Pt # / Sex / Hand / ED (y) / Age(y) / Seizure Types (Semiology) / Pre-op Seizure Frequency / Invasive procedure
(n electrodes /
n contacts) / Surgery / Pathology / Seizure Recurr-ence Time / Post-op Seizure Frequency / Post-op
Interictal Epileptiform / Post-op
P1 / F / R / 0.5 / 9 / Aura (auditory/visual) > RVersive > GTC / 2/wk / SDG(3/108) DE(5/40) / L temporal resection sparing hippocampus and amygdala / FCD IA / 2 mo / ↓1/wk
* No aura / L Temporal / NA
P2 / F / L / 5 / 14 / Aura (nonspecific) BAT > Dialeptic / 4-5/wk / SEEG (12/128) / L parietal resection / Gliosis / 1 d / ↔ 4-5/wk / R L
fronto-central / Nonlocalizable
P3 / M / R / 2 / 26 / #1: Aura (visual) L Face Tonic > Complex motor > GTC
#2: Dialeptic > Tonic / 1-2/d / SEEG (9/82) / R temporal lobectomy including hippocampus and amygdala / FCD IA
No HS / 1 d / ↓
* #1: L Face Tonic > GTC 10/mo
* #2: Complex Motor 3/m / Multiregional R & L / R centroparietal
Lateralized Lmax centrotemporal
P4 / M / L / 13 / (1st)
15 / BAT Generalized Clonic / 1/wk / (1st )SDG(5/128) / R mesial frontal resection / Gliosis / 2 mo / ↑2-3/wk
* Aura BAT GTC / R frontal
R fronto-central / R fronto-central
16 / Aura (nonspecific) BAT GTC / 2-3/wk / (2nd )SDG(7/174) / R frontal resection including leg motor area / FCD IA / NA / NA / None / NA
P5 / M / R / 13 / (1st)
12 / Axial TonicComplex motor / 3-5/d / (1st)SDG(6/167) DE(3/24) / R frontal resection / FCD IA / 3 mo / ↔3-4/d
* Axial tonic/R face tonic / R frontotemporalR temporal
R parietal / R fronto-temporal
15 / Axial tonic/R face tonic / 3-4/d / (2nd )Not done / R frontal premotor and R temporal resection / FCD IA (frontal)
Gliosis (temporal) / NA / NA / None / NA
P6 / F / R / 16 / 19 / Complex motor / 1/2-3 mo / SDG (6/184) / L orbitofrontal resection / Gliosis / 5 mo / ↔1/3 mo
* R face tonic>Complex motor / L fronto-temporal / NA
P7 / M / R / 14 / 15 / Complex motor / 6/d / Not done / R temporo-occipital resection / FCD IIA / 4 mo / ↓4-5/mo
*Autonomic / R fronto-central
L frontal / Non-localizable
P8 / M / R / 15.5 / 25 / Dialeptic / 1-3/d / SDG (7/151) / R temporo-parieto-occipital resection / FCD IA / 1 mo / ↓1-2/mo
* BAT / L fronto-temporal / NA
P9 / M / R / 7.5 / 9 / Complex motor L arm tonic / 2-3/mo / SDG (8/178) / R temporal lobectomy including hippocampus and amygdala; R insula resection / Gliosis
No HS / 1 mo / ↑
* #1: Hypermotor 3/mo
* #2: Automotor > L body tonic 3/mo / Multiregional R hemisphere / Lateralized R
max parietal
P10 / F / R / 8 / 9 / #1: Axial Tonic
#2 Generalized Myoclonic
#3: Dialeptic / #1: 1-2/wk
#3:5-6/d / Not done / R temporal lobectomy including hippocampus and amygdala / Gliosis
No HS / 1 d / #1: ↑ 2-3/d
# 2:↔3-4/d
#3:↔5-6/d / Generalized andMultiregional,R and L / Non-localizable

Table 1. Patients with MAP+ findings in whom the MAP+ regions were only partially resected or had not been included in the resection (P1-P10).Included in the table are patient demographics, pre and post-operative seizure types, frequency and time of seizure recurrence, type of invasive evaluation, surgical data and results of postoperative scalp EEG recordings. Note that P4P5 had two surgeries (1st) and (2nd) and became seizure following their second surgery.For this Table and Table 2, patients whose type of seizures changed are marked with * in the “post-op seizure frequency” column. Abbreviations for Tables 1-4:SDG=subdural grid. DE=depth electrode. SEEG=stereotactic EEG. M=male. F=female. L=left. R=right. ED=epilepsy duration.BAT = Bilateral Asymmetric Tonic seizure; GTC= Generalized Tonic clonic seizure. d=day. wk=week. mo=month. HS=hippocampal sclerosis. FCD=focal cortical dysplasia.↑=increase. ↔=no change. ↓=decrease.