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List of Engineering Symbols
Symbol Flow Variable or, Constant Represented
D Diameter
D/Dt Total, Material or, Substantial Derivative
E Energy
FB Body Force
FD Drag Force
FL Lift Force
FS Surface Force
h Enthalpy
i Electrical Current
K Minor Loss Coefficient (in pipe flow calculations)
L Characteristic Length in a fluid flow
Le Entrance length (or, Equivalent Length in pipe
flow calculations)
M Mach Number
N Extensive Property
P Linear Momentum
Q Volumetric Flow Rate (or, Heat Addition to a
R Electrical Resistance, or, Radius
Re Reynolds Number
Rfl Flow Resistance
Rth Thermal Resistance
S Entropy
U Internal Energy
V Volume
V Magnitude of Velocity
Vr r-component of the velocity vector
Vt Terminal Velocity
Vq q-component of the velocity vector
Vz z-component of the velocity vector
W Work done on a system
b Span of an airplane wing
c Speed of Sound (or, chord of an airplane wing)
d Diameter
e Specific Energy
f Friction Factor used in the Moody Diagram
g Acceleration due to gravity
h Specific Enthalpy (or, height variable)
hl Head Loss
hl,maj Major Head Loss
hl,min Minor Head Loss
m Mass
p Static Pressure
p0 Total Pressure (i.e., Stagnation Pressure)
q Dynamic Pressure = rV2/2 (or, Strength of a
r Cylindrical Coordinate variable (or, radius)
s Distance variable (or, Tangential Coordinate
t Time (or, Tangential Coordinate axis direction)
u x-component of the velocity vector (or, specific
internal energy)
v y-component of the velocity vector
w z-component of the velocity vector
x Cartesian Coordinate variable
y Cartesian Coordinate variable
z Cartesian (or Cylindrical ) Coordinate variable
a Kinetic Energy Flux Coefficient (or, angle of attack
of an airfoil)
d Boundary Layer Thickness
d* Displacement Thickness
e Normal Strain (or, Roughness Factor)
e/D Relative Roughness (for pipe flow calculations)
f Velocity Potential
g Shear Strain
h Intensive Property (or, non-dimensional variable,
h = y/d)
m Absolute or, Dynamic Viscosity or, Strength of a
u Kinematic Viscosity
Q Cylindrical Coordinate variable (or, Momentum
r Density
s Normal Stress
t Shear Stress
tw Wall Shear Stress
w Angular (or, Rotational) Velocity
Y Stream Function
D Difference Operator (or, very small change
G Circulation (or, Strength of a Vortex)
å Summation Symbol
W Vorticity (= 2w)