PRG Meeting – 31st July 2014

Present: Tracy Parker, Paula Sharpe, Jackie Meadows- lea, Julie Parker = surgery staff

Sylvia Harris, Jeffrey Parrans, Stan Cooke = patients

Apologies: Linda Starkey


1)Photo with the Burton Mail – 2pm

The mail did not turn up for the photo opportunity unfortunately.

2)Balance of PPG bank account

Cheques raised as follows: CHQ 100011 – Pulse Oximeters £420.00

CHQ 100012 – Nurse Bags £205.30

CHQ 100013 – Defib £1295.00

Leaves in the bank account£465.39

How will remaining money be spent? If divided between 4 charities = £116.34 x 1 and £116.35 x 3

PRG requested that the money be spent on other surgery equipment and the proposal was to purchase 3 x fridge data monitors at £70 each. The remainder of the money then to be equally split between the four designated charities. Action – Paula to order stock

3)Health Awareness Fun Day – 21st August 2014 1pm – 4pm

(access to room from 12noon -5pm)

a)Poster / Leaflets available – copies given out to attendees for distribution locally/friends/relatives etc Action - all

b)PR – Barry via Swadlincote Post? Cassie via Burton Mail and Facebook, email newsletters to be sent out to patients Action – Barry/Cassie/Tracy

c)Village hall available to set up from 12noon. Cost £10 p/h. Payment via bank transfer if Sylvia can obtain bank details Action – Sylvia to obtain bank details

d)Stan, Jeffrey, Lilian Storie (for part), Laura Parker, ? Sylvia, ? Barry, ?Cassie, ?Noreen

e)4 people were identified from the PRG interested list to support health awareness campaigns. These to be contacted by phone to help support this event.

Action – Sylvia and Jeffrey

f)Staff support: Paula, Tracy, Jackie, Julie P (GP’s and Nurses throughout the day)

g)3rd Party attendance:

Lewis Adams – SDDC (vendablenda, simple health checks, games for kids)

Martyn Shore and Margaret Leedham from Waistwise / Greenbank Leisure Centre

Carol Wynn – Stop Smoking Service

??? – Oral Hygiene

Information/leaflets – Living with Long Term Conditions (Sue Robinson now unable to attend)

Chair based exercise session

h)Activities on the day:

Table top sale – The goods are at Stan and Sylvia’s homes. Stan will not have a car on the day so Barry or surgery staff to help with taking the stock to the village hall. All goods are priced. £5.00 float required. Action – Tracy to arrange float

Black out – Jeffrey has cards (50) 50p a square and all money to the winner

Lucky dip – 20p each, all wrapped and Sylvia has box (bran tub), £2.00 float required

Action – Tracy to arrange float

Childrens sweets –20p a bag (joint float with lucky dip)

Cover the coin – Large plastic tub to be used and Paula has a tin tub. Jeffrey will have 2p’s and other coins to cover. Old towels needed for spills.

Action – Jeffrey to provide 2p float, Paula to bring in tin tub, plastic tub to be purchased by Julie P

Hopscotch – inside/outside dependant on weather. Need tape if indoors, chalk if outside Action – Jeffrey to supply masking tape and Sylvia to provide chalks

Tea/coffee/squash – 50p for tea or coffee, 10p for squash. Stock to be purchased for the day or take from surgery stocks. £5.00 float required. Bin bag, tea towel, dish cloth and tea urn required plus plastic cups for squash. Action – Jackie to sort stock, Tracy to sort float, Julie P to get plastic cups

Vendablenda – need to buy on the day frozen fruit, banana’s, fruit juice and plastic cups, cool bags needed to keep frozen fruit in. Action – Tracy/Jackie to obtain fruit etc, Jeffrey and Stan to bring in cool bags.

i)PRG and Newhall Surgery display boards to be put up on the day in front of the stage.

j)Room plan discussed and will be available on the day. If a nice day children’s activities can be outside. If not nice Jeffrey will bring cards and dominoes to do some tricks inside for the children.

k)Sylvia has some colourful hats which can be decorated with names


a)Sylvia / Linda suggested that we could raise funds to buy services such as counselling / physiotherapy etc. Very good idea however these services are already readily available in the community. Sylvia / Linda to bring proposals at the next meeting.

b)Yolo was discussed and agreed that that on this occasion we would not invite them to the health awareness day. The group would like more information about them first.

c)The CCG have been informed about the health awareness day and Emma Barradell may attend. The media department have contacted Paula and will do a write up on the event.

d)Stan raised previously about the car park and safety when leaving the car park due to sight issues. Jeffrey to obtain quotes to clear agreed areas and forward this information to Paula in due course.