Syllabus Woodlands Middle School
8th Grade Language Arts 5200 Lyons Road
Ms. Feinberg, Room 5-201 Lake Worth, FL 33467
(561) 357-0300
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to provide grade 8 students, using texts of high complexity, integrated language arts study in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language for college and career preparation and readiness.
Course Goals
After successfully completing this course, the student will:
· Reading Literature:
o use text to support analysis & inferences
o identify theme; summarize text
o analyze story elements: plot, setting, point of view, perspective, climax, resolution, characterization, conflict
o understand words & phrases: connotative & denotative, rhymes, sounds
o understand how form & structure of poems contributes to meaning: simile, metaphor, rhyme scheme, onomatopoeia, personification, alliteration, assonance, lyric, narrative
o understand points of view (characters and/or narrators); dialogue propel the action
o film or live production stays faithful or departs from text or script
· Reading Informational Text
o use text details for support
o identify central ideas
o understand interactions between individuals, events, and ideas
o understand word meanings: figurative, connotative, technical
o identify structure of text organization
o identify author’s point of view and purpose
o compare/contrast text to video/audio; advantages/disadvantages of using different mediums (print, digital text, video, or multimedia)
o evaluate argument and supporting details for effectiveness
o compare two or more authors on the same topic
o read nonfiction proficiently
· Writing:
o write arguments, informative & explanatory texts, narratives, short research projects…a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, audiences
o produce clear, coherent writing
o use writing process: plan, write, edit, rewrite - understand purpose & audience
o use technology to produce/publish writing
o gather information from multiple sources – use quotations & paraphrasing
o draw evidence from texts for support
· Speaking and Listening:
o participate in class discussions
o analyze media
o evaluate speakers’ arguments
o present in focused, coherent manner
o include multimedia in presentations
o adapt speech to context, task, audience
· Language
o understand conventions (phrase/clause, simple, compound, complex sentences)
o use correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
o use knowledge of language when writing, speaking, reading, or listening
Reading Plus
Woodlands Middle School is very excited to be able to offer The Reading Plus® program in the students’ Language Arts Classes. It serves all students to increase vocabulary, comprehension, endurance, memory, silent reading fluency, and provides the ability to systematically master higher levels of text. Reading Plus® is a guided, silent reading supplementary intervention. Students participate in a series of online, computer-based sessions that included a specific sequence of daily activities. As students participate in Reading Plus®, the difficulty level of the reading material adjusts as a function of a student’s progress based upon reading comprehension and reading rate analyses. Initially, students will be in the computer lab one day a week for the Reading Plus program.
Student grades are based on class work, homework, quizzes and tests, projects, the Independent Reading Program, and class participation. The variety of work is categorized at the teacher’s discretion based on time, effort, and value. It is the student’s responsibility to complete missed work (one day for each day absent) and to put their name on assignments. Assignments without names will be thrown away and the grade forfeited.
Grades are weighted as follows: The Palm Beach County grade scale is as follows:
Class Work 60% A 90 - 100
Assessments 40% B 80 - 89
C 70 - 79
D 60 - 69
F 0 - 59
Daily assignments and homework should be written in the agenda book. Students are expected to follow all classroom and school rules. Parents are encouraged to look at completed and graded work. The student handbook lists progress reports and report card dates.
On Edline, you can see current grades overall and itemized by assignment. An asterisk (*) indicates the teacher has not yet graded the assignment. An NC code means that the assignment was not received but may be submitted for a late grade. The NC counts as 0 points so the student gets a real idea of their grade should they not submit the assignment. Any assignments earning a 0 may not be made up; the grade is final.
The best form of communication is through Edline. Please make sure to check Edline weekly for student progress.
Materials & Supplies
The following items are needed for use in my class:
· Divider in 3 ring notebook for Language Arts. NO FOLDERS!!!!!
· USB flash drive (carried at all times for use in all classes; my class frequently uses computers)
· Index cards, 3” x 5” (keep at home until required for class)
· Composition notebook
· Notebook paper (for your own use in class and at home)
· Standard wooden pencils with erasers
· Blue or black ink pens (work in other colors NOT accepted)
· Red ink pens
· Glue sticks
· Homework pocket (used for homework & communication home)
· Highlighter(s)
· Small pencil sharpener (with attached container for shavings; NO BATTERY-POWERED!)
· Colored pencils/markers (for project use at home; occasionally requested to bring to class)
· Post-it notes (at least 2”x 2”)
· Ear buds (if don’t want to use school-provided headphones with computers)
Students may be issued a textbook. We use the textbook in class and online at home.
Public Library Card
My students will be asked to get a free public library card for a grade and show it to me by October 16. Not only will using the public library help with the Independent Reading Program and research papers, but the library offers free computer and Internet use as well. You will need to have your USB flash drive to store your typed information.
This syllabus should be kept in the student’s notebook for reference. The syllabus will also be posted on Edline. Please sign the attached form acknowledging receipt of this syllabus.