Synod 2008 Feedback


The 1ST SYNOD was held in 2008. Archbishop ButiTlhagale has confirmed that the 2ND SYNOD will be held in 2019. Ideally each parish should invite the people that were involved in the 1ST SYNOD to offer their input - knowledge and experience - to the current PPC. The PPC must appoint a "2ND SYNOD CHAMPION" who will drive the various processes* forward within the parish, thus ensuring meaningful resolutions and a successful outcome.

* 1) review and evaluation, 2) consultation, 3) preparation, 4) participation and 5) implementation and 6) reflection.

NB: Please note that all of the questions (except "other comments") must be answered in a section before being given access to the next section. If you are just reading the questionnaire to get a feel for the questions, then you will still need to answer the questions, however you must not press the "submit" tab at the end. Only "submit" once you are satisfied with the answers provided, following proper review and evaluation by the PPC.

Suggested PPC action steps:

1)Nominate a "2ND SYNOD CHAMPION".

2)Invite the people that were involved in the 1ST SYNOD to offer their input.

3)Review the 2008 Synod Resolutions and commit to taking appropriate action to ensure implementation thereof.

4)Then submit the answers to this Evaluation Questionnaire, by 15th August.

The duly appointed "2ND SYNOD CHAMPION" should be the person tasked with completing this evaluation form on behalf of the parish. Only one submission is to be made per parish.

Please contact OdilonMolapo should you require further clarity - 011 402 6400.

Questionnaire to evaluate the responsiveness of the Synod

Section 1

Name of parish and location? ______

Name of 2nd Synod Champion? ______

Email address of your parish's 2nd Synod Champion? ______

Cellphone number of your parish's 2nd Synod Champion (if unavailable then the landline number) ______

Has your current PPC reviewed the 2008 Synod Resolutions? (If not, then do so ASAP! Correct any past failures to ensure that your parish benefits fully from the deliberations of the 1st Synod.)

Yes / No

Section 2

Spirituality and Faith Formation

Our Spirituality and Faith Formation is key to developing a deeper relationship with God and one another.

He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love Me?" Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, "Do you love Me?" And he said to Him, "Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You." Jesus said to him, "Tend My sheep."

John 21:17

Does your parish offer Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults [RCIA] / Adult Catholic Formation classes and Parent/Child/Family supported catechesis?

Yes / No

Does your parish run any of the following every year regularly - Bible Study Sessions, Alpha Course, Cursillo or Life in the Spirit Seminars, Renew Africa, Why Catholic?

Yes / No

Any other comments? ______

Section 3


The youth need to be given space in the church to become fully active participants, after all they are the future church.

And they were bringing even their babies to Him so that He would touch them, but when the disciples saw it, they began rebuking them. But Jesus called for them, saying, "Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

Luke 18:15 – 16

Does your parish encourage youth involvement? For example - Allowing a Representative on the PPC and Youth Mass at least once a month?

Yes / No

Does your parish encourage youth interaction at Parish and Deanery level and participation in Archdiocesan activities, including assisting in the planning / arranging to send delegates to Panama WYD 2019 and the local Mini WYD being held in Durban in December 2017?

Yes / No

Does your parish run any youth educational programmes - example Theology of the Body, Youth Alpha or any other youth programme?

Yes / No

Any other comments? ______

Section 4

Committed Personnel

The Archdiocese has clear policies of roles and terms of office. A firm commitment is required to perform these roles as well as a readiness to step down and let go, following a maximum of two terms in office.

Does your parish have the correct attitude / relationship that should exist between Priest and People? With clear roles for the laity in serving the parish and where applicable paying a just wage / salary for work rendered?

Yes / No

Does your parish actively encourage vocations through various means as identified in the 2008 Synod? For example - through testimonies, visits to religious orders, open house days and mentorship.

Yes / No

Any other comments? ______

Section 5


The truth of our faith has not changed. Our Tradition — capital "T"— has not changed.

But the people of our Archdiocese are living in a new world. Communication mediums have changed.

Does your parish have an effective communication system in place to communicate activities between all the stakeholders?

Yes / No

Does your parish ensure that representatives attend Deanery and Archdiocesan meetings, so as to provide input as well as feedback to all stakeholders at the various levels?

Yes / No

Any other comments? ______

Section 6

Parish overall self-evaluation

The Parish Pastoral Council must rate the performance of the parish overall in fulfilling the resolutions of Synod 2008, on a scale of 1 to 5.

Scale : 1. Very poor = No attention given, 2. Poor = Fulfilled some of the resolutions, 3. Good = Fulfilled most of the resolutions, 4. Very good = Fulfilled all of the resolutions, 5. Outstanding = Fulfilled all resolutions and more.

  1. Very poor
  2. Poor
  3. Good
  4. Very good
  5. Outstanding

Any other comments? ______

Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation questionnaire. Please date stamp and submit.

Link to Synod 2008 Resolutions – Click Here