Preliminary APT Common Proposal:
Revising Res.48 (Accessibility issues for ITU staff with disabilities)
PP10-3/PACP-28 / APT Common Proposal: Raising the Number of Seats in the Council

Signature: ______


Designation: ______

Administration: ______

Country: ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______E-mail: ______

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