August 2011
Discipline-Based Approaches to Supporting Learning and Teaching:
A Selected Bibliography
Mick Healey
HE Consultant and Researcher, Emeritus Professor University of Gloucestershire
It is one of a series of bibliographies that were begun in 2005:
1Active learning and learning styles: a selected bibliography
2Discipline based approaches to supporting learning and teaching: a selected bibliography
3Linking research and teaching: a selected bibliography
4Pedagogic research and development: a selected bibliography
5The scholarship of teaching and learning: a selected bibliography
6The scholarship of engagement: a selected bibliography
7Dissertations and capstone projects: a selected bibliography
For the latest version see:
An Invitation: Readers are encouraged to send details of their own favourite references for adding to the list to me at:. Thanks. Readers new to the topic may find it helpful to start with the references marked with a *.
Andresen, L. W. 2000: A useable, trans-disciplinary conception of scholarship, Higher Education Research and Development, 19 (2), 137-154.
Baillie, C. 2007: Education development within engineering, European Journal of Engineering Education, 32(4), 421-428.
Becher, T. 1989: Academic Tribes and Territories. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Becher, T. 1994: The significance of disciplinary differences, Studies in Higher Education, 19(2): 151-61.
Becher, T. and Trowler, P. 2001: Academic tribes and territories: Intellectual enquiry and the culture of disciplines. 2nd edition. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Berthiaume, D. 2008 Teaching in the disciplines in higher education, in Ketteridge S, Marshall S and Fry H (eds) The effective academic: a handbook for enhanced academic practice, Third Edition Kogan Page: London
Biglan, A. 1973: The characteristics of subject matter in different academic areas, Journal of Applied Psychology 57(3) 195-203.
Biglan, A. 1973: Relationship between subject matter characteristics and the structure and output of university departments, Journal of Applied Psychology 57(3) 204-213.
Booth, A. 2004: Rethinking the scholarly: developing the scholarship of teaching in history, Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 3(3), 247-266.
Braxton, J.M. & Hargens, L.L. 1996: Variation among academic disciplines: analytical frameworks and research, in Smart, J.C. (ed) Higher education: handbook of theory and research Vol XI, New York: Agathon Press, 1-46.
Breen, R. 2002: Different disciplines require different motivations fro student success, Teaching Forum, 50 Autumn: 39-40. Available at:
Brew, A. 2008: Disciplinary and interdisciplinary affiliations of experienced researchers, Higher Education (online version).
Brown, D. and Yürekli, O. 2007: Undergraduate research in mathematics as a curricular option, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science & Technology38(5), 571-580.
Clark, G., Healey, M., Jenkins, A., Blumhof, J., Chalkley, B., Gravestock, P., Honeybone, A., King, H. and Thomas, N. 2002: A national discipline-based workshop for new lecturers in higher education. Active Learning in Higher Education 3 (2), 128-144.
Colbeck, C. L. 1998: Merging in a seamless blend, The Journal of Higher Education, 69(6): 647-71.
Colde, C. & Walker, G. (eds) 2006: Envisioning the future of doctoral education. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Cousin, G., Healey, M., Jenkins, A., Bradbeer, J., King, H., & other members of the Learning to Do Pedagogic Research Group 2003: Raising educational research capacity: a discipline-based approach, in Rust, C (Ed.) Improving student learning: theory and practice - 10 years on, Oxford: Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, OxfordBrookesUniversity, pp.296-306
Dahlgren, M.A. 2003: PBL through the looking-glass: comparing applications in computer engineering, psychology and physiotherapy, International Journal of Engineering Education 19(5), 672-681.
Del Favero, M. 2005: The social dimension of academic disciplines as a discriminator of academic deans’ administrative behaviours. The Review of Higher Education, 29(1), 69-96.
Diamond, R. M. and Adam, B. A. (Eds.) 1995a: The disciplines speak: rewarding the scholarly, professional, and creative work of faculty.Washington: American Association for Higher Education.
Diamond, R. M. and Adam, B. A. (Eds.) 1995b: Describing the work of faculty: disciplinary perspectives, in Diamond, R. M. and Adam, B. A. (Eds.) The disciplines speak: rewarding the scholarly, professional, and creative work of faculty.Washington: American Association for Higher Education. pp. 1-14.
Donald, J. 2002: Learning to think: disciplinary perspectives. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Drew, L. 2005: Variation in approaches to learning and teaching in disciplinary contexts: how to accommodate diversity?, in Rust C. (ed.) Improving student learning: diversity and inclusivity. Proceedings of the 2004 12th International Symposium, Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, OxfordBrookesUniversity: Oxford.
Durning, B 2004: Planning academics and planning practitioners: Two tribes or a community of practice?, Planning, Practice & Research 19(4), 435-446.
Gibbs, G. 1996: Supporting educational development within departments, The International Journal for Academic Development, 1 (1), 27-37.
Gibbs, G. 2000: Are the pedagogies of the disciplines really different?, in Rust C. (ed.) Improving student learning through the disciplines. Proceedings of the 1999 7th International Symposium, Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, OxfordBrookesUniversity: Oxford. pp.41-51.
Golde, C. and Walker, G. (eds) 2006: Envisioning the future of doctoral education: preparing stewards of the discipline. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Grace, S., Smith, B., Bradford, M. and Elvidge, L. 2004: Maximising the synergy: disciplinary and generic approaches to academic development, in Elvidge L (ed) Exploring academic development in higher education: Issues of engagement. Cambridge: Jill Roger Associates, pp.97-111.
Glanville, I. and Houde, S. 2004: The scholarship of teaching: implications for nursing faculty, Journal of Professional Nursing, 20, 7-14.
Gunn, V. 2003: Transforming subject boundaries: the interface between higher education teaching and learning theories and subject-specific knowledge, Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 2(3), 265-280.
Gurung, R A R, Chick, N L and Haynie, A (eds) 2008:Exploring signature pedagogies: approaches to teaching disciplinary habits of mind.Sterling, Virginia: Stylus.
Hativa, N. and Marincovich, M. (eds) 1995: Disciplinary differences in teaching and learning: implications for practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Healey, M. 1998: Editorial. Developing and internationalising higher education networks in geography, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 22 (3), 277-282. Also available at
Healey, M. 1999: Editorial I: Developing and internationalising higher education networks in geography, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 22 (3), 277-282.
* Healey, M. 2000: Developing the scholarship of teaching in higher education: a discipline-based approach, Higher Education Research and Development, 19 (2), 169-189.
Healey, M. 2001: Developing learning partnerships through the disciplines, Research and Development in Higher Education, 24: 42-50.
Healey, M. 2003: Promoting lifelong professional development in geography education: international perspectives on developing the scholarship of teaching in higher education in the 21st century, The Professional Geographer, 55 (1), 1-17.
Healey, M. 2005: Linking research and teaching to benefit student learning, Journal of Geography in Higher Education 29(2), 183-201
Healey, M. 2005: Linking research and teaching exploring disciplinary spaces and the role of inquiry-based learning, in Barnett, R (ed) Reshaping the university: new relationships between research, scholarship and teaching. pp. 30-42. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill/Open University Press.
Healey, M. 2006: From Hawaii to Glasgow: INLT five years on, Journal of Geography in Higher Education 30(1), 65-75
Healey, M. 2006: International collaboration as a way of exploring and writing about teaching and learning: a discipline-based model from Geography, The International Commons 1(2), 6-7
Healey, M 2008: Discipline-based approaches to SoTL, The International Commons 3(1), 2-3
Healey M, Bradford M, Roberts C and Yolande K 2012: The role of academic developers in supporting discipline-based curriculum change: applying Change Academy processes at department level, International Journal for Academic Development (forthcoming)
Healey, M. and Jenkins, A. 2003: Discipline-based educational development, in Macdonald R. and Eggins, H. (eds.) The scholarship of academic development. Buckingham: Open University Press/SRHE, pp.47-57.
Healey, M. and Jenkins, A. 2006: Strengthening the teaching-research linkage in undergraduate courses and programmes, in Kreber, C (ed) Exploring research-based teaching, New Directions in Teaching and Learning, San Francisco: Jossey Bass/Wiley
Healey, M. and Roberts, J. (eds) 2004: Engaging Students in Active Learning: Case studies in geography, environment and related disciplines. Cheltenham: Geography Discipline Network and School of Environment, University of Gloucestershire.
Henscheid J.M. with Breitmeyer, J.E. and Mercer, J.L. 2000: Professing the disciplines: an analysis of senior seminars and capstone courses ColumbiaSouth Carolina: NationalResourceCenter for The First Year Experience and Students in Transition University of Carolina.
Herrington, A. and Moran, C. (eds) (1992) Writing, teaching and learning in the disciplines. New York: Modern Language Association.
Huber, M.T. 2000: Disciplinary styles in the scholarship of teaching: reflections on The Carnegie Academy for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, in C. Rust (ed.) Proceedings of the 1999 7th International Symposium Improving Student Learning: Improving Student Learning Through the Disciplines Oxford: Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, Oxford Brookes University, pp.20-31.
Huber, M. T. 2002: Disciplines and the development of a scholarship of teaching and learning in the United States of America. Higher Education Academy Discussion Paper
Huber, M.T. 2006: Disciplines, pedagogy, and inquiry-based learning about teaching, in Kreber, C. (Ed.) Exploring research-based teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp.69-77.
* Huber, M. T. and Morreale, S. (eds.) 2002: Disciplinary styles in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Menlo Park.
* Jenkins, A. 1996: Discipline-based educational development. The International Journal for Academic Development, 1 (1), 50-62.
Jenkins, A. and Healey, M. 2000: Get disciplined: geographic perspectives. HERDSA News, 22 (1), April 11-13. Available at:
Jenkins, A., Healey, M. and Zetter, R. 2007: Linking teaching and research in departments and disciplinesYork: The Higher Education Academy (96pp (ISBN 978-1-905788-38-5)
Jones, A. 2007: Mulitplicities or manna from heaven? Critical thinking and disciplinary context, Australian Journal of Education, 51(1), 84-103
Jones, A. 2009: Re-disciplining generic attributes: the disciplinary context in focus, Studies in Higher Education34(1),85-100
Kneale, P., Bradbeer, J. and Healey, M. 2006. Learning styles, disciplines and enhancing learning in higher education, in Simms, R. and Simms, S. (Eds) Learning Styles and Learning: A Key to Meeting the Accountability Demands in Education,Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Kolb, D.A. 1981: Learning styles and disciplinary differences, in A.W. Chickering, & Associates (eds) The modern American college. Jossey Bass: San Francisco.
Kreber, C. (ed) 2008: Teaching and learning within and beyond disciplinary boundaries, London: Routledge.
Lee, V.S. 2000: The influence of disciplinary difference on consultations with faculty, Kaplan, M. and Lieberman, D. (eds) To improve the academy: resources for faculty, instructional and organisational development. Bolton, Mass: POD Network Anker Publishing Co, 278-290.
Lee, J. 2007: The shaping of the departmental culture: Measuring the relative influences of the institution and discipline, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 29(1), 41-55.
Lueddeke, G. 2003: Professionalising teaching practice in higher education: a study of disciplinary variation and ‘teaching-scholarship’, Studies in Higher Education 28(2), 213-228.
Lueddeke, G. 2008: Reconciling research, teaching and scholarship in higher education: an examination of disciplinary variation, the curriculum and learning, International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning2(1)
McCorskey, L., McCorskey, J., and Richmond, V. 2002: The scholarship of teaching and learning: contributions from the discipline of communication, Communication Education, 51, 383-391.
Meyer, J.H.J., Land, R., and Smith, J.(eds) 2008:Threshold concepts within the disciplines. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Mills, D. and Huber, M.T. 2005: Anthropology and the educational ‘Trading Zone’: disciplinarity, pedagogy and professionalism,Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 4: 9-32.
Moses, I. 1990: Teaching, research and scholarship in different disciplines, Higher Education 19: 351-375.
Neumann, R. 2001: Disciplinary differences and university teaching, Studies in Higher Education, 26: 135-146.
* Neumann, R., Parry, S. and Becher, T. 2002: Teaching and learning in their disciplinary context, Studies in Higher Education 27, 405-417.
Nicholls, G. 2005: The challenge of scholarship: rethinking learning, teaching and research. London: Routledge.
North, S. 2005: Disciplinary variation in the use of theme in undergraduate essays. Applied Linguistics, 26(3), 431-452.
Orrell, J. 2007: Discipline-based educational development: a new model for the Australian higher education sector, HERDSA News 29(2), 1, 3-5.
* Pace, D. and Middendorf, J. (eds) 2004: Decoding the disciplines: helping students learn disciplinary ways of thinking, New Directions for Teaching and Learning No 98 San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Parker, J. 2003: Writing, revising and practising the disciplines: Carnegie, Cornell and the scholarship of teaching, Arts & Humanities in Higher Education, 2 (2), 139-153.
Parker, J. 2002: A new disciplinarity: communities of knowledge, teaching and practice, Teaching in Higher Education 7(4), 382.
Riordan, T. and Roth, J. (eds) 2004: Disciplines as frameworks for student learning: teaching the practice of the disciplines.Sterling, Virginia: Stylus.
Rust, C. (ed.) 2000: Improving student learning through the disciplines. Proceedings of the 1999 7th International Symposium, Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, OxfordBrookesUniversity: Oxford.
Sharma M. D. and McShane, K. 2008 A methodological framework for understanding and describing discipline-based scholarship of teaching in higher education through design-based research, Higher Education Research and Development 27(3), 257-270.
Shulman, L. 2005: The signature pedagogies of the professions of law, medicine, engineering, and the clergy: Potential lessons for the education of teachers. A presentation at the ‘Teacher Education for Effective Teaching and Learning’ workshop hosted by the National Research Council’s Centre for Education.
Schulman, L. 2005: Signature pedagogies in the disciplines, Daedalus 134, 52-59.
Smart, J.C., Feldman, K.A. and Ethington, C.A. 2000: Academic disciplines: Holland's theory and the study of college students and faculty. Nashville: VanderbiltUniversity Press.
Smeby, J.C 1996: Disciplinary differences in university teaching, Studies in Higher Education 21(1), 69-79.
Wareing, S. 2005: Discipline-specific professional development: just branding? Educational Developments 6.1, 11-15.
Weimer, M. 1993: The disciplinary journals of pedagogy. Change, November/December, 25, 44-51.
Wenger, E. 1998: Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning and Identity. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.
Witman, P. D. and Richlin, L. 2007: The status of the scholarship of teaching and learning in the disciplines International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 1(1)
Yakura, E. & Bennett, C. 2003: Finding common ground: Collaboration across the disciplines in the scholarship of teaching. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 14, 135-147.
Zinkiewicz, L., Hammond, N. & Trapp, A. 2003: Applying Psychology Disciplinary Knowledge to Psychology Teaching and Learning: A review of selected psychological research and theory with implications for teaching practice. LTSN Psychology Report and Evaluation Series No 2. Available at:
Useful Web Sites
Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) initiative: 74 centres funded by HEFCE (up to £4.5m each over 5 years) each had to identify excellence in practice seeking funds for within particular disciplines
Deliberations on Learning and Teaching in Higher Education For new site see:
Geography Discipline Network
Higher EducationAcademy
e-Learning in the Disciplines Symposium
Subject Network every subject in 24 centres
Supporting New Academic Staff (SNAS)
Index of Annotated Bibliographies of Outlets for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
IndianaUniversity at Bloomington Library list of SoTL Journals by subject area
International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) for resources see:
Linking Teaching and Research in the Disciplines
Periodicals in the Area of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Christian Abilene University (includes a list of mainly American discipline based journals)
The Scholarship of Engagement for Politics
Higher EducationAcademy Subject Network
- Art, Design and Media
- Bioscience
- Built Environment
- Business Management, Accountancy and Finance
- Economics
- Education (ESCALATE)
- Engineering
- English
- Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Health Sciences and Practice
- History, Classics and Archaeology
- Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism
- Information and Computer Sciences
- Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies
- Law (UK Centre for Legal Education)
- Materials (UK Centre for Materials Education)
- Maths, Stats& OR Network
- Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine
- PALATINE - Dance, Drama and Music
- Philosophical and Religious Studies
- Physical Sciences
- Psychology
- Sociology, Anthropology and Politics
- Social Policy and Social Work (SWAP)