May 8, 2014 6:00 PM

Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call: Vice Chair Arlene Schmit called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. Those present: Planning Commission Members Bill Carrington, Brenda Silgjord, Arlene Schmit, Greg Bennett, Board Liaison Yvette Adelman-Dullinger and Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk. Excused absence: Dave Johnson. Sign-In Sheet attached.

Agenda: Brenda Silgjord moved to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Greg Bennett and the motion carried.

Purpose of the Hearing: The purpose of the hearing is to take comments on the proposed Sylvan Commercial Ordinance and Zoning Map changes.

Read Public Notice – Deputy Clerk Colleen Putnam read the public notice at this time and entered it into the record.

Enter Affidavit of Publication - The affidavit was received and entered.

Call for written comments – None


Presentation of the Sylvan Commercial Ordinance (SCO) and Zoning Map Proposed Changes: Copies of the SCO and Zoning Map proposed changes were available for residents in attendance. The Planning Commission members went through the SCO with the changes completed and made additional changes as listed below:

Page 7- 203: after the word “matters” remove the wording: and/or an applicable Minnesota Statute and put it behind the word “ordinance”.

Page 39 – 1402: Change the first two (2) sentences to read: Dumpsters shall be lidded. All dumpsters must be fully screened (The rest of the sentences will be the same as proposed at previous meetings).

Page 52 – Section 1800: Telecommunication Towers: Change the section to read:

  1. All Telecommunication Towers shall be approved by the Town Board in accordance to Cass County Land Use Ordinance, as amended.
  2. Sylvan Township does not allow Telecommunication Towers in shoreland residential.
  3. All Telecommunication Towers must be one quarter mile from the ordinary high water mark of any public waterway.


Vice Chair Arlene Schmit opened the hearing for public comments.

Dan Steffen: Received a letter in the mail in regard to changing the zoning on the map and had questions why he received the letter. The Planning Commission members informed him it was missed on the commercial zoning map and that is why he received the letter to let him know of the change that may take place. After further discussion with Dan and looking at the map it was decided there is some discreptency on the map with the color and needs to be addressed before the change can be made.

John Wulff: had question on page 39 in regard to dumpsters. After discussion the verbiage was changed (see above under changes).

Greg Booth: had a question on page 7 #203 in regard to the wording. After discussion the verbiage was changed (see above under changes). Page 52 – Telecommunication Towers. Greg stated the title should not include the section the PC put in red. It should be a subsection. Greg suggested putting some type of language in the Ordinance in regard to high water mark (see above under changes).

Ted Sullivan: Received a letter in regard to the zoning change for his parcel from commercial to residential. Ted stated he would like it to be kept the same. He has no plans at the present time to do anything with that parcel but if he should in the future he would then have to reapply for the commercial zoning. After further discussion it was decided no changes to the zoning map would be made at this time due to the issues in regard to the area near Dan Steffen parcel and Ted Sullivan parcel.

Close Public Testimony:

Vice Chair Arlene Schmit closed the public input portion of the public hearing.

Planning Commission Discussion: After further discussion in regard to the changes made to the Sylvan Commercial Ordinance Greg Bennett moved to approve sending the Sylvan Commercial Ordinance with the previous changes made and the additional changes made at the Public Hearing be forwarded to the Town Board for approval, seconded by Bill Carrington. The question was called and the motion carried.

After further discussion in regard to the zoning map Bill Carrington moved that we not approve the map and table it until the coloration on the map is corrected with the adjustments discussed including the color over section, the Sullivan parcel and Steffen parcel and the PC can review it again, seconded by Greg Bennett. The question was called and the motion carried.


Arlene Schmit moved to adjourn seconded by Brenda Silgjord, and the motion carried with the meeting being adjourned at 7:05 PM.

Minutes submitted by


Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer

PC Member _ ______moved to approve the minutes as presented/as amended, seconded by ______and the motion carried.

