Table 2c.4.1 Assessment System: Data Used to Inform Decisions
Unit and Program Changes / Data Used to Inform Decision-Making / Date of Change/ImplementationProfessional Portfolio Rubric. A more detailed revised rubric was piloted and faculty trained in its use. / Rubric data were insufficient to form adequate decisions regarding competency / Fall 2007
Professional Portfolio Review. A more formal and lengthy review process was initiated involving two PK-12 faculty and one university faculty member for each candidate. / Portfolio Review data were insufficient to form adequate decisions regarding competency / Piloted Spring 2007; Full Implementation Fall 2007
Course Content in graduate Assessment Class (SPED615) will incorporate more detailed instruction in Test Interpretation. / Candidates performed poorly on comprehensive exams in this area. / Fall 2008
Advanced Special Education Program will be revamped to include several new current courses. / Transcript Analysis of incoming candidates indicates many have completed courses similar to ones currently offered in program. / Fall 2008
Secondary Education majors now take a course Communication and Collaboration Skills with Special Education majors in place of the Introduction to Special Education taken in the past. / Candidate feedback and PRAXIS II scores indicated candidates needed additional instruction in how to work collaboratively with special educators. / Fall 2006
Field Experience Evaluation form is being revised and expanded. / Data from the Field Experience Evaluation are limited and not aligned with Conceptual Framework and Standards / Will be revised Fall 2008; Implementation will occur Spring 2009
Employer Surveys for Professional Teacher Education and Other School Personnel: School Counseling were developed and utilized. / Data from employers were anecdotal. The Unit needed a more quantitative method of gathering employer evaluations of our candidates. / Surveys developed during Fall 2007 and piloted Spring 2008.
The CTE program required the inclusion of a short APA style scholarly research paper, 5-10 pages, in required courses. This has improved the final research paper completed in CTED650. / Seminar Paper Rubrics / Fall 2006
Unit and Program Changes / Data Used to Inform Decision-Making / Date of Change/Implementation
Special Education candidates use the Understanding by Design model to write lesson plans. / Data from Internship Evaluations and Mentor Teachers indicated a need for improvement in planning for instruction. / Fall 2006
M.A.T. Seminar Paper is now tied to a course instead of being a free-standing task. / Candidates waited until deadline to work on paper causing problems with internship start dates. / Spring 2007
School Counseling is creating a more detailed rubric for Portfolio. / Data collected were insufficient to make informed decisions. / Not yet initiated
Mentor Teacher Modules and Handbooks have been developed. / PDS Coordinating Council requested more direction. / Summer 2007
Additional Mentor Training has been developed and is ongoing. / Mentor teachers have requested additional help with technology among other concerns. / Summer 2005, ongoing
Revision of Dispositions Framework; Creation of Professional Dispositions and Cultural Competencies Inventory now renamed the Dispositions and Diversity Inventory (All programs in Unit) / Unit discussions centered on need to update current framework; linkage with cultural competencies; need to bring uniformity to professional dispositions and cultural competencies for Unit programs / Developed in Spring 2007. Approved by PEUC in Fall 2007 with the pilot of new inventory in Fall 2007; full implementation in Spring 2008.
Next steps: update dispositions on field experience forms, internship forms.
Tk20 System (All programs in Unit) / Unit discussions related to lack of data collection and storage system / Background review of existing support systems; campus presentation byTk20 in Spring 2005; purchase of system in Spring 2005; pilot of program in Fall 2006 with Initial Undergraduate Programs; full implementation with all programs in Spring 2006
Tk20 Manuals and Help Sheets have been developed for Candidates, Mentor Teachers, and PDS Coordinators. / Individuals were frequently requesting help with Tk20 implementation. / Summer 2007, Spring 2007, Fall 2008
Teacher Education Application (All initial undergraduate programs in Unit) / Examined new PD&CC Inventory, revisiting transition points in assessment system, and the new alternate tests and scores (i.e., SAT, ACT) for Praxis I. / Revised process to include dispositions, and interview at initial phase; rubric was redeveloped in Spring 2008pilot in Spring 2008.
E-portfolio Project (all Initial undergraduate programs in Unit) / Portfolios were reviewed by seminar instructor, with an abbreviated review by faculty; need to include PK-12 partners in a full review. / Piloted in Spring 2007; full implementation in Fall 2007. Review involves presentation of complete portfolio to panel of PK-12 faculty and UMES teacher educators.
Unit and Program Changes / Data Used to Inform Decision-Making / Date of Change/Implementation
Background Checks (All programs in Unit) / Change in policy from one of LSSs necessitated change to require background checks. After consulting with UMES legal counsel and administration, it was determined that the check require fingerprinting, etc. by State Police. / Notification from LSS came in late Fall 2007; planning ensued with Unit representatives, UMES legal counsel and administration in Spring 2008. The intent is to begin the procedure in Fall 2008.
Internship Form (All initial programs in Unit) / Guidelines for SPA reports necessitated adding section of additional items for each program to meet specialized professional association standards. / Implemented in Fall 2006.
Practicum, Comprehensive Exams, Seminar Papers (Advanced School Counseling Program in Unit) / After attending a CACREP conference (Fall 2006) and reviewing the updated NCATE Standards, the Guidance and Counseling Program revamped all program materials (i.e., rubrics, etc.) and requested that the program’s name be changed to Counselor Education. / In Fall 2007 the changes in program materials were implemented. The name change was approved by MHEC and will be changed in all program materials beginning in Fall 2008.
Comprehensive Exams, Seminar Paper, (Initial and advanced Special Education Program) / Program faculty met to revise comprehensive exam and seminar paper rubrics to align with CEC Standards. / In Fall 2007 the changes were implemented. After the Fall 2007 comprehensive exams, the rubric and questions were revised again for Spring 2008.
Portfolio (Advanced special education program) / After attending NCATE Institutional Orientation Meetings and reviewing the new NCATE Standards, it was determined that the portfolio for the Advanced Special Education Program would be revised to reflect the NBPTS Standards. / The development phase of this took place in Fall 2007 with the pilot phase in Spring 2008.
PDS – TPIP Reports, Demographic Data, PDS Program Surveys (All initial and advanced teacher preparation programs in Unit except CTED) / Summary of TPIP reports is shared with Unit. The Coordinator of Professional Development Schools, Coordinator of Assessment, Director of Field Experiences, and Director of Teacher Education prepare and review results annually. / The Unit is reviewing its current structure (~8 PDSs with 17 other partnership schools). Challenges include lack of support for both the administrative assistant, PDS Coordinator (have been funded by soft money); high travel expenses, stipends, and other support for PDS faculty. Grant funding has been reduced or eliminated.
Unit and Program Changes / Data Used to Inform Decision-Making / Date of Change/Implementation
Title II Reports (All initial programs in the Unit) / This continues to inform the Unit about program completers. / Reviewed and discussed annually in Unit; shared with others on Campus (i.e., President’s Cabinet, Director of Institutional Research). Part of all annual reporting at University.
Application Process (Master of Arts in Teaching Program – Initial) / The change in alternate tests and scores and the duplication of a writing sample were reviewed by both SU and UMES. / The change in practice to eliminate the writing sample and to add the SAT and ACT were made in Spring 2008.